Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 824 Alien Prelude? (want more full order)

Chapter 824 Alien Prelude? (want more full order)

cough cough.

Dr. Kruppen didn't raise his breath and held it in his throat. His violent coughing directly caused his cheeks to flush.

Got more ivory?

Shentemeow means that there will be more ivory products in the future.

Evelyn, an ecologist in the team, hurriedly patted his back, helping the flushed Dr. Kluppen to clear his breathing passage.


Dr. Crupen's coughing gradually died down.

Mark shrugged and looked at Dr. Kruppen with a smile and said, "Am I wrong? Ordinary ivory is in short supply in the international market, let alone the mammoth ivory that has been extinct for many years in your mouth?"

Dr. Klupen opened his mouth to retort.


Dr. Cruppen is not the kind of professor who keeps his ears to the outside world. He is the leading figure in biology at Oxford University.

Is Mark right?

Absolutely not.

Because of this, after being silent for a while, Dr. Kluppen took a deep look at Mark and stopped talking.

Mark is also happy to relax.

10 minute later.

Jingle Bell.

The bell on the iron chain that was tight above the entrance of the cave rang suddenly, and Dr. Kruppen, who was drinking and looking for self-defeating, hurriedly said to his assistant Frederick, "Quickly, pull him up."

The white-skinned Federico nodded and then directly operated the fully automatic machine.

next second.

The iron chain began to wind up by itself at a very slow speed, but it was still visible to the naked eye.

5 minute later.

When the black guy above took off his protective clothing, the black guy drenched in sweat appeared in front of everyone.

Blown by the biting cold wind here, the black guy shivered and said, "Damn it, why are you so slow."

The white-skinned Federico, who was checking the installation status through the induction device on the six-claw hook, said without looking back: "How long did it take you to go down just now, haven't you calculated it yourself?"

The black guy glared at Frederick.

Dr. Kruppen took the thick blanket covering the supplies and handed it to the black guy, saying, "Hurry up and go back to the barracks. If you fall ill, then I can only ask the university to pick you up. You lost these equipments, don't you?" It's none of our business."

Hearing the words, the black guy directly gave an international gesture to Frederick who had just made sarcastic remarks, and then walked towards their exclusive scientific research station barracks at Oxford University without blinking.

Federico looked at the back of the black guy and laughed.

Dr. Kruppen said directly: "Okay, the installation status of the device."

Frederick returned to his senses and confirmed again: "The six-claw hook has been placed in place."

Dr. Kruppen said to Evelyn, "Evelyn, bring the trailer over here. Once it's hoisted, get on the trailer and go back to the camp."

Ecologist Evelyn also ran towards their camp after hearing the words.

3 minute later.

After assigning the task, Dr. Kruppen rubbed his hands nervously as if he was going on a date for the first time when he was young, and nodded expectantly towards the white-skinned Frederick, "Let's get started."

Frederick nodded and pressed the chain starter.

Full throttle.

There was only a bang, and the iron chain, which was in a tired state, straightened with a bang, and the gears rotated and made a creaking sound.

A warning sign appeared on the monitor monitoring the status of the cable.

"Please, please."

"come on! Come on."

While carefully adjusting the power of the iron chain, Frederick prayed to Almighty God.

Mark's Pluto mind power is released.


Nianli directly cut off the parts that were not cut off by the piercing machine.



"Doctor, move."

"I saw it."


After the last part connected to the ice sheet was cut off, the huge ice block that wrapped the mammoth finally began to rise slowly under the restraint of the six-clawed iron hook.

Mark looked at the beaming Oxford team with slightly raised mouth corners.


Helping others is one of Mark's few good qualities.

And in many cases, Mark never seeks to return for doing good deeds.

The iron chain creaked and turned.

Although it was very slow, the movement from their feet clearly told them that the mammoth was being unearthed.

After cheering with the team, Dr. Kruppen said to Mark lightly: "Now our machinery can be lent to you."

Mark was taken aback.

Dr. Crupen smiled and said nothing.

After half an hour.

After successfully seeing the 500 million after tax entered into the account, Ma said with a smile to Coulson, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

Coulson didn't speak.

People are more popular than dead people.

After the piercing machine of Hammer Industries broke down, Coulson had the cheek to go to Dr. Kruppen more than once.

But it was rejected without any room for it.

What now?
How long has it been since Mark?
That's all it takes?

Could it be...

Coulson glanced at Ma, who had a strange expression on his face, and thought of a possibility.

But there's no time like digging up what his idol unearthed right now.

After Coulson started the Oxford equipment, he exchanged greetings with Mark and hurried over to supervise the work of the piercer.

Mark stood in the middle of the SHIELD team and the Oxford team.

After thinking about it for a while.

Mark shrugged, then turned and walked towards the Oxford team.

Without him.

Without the help of magical abilities, it would take at least 48 hours for Aegis to use the piercer to dig to the location of the German fighter plane under the ice. Obviously, there are more interesting things, so Mark will not be stupid. Look over there.


What about mammoths?

What about ivory?

Find a chance to see if you can take it away quietly.

While thinking low, Mark turned and walked towards the position where the trailer was already being reversed.

after an hour.

The huge ice that wrapped the mammoth fell on the trailer and made a crisp sound, which attracted many people nearby.


"What a nice view."

"It's so majestic."


Even the members of Aegis who were nervously digging a humanoid fossil over there were amazed to see the lifelike mammoth inside the huge ice block.

Kruppen looked at the amazing SHIELD people over there and was very happy.


Dr. Kruppen waved his hands vigorously and said, "Let's go back to the camp and prepare for various experiments."

Federico hurriedly pointed to the instruments they placed on the ground and said, "Doctor, what about these instruments?"

"Let's put it away for now." Dr. Kruppen said, "This place is a group of Americans except us. If you lose something, just go to the Americans."

Frederick was speechless.

Mark also looked amusedly at Dr. Kruppen who seemed helpless.

Discrimination against Americans by older Brits has become routine.

Without him.

In the eyes of the British, the Americans are the descendants of the prisoners they were exiled at that time...

(End of this chapter)

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