Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 893 Only because of being in this mountain

Chapter 893 Only because of being in this mountain

One word.

I don't know the true face of Lushan, I am only in this mountain.

The success of the Celestial Race is due to the deep love of the universe, and the failure is also due to the deep love of the universe.

What is the origin of the universe?

If the universe is compared to a program, then the source of the universe is the core code of the program. It is okay to say that he is not conscious, but it is not wrong to say that he is conscious.

The source of the universe fell asleep after expelling the Nemesis, so he is now in an unconscious state.

There will be a unique planet in every universe.

Here is the earth.

Otherwise, why didn't a small broken ball explode with so many species living in it?
As for why the cosmic creatures didn't notice?
This is also a good question.

As I said before, the earth is in a remote place in the universe. To use a common saying to compare it, even a bird flies by without shitting.


At least before today, not many cosmic beings paid too much attention to this broken ball in a very remote location, especially this small ball is still in the Nine Realms of Odin's God Court.

Then why didn't the Celestials pay attention?

The origin of the universe is the key. Generally speaking, it is because the earth is favored by the unconscious luck of the origin of the universe, so the Celestials who are also loved by the origin of the universe cannot detect it, and because of what is it called?Yes, because of the repulsion of the same kind, the Celestials will involuntarily filter to this planet subconsciously.

This is also the main reason why the god of Mao language has been deduced for thousands of years without even a single hair being deduced.

Mark stopped at the door of the Chinese restaurant.

After a while.

Mark turned to look at Karatu, the judge god, and said, "By the way, your dog is very naughty. Now you have no reason to stop the underworld from destroying them. The power to destroy the world should return to the underworld for comparison." Well, what do you say."

Karatu's expression finally changed once.

Mark laughed and said: "It's a pity, you are in the [-] universe and you are busy observing whether that person has the ability to overthrow the underworld. Do you dare to come back now?"


Mark glanced at the expression on Karatu's face and directly asked himself and shook his head: "No, you dare not, so you can only choose between Hyperion and the Pioneer Clan, but you have already made a decision based on the expression, Hyperion Dragons are obviously more valuable than the pioneers, but you Celestials seem to have forgotten one thing, I am the supreme god, what kind of god is the eternal remnant of the [-] universe? The upper god? No, even the lower god No, relying on such a thing, you want to overthrow me under the influence of my underworld? Your Celestial Race is just living and falling."

Mark finished speaking with a mocking expression on his face.

Not to mention not being a high god, even if it was a high god, there were a hundred different ways to abuse each other in Mark's heyday.

A mere remnant who is not even a lower god?
It's just overthinking.

at this time.

Woo woo woo.

Whoa whoa whoa.

Whoa whoa whoa.

Debbie looked at the flock of police cars and armored vehicles with their alarm bells flashing.

"Boss." Debbie looked at Mark.

Mark smiled and looked at Karatu who was behind him and said: "Someone is looking for you, I hope you have a good time here, oh yes, the Judge God did it before he judged that this planet was going to be destroyed, so you The avatar probably won't be able to go back."

Karatu didn't speak but just quietly looked out of the window.

next second.

The door of the Chinese restaurant was knocked open, and two rows of soldiers in full armor filed in.

Rose walked in with a smile on his face.

Mark looked at Ross.

Rose said with a smile on his face: "I knew it was of no value to wait over there in Central Park, and following you is the most valuable."

Mark smiled and said, "Should I congratulate you?"

Ross looked at Karatu, who was sitting motionless on the stool, pretending to be a dead face surrounded by soldiers, frowned and said, "This...why does it look like that one in Hollywood?"

Mark shrugged and said: "The leaves may not have the same leaves, but if there are too many people, it is inevitable that they will have their own double bodies. Besides, you have come here with such a big fanfare, you must have found evidence that he is an alien. Maybe the aliens think Keanu is the most handsome in line with their aesthetics, just borrow it."

Ross nodded.

It feels very reasonable.

But then.

Ross glanced at Mark's face and laughed, "I guess I happened to see Keanu's photo when I walked out of the park. If you want to say who is the most handsome in the world, it must be our FBI Director Mark Lewis."

Mark's expression remained unchanged and he said, "The truth?"

Ross nodded.

ten seconds later.

Mark laughed and patted Ross on the shoulder and said to Debbie, "Debbie, look, our General Ross is still very discerning."

Debbie smiled reluctantly.

His eyes were fixed on Mark's other hand, the golden sharp knife on Rose's abdomen.

quite a while.

Mark put away his dagger while sitting quietly and stretching his waist, and then said to the smiling Rose, "You're all here, so I'll go first."

Ross was slightly taken aback.

Mark turned around and led Debbie out directly.

The one who left was not sloppy.

Very free and easy.

Ross is a little confused, this is an alien, how could this be?
The adjutant following Ross looked at Ross and said, "Sir..."

Ross looked back at Karatu, the alien flying saucer sitting motionless, and said to his soldiers, "Bring back Quantico."


Ross also waved at his adjutant and walked out the door.

As for Karatu?
But the judge god was very skillful and got up and let the soldiers handcuff his hands.

"Ha ha."

Sitting in the car, Mark, who always covered the Chinese restaurant with his mental power, could not help but sneer when he sensed everything that happened inside.

It is clear.

The judge god is planning to stay here for a while.

But Mark has no pressure.

Just wait and wait.

Maybe tomorrow, this guy will be lying on the operating table and being discussed by mad scientists about how to cut into slices.

"Dong dong dong."

Mark looked back at Ross who was tapping on his car window.

The windows open.

Ross glanced at the crowd who were ready to go to the city hall for a parade before saying a word, bowed their heads and smiled at Mark, "Are you really going to give me the alien?"

Mark started the car and said with a smile: "Of course, remember to call me when you are slicing, and I will bring some people over to observe and observe."

Ross froze again.

The soldiers also came out of the Chinese restaurant at this moment, and Karatu, who was being escorted by the two soldiers, also came out of it.

Karatu, who was closely watched by the soldiers, looked up at the location of Central Park.

next second.

The black fog seems to be covering the sky over Central Park.


(End of this chapter)

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