Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 88 The upcoming god-level plot

Chapter 88 The upcoming god-level plot

"Good morning New York listeners, today is December 100th, 23, today is Monday, and here is Julia and Ryan on Z-[-] Radio New York, it's [-]:[-], If you just opened your eyes, fuck you, because Ryan and I were up at five o'clock..."

"Yeah, bickering starts at six, as usual, and if you've just tuned the radio to Morning Rhapsody, Julia and I are engaged in an exciting game called [To Whom, To Marry, Kill who]..."

"I won't play this game with you..."

"Look, Julia is telling me she doesn't want to play the game because she doesn't believe in marriage..."

"Fuck the marriage, I prefer the part dedicated to and killed..."

At the moment, in a building on Sunnyside Street near Hell's Kitchen in Queens, New York.

Lyris, who was taking a bath, couldn't help laughing when she heard Julia's voice from the radio on the window...

Just when Lailis was about to change her clothes, the bathroom door was suddenly opened.

A little fat man suddenly barged in.



"Ha ha!"

The 13-year-old, with blond hair and good looks, angrily threw a bottle of shower gel directly at the face of the little fat man who broke into the door.

The little fat man stepped aside abruptly, and fled from the bathroom door with a smile of a successful prank!
3 minute later.

Lailis, who was wrapped in a bathrobe, walked into the living room angrily without wiping her hair.

Looking at the foster mother sitting at the dining table leisurely holding breakfast.

"He's spying on me again, your son is really disgusting!" Laili said angrily to a middle-aged woman who weighed about two hundred catties and was full of fat!

"I swear to God, Lailis, the government only gave me such a small amount of money to adopt you, and I don't care about it." The middle-aged woman said without looking up while eating the cereal in the bowl!
"Why don't you think that you are my foster mother, and you should more or less take on the responsibility of a foster mother."

The middle-aged woman looked up and didn't speak!
Lailisi held her bathrobe tightly with one hand, waved her hand and said, "But don't worry, you won't have to be my surrogate mother until the day after tomorrow."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm 14, I'm independent, and I'm getting out of this fucking place..."

The middle-aged woman looked at Lai Lisi who walked towards the inner room after speaking, and said lightly: "Don't make promises that you can't keep..."

"Fakyu!" Lailis raised her right finger high!
Three hours later!
New York, Office of Children's Families Foster Care Center!

"Laris, you know you can't be independent until you're 16."

Il, a staff member sitting behind the desk, looked helplessly at Lailis who walked into his office again.

Il is Laili's social worker.

The blond-haired Leiris with a snow velvet hat sipped her lips and said: "Yes, but if my biological parents announce that they will let go of my custody, I can be independent and don't need to be in those foster families. .”

El rubbed the space between his brows, and said helplessly, "Laris, believe me, if I can get the signatures of these two people, I will definitely go."

"But you've never been there."

"Listen, Lailis, you are not the only one in the foster care center, we are a public welfare organization here, and the number of people is very small..."

"Il, it's a meeting!"

"Here we come!" Il smiled slightly at a colleague who opened the door, and then said to Laili who was sitting opposite: "If you think this one is not suitable, I can change it for you."

After finishing speaking, he walked directly towards the door of the office and said, "You stay here for a while, I'll be right back!"

After Yi Er closed the office door again, Lei Lisi, who was sitting on the chair, frowned tightly...

From the moment she was born, she was given to this foster care center in Brooklyn by her biological parents.

It stands to reason that little girls like Lailis would almost immediately be adopted by families who wanted children.

But Lyris didn't!

As soon as he was born, he was diagnosed with congenital heart disease, with a perforated heart...

Although it is a girl!
But a girl who often had to undergo various operations when she was young is obviously not a good selling point for families who adopt children...

In the past 13 years, it is for this reason that Lailisi has stayed in seven or eight foster families in circles.

As for foster families?

Don't be kidding, generally families who foster abandoned babies come here for the foster money that the government distributes every month.

As for the family feeling that Lailisi needs, that is simply a fantasy...

To be honest, being able to grow up safely to the present is entirely due to the various minor protection laws covering the age of 14, which stack up to nearly 1000 meters...

Lyris pursed her lips while sitting on the chair.

It is impossible to return to that voyeuristic family even if she is killed.

Although this family is much better than the last one who even molested her foster father!

Since I was six years old, I have been looking forward to my 14th birthday.

At the age of 14, as long as the court approves her self-reliance application, she can rent a house, go to school, work as an independent person...

As for the family!

By the time she was transferred to her third foster home, Riles had learned that it was just something she would never be able to last forever.

Although she didn't understand why her biological parents didn't want her, and why they gave birth to her...

quite a while!

Lailisi turned her head and glanced at the closed office door.


Walking to the seat where Yi Er was sitting just now, he found the impressive foster care records in the file cabinet that he had seen hundreds of times before.

After opening it, he quickly searched for the file with his foster care report!
Anyway, it was impossible for her to stay in that family for another 10 minutes.

Since Il has no kung fu, Lairis felt that she had to do it herself!
Go to her biological parents and ask for an autograph.

Well, this week's independent hearing on Friday will be able to pass...

"Claire... no!"

"Toby... no!"

"Gaston... no!"


Laili raised her small face excitedly, and looked at the still closed office door.

Quickly took out the foster care document that belonged to him from the file bag...

10 minutes later!
Il pushed open the door of the office again, looking at the empty office.

Slightly taken aback, then smiled and shook his head...

Outside the foster care center.

Lailisi walked out of the foster care center with her head down like a thief.

A mixed-race girl who had been guarding the street office came over to Laili and said, "Did they agree?"

Lyris shook her head.

 Guess who the mixed-race girl is... Seek recommendations every day! ! ! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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