Chapter 885
Lily jumped up from the sofa.


Lailisi recalled the scene where she identified all the nebulae over the underworld under the leadership of Mr. Mu of the Aries Palace.

next second.

Lailisi looked at Mark and said: "The Ophiuchus star field has not been destroyed. The dim, unnamed star field I saw at that time is the Ophiuchus constellation."

Lyris is sure.

Without him.

Because at that time, Laili was still curious about why all the nebulae above the underworld were glowing, even the stars she had never lived in were bright, but why there were a handful of them in the place adjacent to the zodiac with the scene over the underworld What about the extremely uncoordinated dim star field?

Even when Lailisi asked this question, Aries Mu just mentioned in passing that it was just an unnamed star field.

At that time, Laili didn't think much about it, but now that I think about it, it should be the star field of Ophiuchus.

Listening to Lailisi's explanation, Mark smiled and couldn't help but praised: "Yes, I observed very carefully."

Lyris smiled.

After all, Cerberus said in her ear every day that the zodiac house is to protect her. After a long time, Lailisi will definitely have such a concept, so she pays special attention to the content that Aries Palace Mu popularized to him at that time.

After the compliment, Mark pursed his lips and nodded, "That's right, the Ophiuchus hasn't been completely erased by me."

"Why?" It wasn't Lailis who asked this question, but Kate. Kate held her chin with one hand and asked curiously: "This is not like your style. It's agreed to cut the grass and root out without leaving any future troubles."

Mark lowered his head and smiled and said, "It's actually very simple. First, Odysseus the Ophiuchus was created by me No.1. The current Zodiac has more or less regarded Odysseus as the big brother. So after the demise of Odysseus, Zodiac begged me not to completely erase the traces of the existence of Ophiuchus; Breeding Odysseus as the second wheat, for which the wheat has been angry with me for a long time."

Mark couldn't help but smile when he said this.

Although most of the memories recovered from previous lives are endless fire and blood, there are still some warmer scenes.

Such as wheat.

No matter how the place changes, his CEO has always followed him around.


Mark looked up and then said: "So I hesitated in the end, but since then Ophiuchus has been removed from the zodiac, and even the golden holy cloth of Ophiuchus has been downgraded to the silver holy cloth, but because the zodiac For the sake of begging, Ophiuchus is still in the ranks of the twelve constellations of the zodiac."

Since then.

Mark finished.

There was silence in the living room.

quite a while.

Kate looked at Mark with her chin in her hand and said, "So that's why you like your daughter but not your son?"

Mark was taken aback.

Alice, Lear, and Vivienne and Qin looked at each other, and then they seemed to suddenly realize it.

Mark's eyelids twitched uncontrollably again.

He knew it.

Anything that comes to female compatriots will always get extraordinary and different explanations.

This time it is more evidence of this point of view.

God Meow, this is the most fundamental reason why he doesn't like his son?

Mark just simply thinks that the bear boy is not as pleasing as the obedient loli.

That's it.

Mark thought about looking at the girls who were staring at him with strange eyes, and then said to Laris, "This time you go to London, remember to pay attention to a certain type of people at the funeral."

quite a while.

After exhorting his daughter, Mark really walked away this time.

After leaving a sentence, I don’t need to wait for me to eat, I just waved and opened the portal and ran to the long-awaited Daxue Mountain.

He came to visit Master Gu Yi.

Without him.

The autonomy of the earth belongs to the Odin Court in name, but in fact it is in the hands of the ancient one mage. Say hello to the master of the earth.


For so many years, the supreme mage has taken all the scapegoats that Mark threw at him. Due to the situation and reason, Mark felt that it is better to communicate in advance, so as not to lose the most basic host-guest friendship between the two of them afterwards.


This is not the cry of a wolf, but the sound of the wind blowing around when Mark just set foot on the snow mountain...

Mark looked around.

There is a vast expanse of whiteness, but the buildings not far away are firm beyond common sense.

By the way, where did the descendants of the workers who built this place go?

It won't be silenced by the Supreme Mage.

Mark couldn't help thinking gloomily in his heart.

at this time.

A fat man who weighed more than 200 kilograms and was very fat walked out of the flame plasma portal.

Mark looked at the visitor with a smile and said, "King."

Karma Taj librarian Wang also replied: "Mr. Louis, long time no see."

Mark laughed and hugged Wang, then said in a low voice: "Have you received the things I sent you a while ago? They are all fresh products I entrusted the agents stationed in the island country to purchase. There is always one that suits you."

Wang's expression froze and he said, "The projector on the mountain is broken."

Mark laughed and said, "What a big deal. I'll buy some smart devices for your library later, so you don't have to go to the library to be on duty every night. It's the information age outside, and you have to keep pace with the times." ah."

Wang, who was marching towards Karma Taj with Mark's arms around his shoulders, smiled and said: "The supreme mage has nodded and agreed to pull a network cable and a telephone line from the foot of the mountain, so that the disciples with new income in the province will be homesick. Running to the city below the mountain also prevents people outside from knowing too much about Karma Taj."

Mark was stunned and said, "Didn't your supreme mages learn some tricks from Kunlun? Isn't it true that people without qualifications can't get to Karma Taj?"

Wang's expression was a bit complicated, and finally he said in a low voice: "The supreme mage said to prevent too many people outside from knowing that he used you as an example."

Mark stopped walking.

next second.

Mark laughed, and this laugh almost made Wang call out his plasma spark spell shield nervously.

10 minute later.

Bang bang bang!
Mark with a dark face knocked on Master Gu Yi's closed guest door and said: "Open the door, Gu Yi, you open the door for me, if you have the ability to speak, you have the ability to open the door and speak in front of me."


Since Mark knew the reason why Master Gu Yi didn't accept him, he had long forgotten the thing of waiting outside the door for three days and three nights.

But right now?
Gu Yi actually used him as an example?
Could it be that Gu Yi felt that someone's sword was no longer useful?

Bang bang bang!
There was a rhythmic knock on the door.

next second.

The guest door opens.

Mark looked at the person who opened the door, his face darkened.

Zheng Xianzheng, director of a famous law enforcement bureau in Dongguo who opened the door for him, looked at Mark with a playful look.

Mark jumped over Zheng Xian's head and looked inside.

But seeing a little girl of mixed race has grown her mouth at this moment, she was extremely shocked.


(End of this chapter)

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