Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 857 Invite the captain to be a guest

Chapter 857 Invite the captain to be a guest


Thinking about it now, Alan Carter looks quite like Rogers in front of him. To be precise, Alan Carter looks a bit younger than Rogers now.


and many more.

Speaking of leaving aside the fact that Rogers has been frozen for nearly 70 years, if you only count the age in the world, wouldn't it be that Rogers and that Allen are only three years apart?
Steven Rogers was 27 years old when he was frozen in [-].

And now Alan Carter is 24 years old.



Thinking of this, even Mark had the illusion that he couldn't bear to look directly.

And the illusion is strong.

But compared to Mark who couldn't bear to look straight at him, Rogers who heard this sentence struck his forehead like a bolt of lightning.

Son looks like him?

How can this be?

Mark returned to his senses and looked at Rogers, who was obviously on the verge of collapse, smiled and said: "Sorry, my fault, you just woke up, and I did not think carefully about accepting so much information at once."

Captain Rogers shook his head, rubbed his face, looked at Mark and said, "After talking for so long, it seems that you are very familiar with me, but I am..."

"Mark Lewis, FBI New York State Director." Mark smiled and extended his right hand towards Captain Rogers.

"Steven Rogers, you can call me Steven." Captain Rogers looked at Mark with a smile after shaking hands.

Mark smiled again and said, "Being friends with the captain is, I believe, the dream of many people."

Rogers smiled self-deprecatingly.

He's just a lucky guy.

quite a while.

After throwing a Franklin card, Mark turned into a tour guide and led Captain Rogers around Times Square.

The little tails behind them followed closely.

Captain Rogers noticed it and said: "It seems that the people behind us are not with you."

Mark didn't hide either, and said, "They are from S.H.I.E.L.D."


"Yes, after you fell asleep, it was led by Ms. Peggy Carter, Howard, and Pym. They were all established by some partners you have met and fought together. Does the name of SHIELD think of anything? ?”

Captain Rogers nodded.

He thought of his shield. As long as he had the shield in his hand, he could fight even with anyone, even the extraordinary beings he encountered during the battle, that magical shield...

While taking Captain Rogers to the supermarket, Mark continued to apply eye drops to S.H.I.E.L.D. and said, "Captain, the people at S.H.I.E.L.D. want to use your feelings for Ms. Carter to make you continue to shine for S.H.I.E.L.D. .”

When will I wait if I don't take eye drops at this time?

no way.

If his daughter hadn't had a relationship with that young man, Mark would be unwilling to participate in such a mess.


Let's put it this way.

In order not to let Rogers stand on the opposite side of himself, Mark could only roll up his sleeves and play.

Is it bad to speak ill of others behind their backs?
Stop it.

Believe it or not, if Rogers is taken away by S.H.I.E.L.D., that black stewed egg cliff will imperceptibly instill in Rogers the danger of Mark...

Rogers looked at the scene of super shoppers coming and going and said with a smile: "The war is over."

Mark laughed: "Someone said that only the dead will see the end of the war."

"Plato said." Rogers thought for a while and said.

Mark nods.

In fact, when Plato said this sentence, it had nothing to do with war at all.

This sentence is actually about love.

In the history of the West, there was such a war in which [-] soldiers who were all homosexuals fought against [-] soldiers.

The result was that the three hundred fighters won completely.

Why is this so?
It is between lovers, whether it is a man or a woman, especially a man who hopes to show his bravery and handsomeness in front of his beloved woman or man, so he will be very brave.

That's the correct backstory for this quote.

Is there a weird feeling?
When Mark was dating an ex-girlfriend from the literature department, he was in a daze when he heard the correct source of this sentence.

Mark said: "Captain, Howard Stark is dead."

Once again Rogers was in a less than pretty mood.

Mark looked at Rogers and said, "Howard Stark was assassinated."

Rogers was taken aback.

When he first heard the news, he thought Howard had died naturally. After all, before he was frozen, he had teased that Howard would die early one day because of a woman, but now?
Mark took a $98-a-bottle bourbon that was on sale off the shelf, then turned to Rogers and said, "James Barnes killed it."

"...What?" Rogers narrowed his eyes and said, "This is impossible, Bucky is dead, right in front of my eyes."

Mark laughed: "Did you see the corpse?"

Rogers didn't speak.

Bucky had fallen into the abyss when the train was crossing the canyon during an evacuation operation, he remembered it clearly.

Mark smiled and did not continue on this topic, but took out his mobile phone and called Kate, saying that a guest would come to the house for dinner at noon.

After Mark and Kate finished talking, they put away their mobile phones and said to Rogers, "Are you interested in visiting my house?"

Rogers, who was full of thoughts, forced a smile and said, "Where else can I go?"

He does have a home in Brooklyn.

But according to what Mark just said, his home was confiscated by the IRS at the end of the year when he died because he did not pay taxes.

This is a sad story.

However, when Mark told Rogers that the IRS's combat effectiveness had always been so strong, Rogers suddenly had an inexplicable emotion.

Although things are different, the IRS is still the same IRS, which gave Rogers a sense of familiarity.

After buying a bottle of bourbon for $98, Mark took Rogers to a small alley after the supermarket.

next second.

Rogers, who was following Mark, lost his mind slightly, and then quickly recovered.

Mark was not surprised either.

As he said before.

Captain America is a mortal, but he is not a mortal. If it is described in words, Captain America belongs to the top extraordinary life among mortals.

Out of the portal.

Rogers looked around for a while and then said not so sure: "Are we in Long Island now?"

"Yes." While nodding his head, Mark piled up the unpacked toys that the two little girls had played with into the toy box not far away.

After seeing it, Rogers asked, "How many?"

"Three." Mark said proudly, that is, all three are daughters.

This made Mark suspicious for a while.

Is this some kind of indescribable existence, in this way to punish myself for the rather casual life before the age of 30.


(End of this chapter)

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