Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 833 A Pistol Comparable to Gatling (Guaranteed Part 2)

Chapter 833 Comparable to Gatling's Pistol (Second Guarantee)


Mark is very sure that no matter how many times he has been reincarnated, Mark has absolutely no affection for this so-called alien.

Without him.

Can not control.

Mark doesn't like the uncontrollable.

It is obvious that the aliens belong to the uncontrollable category. As a product of being cultivated to test the iron-blooded race, if you don't pay attention, the aliens will devour the master if you don't pay attention.


As a man who likes everything under control, it's not surprising that someone like Ma doesn't like this thing.


In Mark's memory, after the Sangvis clan surrendered to the underworld and swore allegiance to the underworld, although the Sangvis clan still had adult ceremonies, they no longer used aliens. above the planet.

Pluto, that is, Mark had issued such an order against criminals in his previous life.

During the trial of the iron-blooded race, as long as the criminals on the criminal planet kill the iron-blooded youth who came to the trial, they can leave the purgatory planet and regain their freedom.

Replacing the aliens with prisoners not only did not reduce the difficulty of the trial of the iron-blooded race, but increased it, and this increase was completely within the controllable range.

I sure as hell were witty.

Mark recalled the message from his memory palace and couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up.

quite a while.

Mark glanced at the daughter who was stroking Cerberus's hair, and finally took his gaze away from the silly dog ​​who buried himself like a quail.

Mark said, "Let's go."

Coulson looked at the invisible hole and was about to say how to go down.

next second.



Mark directly wrapped the Pluto's mind power and couldn't help but lead Coulson and Allen around, and then jumped directly into the not straight passage leading directly to the underground pyramid.

Coulson and Allen's exclamations were loud.

Lailisi stared blankly at Alan, who was making a high octave over there, and couldn't help flashing a little worry, but then hid it well.

Lailisi spread her small pitch-black wings and hurriedly jumped into the passage.


Mark fell lightly on the thick snow.


Coulson and Allen slid out directly along the passage.


Lailis, who was holding Cerberus, also landed steadily and folded her wings, looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

Coulson patted the snow all over his body and said to Mark: "Director Louis, can you tell us in advance next time so that we can be prepared."

Mark turned his head and glanced at Laris meaningfully, then said without looking at Coulson, "No."

Colson: "..."

Lyris: "..."

After Mark finished speaking, his right hand repeatedly took out the self-sufficient luminous sphere that had appeared in the Egyptian underground tomb.

Mark throws.

The luminous sphere suspended in the air instantly illuminated the surroundings, turning this place into daylight like the outside.

not far away.

Illuminated by luminaries, a high staircase led to the uppermost stone entrance.

"Wow, it's so majestic." Standing next to Coulson, Agent Allen, who was as old as Lailis, couldn't help admiring.

Coulson also said: "If this is announced, the people found here are enough to be included in the books."

Mark listened and said lightly: "If you want all the people on earth to die, you can do so."

Coulson was a little confused.

However, compared to Mark, Coulson has a better object to solve the confusion at the moment, but when Coulson looked at Lairis, the latter lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Lyris was puzzled at the moment.

In other words, it didn't take more than three or ten minutes for her to come here. Where did she show her flaws?
"Cerberus, I didn't make it so obvious."

"The great Lord of the Underworld can see what's going on at the edge of the universe with just one look, and nothing can hide from the great Hades."

"...Sycophant, you are talking in my channel, Mark can't hear your flattery."

"...Okay, shall I say it again outside?"

"Silly dog, shut up."



After asking Cerberus to no avail, Lailis was even more confused.

Lailisi is very sure that she has fully considered all possible situations before coming here and has taken sufficient measures to deal with them.

But how come.

Thinking of the meaningful look in Mark's eyes just now, Lailis felt as if a secret that seemed to be buried deep and locked in countless locks was being pried open at once.

Lily was a little embarrassed.

But the more this happened, the more she dared not reveal other flaws. After all, she was not sure whether Mark knew or not.

Lyris is having a hard time.

After going up the stairs into the entrance.

quack quack!
The sound of the collision of upper and lower teeth echoed in every corner of the hall.

Coulson subconsciously drew a gun to his waist.

But it came to nothing.

It was only then that Coulson remembered again that the gun that had been with her for many years had turned into an oval piece of broken iron.


Coulson turned his head and saw Allen handing his gun to Coulson.

Mark looked at Allen curiously and asked, "Do you like to hand your gun around so much?"

Allen scratched the back of his head and said, "My marksmanship sucks, so..."

Mark nodded.

This kid is not bad.

Have a clear understanding of how much you weigh, which few young people nowadays seem to be able to achieve.


With his right hand, Mark repeatedly threw a golden Glock seventeen-style pistol to Allen and said lightly: "Don't put your safety in the hands of others at any time, your life is your own."

Allen took the pistol and smiled, and then prepared to push out the magazine to check.


The ejected magazine was empty.

Allen was taken aback.

Mark said lightly: "Magic creation, unlimited magazines and unlimited firepower, let you experience the shooting feeling of a Gatling machine gun with a pistol."

Allen was shocked for a moment.

Lailis, who was walking at the end, looked anxiously at Alan who was stunned, and then pinched Cerberus.

"Aww..." Cerberus yelled.

Allen came back to his senses and then said gratefully to Mark, whose back was turned to him: "Thank you, Director Louis."

Mark waved his hand without looking back.

This gadget was commissioned by a dwarf blacksmith when Mark was bored in Asgard, and he made four in total.

Mark planned to give Debbie and Jack, Maggie and Zidan each as a gift after his vacation.

Cerberus, who had been pinched inexplicably, looked up at Lailis who was staring straight ahead with his moist eyes flashing.

quite a while.

Cerberus shrugged his ears.

Heart Road.


The great Lord Pluto is right, women are magical animals that are incomparable to billions of creatures in the world and even in the universe.


(End of this chapter)

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