Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 880 Tony in Blacksmithing

Chapter 880 Tony in Blacksmithing
How to do?
I will die alone.

For a moment, Lailisi stood in front of the palace of the Aries and looked around at the other eleven mountains bathed in golden light. The sadness in her heart was even higher.


Putting on a white robe with an air of elegance, Mr. Mu paused and said: "But there is no requirement that he must come alone if he wants to break through the Zodiac."

Lailisi suddenly turned to look at Mr. Mu.

What do you mean?
Can I go with a helper?

Lailisi's flame of hope was rekindled in an instant, but it was quickly extinguished.

Without him.

So what can you do if you lead people? Mr. Mu said just now that even if all the creatures under the royal family of the underworld cannot pass the level of the first house of Aries, what is the use of having more people? This is not a strategy game. Human sea tactics can be flattened over.

Laili's eyes dimmed again for an instant.

When Mr. Mu saw this, he just smiled elegantly. In fact, he had reminded him enough. What if he continued to remind?

Mr. Mu raised his head and looked at the brightest and most majestic star in the sky above the underworld with deep eyes.


The Zodiac is only loyal to Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

As for the internal affairs of the royal court of the underworld?The twelve zodiac palaces do not interfere, and it is still a matter of Lord Pluto's harem.

quite a while.

Mr. Mu looked at the three people who were slowly ascending at the foot of his Aries Palace, and said to Lailis who lowered her head and moved her little wings from time to time: "Your Highness, you should go back."

Recovering, Laili glanced at the three rainbow horses that had run to the mountainside and nodded.

Forget it.

Several people shoulder to shoulder and one person are two different concepts after all.

Although crowd tactics may not be useful, but what is the name of a sentence that Skye often talks about?By the way, there is power in numbers.

Maybe it will pass.

Be hopeful.

For a moment, a faint blue light that drifted out of the void returned to Lailisi's body again.

That is the power of hope!
quite a while.

When Howard and Maria appeared in front of Lailis with Ms. Carter who had recovered her [-]-year-old appearance, Lailis was also shocked.

next second.

The word "lucky" suddenly appeared on Lailisi.

Without him.

What if her father Mark was born at the same time as Captain Rogers?Good guy, Riley has no doubt that the Ms. Carter standing in front of her will become her...


Who is mine?

Lailisi pursed her lips, thinking of all the girls in the manor, she was instantly at a loss.

Or call her stepmother without discrimination?

After thinking wildly for a while, Lailis returned to her senses and smiled at the thirty-nine-year-old Ms. Carter, saying, "Now I know who Alan inherited his excellent genes from."

Ms. Carter smiled.

Lilis immediately thought of something and said to Howard and Maria: "Tony should be in Asgard now, didn't you go to see him?"

Howard smiled, and Maria next to him said, "No, Tony is building his own holy clothes. Anyway, Tony will come back sooner or later."

Lyris nodded.

"Ah, cut." Someone far away in the Asgard dwarf Gu Chiguo, with his upper body and waving the hammer in his hand, rubbed his nose, glanced at the blazing earth core fire in front of him, and then turned towards the back, who often drank after working together. The dwarf blacksmith said, "Hey, don't you have any cooling measures in this damn place? You're almost catching a cold."

The dwarf blacksmith who added Yinhe sand to Tony from time to time said without raising his head: "Since Prince Loki disappeared, Jotunheim has broken off diplomatic relations with Asgard. King Odin has sent envoys more than once these days to try to Restore normal exchanges between the two realms, and allow Jotunheim to reopen the icy pipeline leading to Asgard."

Tony looked up.

at this time.

Tony returned to his senses and looked at the building platform where the high temperature broke through the limit range again because there was no ice cooling, and he was silent.

next second.

Tony threw aside the hammer in his hand that looked like Mjolnir, and beckoned to the dwarf blacksmith who followed him to help make the holy clothes, and walked towards the rest corner with two wide bowls not far away.

quite a while.

After clinking glasses with the dwarf blacksmith who is also very alcoholic, Tony drank a sip of the dwarven wine. At this moment, Thor, the god of thunder, descended from the sky.

Seeing Sol, Tony asked directly, "What does your brother's disappearance matter to Jotunheim? The Holy Cloth, which was supposed to be baked in ten days, was delayed by at least one month due to the lack of ice."

Sol, who flew all the way with Mjolnir, said with a complicated expression: "This problem is difficult to explain."

This is a family scandal.

The ugliness cannot be made public.

Loki was not his own younger brother. Sol's mind almost collapsed when he heard the news just now.

Seeing Sol's expression, Tony didn't bother to ask, and said directly: "I heard that the one from the underworld brought someone here again?"

After Saul sat down and took the wide bowl handed over by the dwarf craftsman and drank boldly, he threw the cup on the ground and said, "That's right, come again."

The dwarf craftsman then took the three-story-high wide bowl that was moved aside and filled it up...

Tony stared at the broken wide bowl on the ground and said with a subtle expression: "If Asgard is not too far away from the earth, I would like to start a company specializing in the production of porcelain and come to Asgard."

During my month in Asgard, it was a porcelain dirge after drinking with people here.

Smashing the bowl after drinking a cup, the consumption of this wide bowl for a dinner party is like a sea.

Tony has almost been led astray all this time.

Just like now.

Tony stared at the wide bowl in his hand and was thinking about whether to drop it or not. What if it was the same as before?Also throw a bowl?What's wrong with him, he's a gentleman, especially a MAN kind of gentleman, throwing bowls is what barbarians would do.


Tony raised his eyebrows again, and Sol wiped the corner of his mouth and said, "Did you see it all?"

Tony nods.

Can you not see it?

Ten beams of golden light blasted through the void and landed on Asgard directly, and the rays of ten constellations directly projected from the underworld to the sky above Asgard.

that scene.

That style.

Saul Dama Jindao took the wide bowl filled again by the dwarf blacksmith and said: "Today is the day when the guardian of the zodiac and Scorpio in the underworld comes to hire, because the parents of the Valkyrie Valkyrie are already here. Haim's Hades is gone, so this time, my mother and father will receive Valkyrie's parents instead."

"The Zodiac?" Tony stood up suddenly and said, "Is there anyone from the Taurus Palace?"

Tony thought about Howard and Maria.

Sol glanced at Tony who was about to go over anxiously and said, "No, I'm here for this."

Tony looked at Thor.

Saul said, "Saga of Gemini asked me to tell you that your father and mother asked them to bring you a word."


"Don't be so eager to go back to the underworld. Since having you, they rarely have a two-person world."


(End of this chapter)

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