Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 86 The Stryker Who Was Slapped in the Face

Chapter 86 The Stryker Who Was Slapped in the Face

The truth in the world is far from being as simple as black and white!
And Mark, always believed in that!
If it was so easy to distinguish between black and white, how could there be so many troubles...

Is Magneto Eric a good guy?

In the eyes of ordinary people, Magneto can be regarded as the one who does all kinds of evil.

Is Magneto Eric the bad guy?

In the eyes of the mutant group, Magneto is undoubtedly their hero, otherwise, there would not be so many mutants willing to follow Magneto.

So, whether it is an ordinary person, a mutant, or another species, they are born with the concept of right and wrong that uses their butt to determine their head...

Sitting on the seat of the FBI, all criminals deserve death for Mark!

But if Mark was a criminal, he would think that these law enforcement agencies are simply too full to do anything.

It's that simple!
Therefore, for Magneto's request, Mark directly vetoed it without hesitation!
There is no ambiguity at all!


Magneto seemed to have expected Mark's answer now, and he didn't speak, but just looked at Emma, ​​the white queen next to him!
Mark was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly had a bad feeling!


"Mark, you still owe me a promise!" Emma smiled and looked at Mark, and said in a calm voice!

Mark frowned, and looked suspiciously at Emma with a firm expression!
at this time!


Mark looked up at the sky in the distance, and three vulture armed helicopters rushed towards this side...

But it stopped at a distance of 200 meters, and slowly landed on the road...

Leng Leng Leng!
Sure enough, although they have been treating Magneto and others, it seems that the military is already in pain.

After all, the vulture helicopter that was destroyed in the hands of Magneto is no longer clear with two fingers.

Anyway, in the past few years, even if it is a training accident, the military has put the blame on Magneto.

The pensions for death in combat and death in training are different.

Seeing the four armed teams with special plastic weapons approaching quickly, Mark sighed and said to Emma, ​​"I will send Franklin's account number to your mailbox."

A dead fellow Taoist is not a poor daoist, anyway, the man in the green hat has already been charged with treason, so it doesn't matter if he takes the blame again.

This is also the reason why Mark, who became the acting deputy director after Franklin and the deputy director fat man were arrested, has not canceled Franklin's security level...

The purpose is to prevent such things that need to be operated secretly from happening.

As for whether Magneto can log in to the FBI's exclusive intranet, that's not Mark's concern.

Marvel Earth lacks everything except hackers...

Men, women, teens, teens... hackers of all styles, everything...

10 minutes later!

Four armed squads of the military surrounded Mark in the middle, and Mark was pointed at by a large group of people.

He smiled indifferently, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and lit himself happily!
at this time……

In came the imposing bald William Stryker with the three-point beard.

Looking at Mark leaning on the Chevrolet body, he looked at him coldly, and then said, "Take it away!"

"Yes!" The two soldiers nodded immediately, put down their weapons, and walked directly towards Mark!

next second!


William Stryker's eyes shrank instantly, looking at the two men who fell to the ground unconscious.

Mark smiled coldly, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said coldly, "General Stryker is so majestic, you are coming to New York this time, the White House do you know?"

Stryker hid in the past and let the certificate fall to the ground, but when he saw the FBI eagle logo on the certificate, he was even more taken aback!
Mark looked at the soldiers who were pointing plastic guns at him and said calmly: "If you don't move the guns away from me for ten seconds, believe it or not, I'll check them all out..."

Many soldiers were suddenly speechless!

Ordinary law enforcement police are afraid of confronting military agencies, but that doesn't mean the military is invincible.

At least the CIA and the FBI have never had a bird over the military!

When the relationship was tense in [-], the top leaders of the FBI even spoke out.

One federal case about the military has to be dealt with every year!

Although that boss has passed away, this tradition has been carried on by the FBI!
In the United States and even overseas military bases, there are special resident federal agents.

To a large extent, it is because of this preserved tradition...

"A group of unknown things!" Mark threw the cigarette butt on the unconscious soldier on the ground without looking at it.

Walked directly in front of a soldier, as for William Stryker next to him, Mark had long ignored him!

Although the governor has not yet taken the oath, William Stryker has stepped down from the position of Secretary of Defense.

Looking down at the documents that fell beside the soldier, Mark looked at the soldier in front of him and said lightly: "Pick it up!"

The soldier was taken aback for a moment, then squatted down, picked up the certificate on the ground and returned it to Mark!
Mark smiled faintly, glanced at William Stryker next to him and said, "General Stryker is so majestic..."


For Stryker's cold snort, Mark didn't take it seriously, and just said lightly: "I hope General Stryker can still be so majestic after receiving my complaint at the Pentagon."

Mark turned his head and glanced at the soldiers surrounding him and said coldly: "Lead four armed teams to try to arrest a federal agent, who gave you the authorization..."

"We are here to capture Magneto!" An assistant in black next to William Stryker said aloud!
Mark smiled faintly, and took out the mobile phone in his arms.

"take away--"

Shaking the clear video on the phone, Mark said with a bright smile, "This video will appear in the Pentagon's five-star General Dirk's email in half an hour..."

"You..." The assistant's face changed, and he jumped straight away, appearing in front of Mark in an instant.

With his right hand clawed, he wanted to snatch the phone from Mark's hand!


Mark's right hand formed a palm, and he grabbed the assistant's neck with one hand, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He abruptly pulled the 150-jin assistant up with one hand.

Squinting his eyes, the assistant, who had no scruples and gradually started to lack oxygen in his hands, smiled and looked at William Stryker, who had only said a word and then said nothing: "General Stryker, guess, will he will die?"

Stryker didn't say a word, but just stared at Mark with a pair of eagle eyes!

Mark smiled faintly, looked up at the assistant who was lifted into the air by himself, his face was flushed like a monkey's butt, and he said lightly: "Intent to kill a federal agent..."


"capital offense……"

 I beg for recommendation and collection——


(End of this chapter)

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