Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 811 Odin Can't Resist the Summoning

Chapter 811 Odin Can't Resist the Summoning
said before.

The current state of the underworld in the endless star field has a subtle feeling that Qin lost his deer and the world chased after him.

More than 90.00% of the creatures under the realm of the underworld participated in this game called [Overthrow the Underworld].

There must be something strange about this.

It is not that no one in the underworld has resisted in the past, but it is unprecedented to raise the flag on such a large scale and almost divided into 98 routes.


When the underworld 72 demon gods led the army of the underworld to crush and refuse to accept the underworld's rule of the star field, they specifically investigated this.

The answer was as expected.

Someone is up to something.

As soon as this news came out, not to mention the 72 demon gods, even the guardians of the zodiac signs who had lived and guarded the royal court for a long time became angry.

In the end, the pursuit continued, and after the three star fields were completely reduced to ruins, a group of people finally became terrified.

This news was also learned from that timid family.

The remnant of the Eternal Race, the last Titan Thanos is the dark hand behind the flames of the underworld.

After hearing the news, Hela was ready to remove Thanos' dog head immediately.


Mark lowered his eyebrows and looked at Hela who got up from the ground and licked his little tongue, and said, "You mean you can't locate the specific coordinates of Thanos?"

Hela took off a strand of curly hair around her mouth and nodded.

Mark's eyes flickered and he began to search for the answer in the few memory palaces he had recovered.

Got nothing.

Mark shook his head and said, "The Eternal Race is the oldest race after all, not to mention the relationship between the Eternal Race and the Celestial Race is very ambiguous. It is not difficult for the Celestial Race to protect an eternal remnant."



However, the former is in Mark's memory, and when Mark strategically retreated here from the next universe, he was slapped and exterminated.

As for the Celestials?
Unlike the Eternal Clan, the Celestial Clan members are all two thousand feet tall and wear armor 24 hours a day and night. No one has ever seen what they look like under their armor.

But Mark felt that he should have seen it in his previous life.

the reason is simple.

Unlike the Eternal Clan that was exterminated, the Celestial Clan still exists today, but no one knows where the real coordinates of the Celestial Clan are.

Then the problem is coming.

Based on Mark's understanding of himself, under what circumstances would Mark destroy the Eternals and leave the Celestials who created the Eternals?
Mark felt he should know the answer.


Mark would rather choose not to know.


In the case that Thanos could not be captured to the specific location coordinates, Mark and Hella figured out a way to make the eternal remnant sacrifice himself.

The method is very simple.

Who does Thanos hate the most?

Mark, to be precise, is Mark's previous life, Lucifer, the executioner who killed his entire ethnic group.

Therefore, if Thanos knows that the great and holy Pluto Lucifer lost his power and ran to a remote planet to play reincarnation.

Ha ha.

It would be a strange thing if Thanos, who was thinking of revenge, didn't come.

But this news cannot be delivered by people in the underworld, otherwise, what if Thanos thinks it is a trap?
Just right.

Loki appeared just in time.

Poor Loki, after being used by Odin, he will be used by Hela again.

Mark tidied his clothes calmly, then looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle and squeezed out a tear of a tiger...

Hela watched Mark's mouth slightly upward.

Mark returned to his senses and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hela shook her head and said, "It feels like you are different from before you were reincarnated."

Mark smiled and said: "Of course, now I only have three crimes, and the other four ran away from home."

"Which three crimes?"

"Arrogance, lust and tyranny."

"now it's right."

"……What's the meaning?"

Hela put her arms around Mark's neck and said with a smile, "Why did you leave the Demon of Desire alone?"

Mark was dumbfounded: "What is independence, isn't arrogance and tyranny also included here?"

"Hehe." Hai Lapi laughed twice and said, "I don't know what role arrogance and tyranny play for you?"

Mark smiled mischievously.

Then he quickly changed the subject and said, "Are you so sure that the place where Loki is being held is the same as your plan?"

"Don't worry." Hela withdrew her smile and said coldly, "If it wasn't for me, that old guy would have won such a big territory?"

Mark suddenly had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.


Like him, Hela has a bad sense of her father.

at this time.


In the palace of Asgard, under the pleading of Thor, under the watchful eyes of the invited ambassadors from the Nine Realms, the result of Loki's trial was officially announced.

On the throne of the royal palace, Odin in royal attire got up from his throne like a sleeping lion.

The ambassadors of the Nine Realms in the palace also rose respectfully.

The scepter in Odin's hand touched the ground, leaving only one eye. Odin stared at the imprisoned Loki and said in a deep voice: "Odin's son, Loki, committed a great crime and deserves to be punished. Announced in the name of expelling Loki from the icy abyss, the prison term is [-] years."


"Shut up."

After Odin yelled at the one who was about to intercede for Loki, he waved at the two soldiers standing behind Loki.

The two soldiers nodded and supported Loki, then walked out of the hall.

The ambassadors from the Nine Realms who stood up in the hall sent all kinds of signals with their eyes, but what did they convey?
Then it is unknown.

However, the picture of Sol's eyes with tears fell into the eyes of several of the ambassadors of the Nine Realms, and they were recognized from the bottom of their hearts.

The war in the Nine Realms is over, and what they need now is a king who governs the Nine Realms with gentle methods, not a king on horseback who shouts war every day.

Now Sol, who has returned after being expelled, can't help but impress the ambassadors of the Nine Realms.

Odin on the stage took in all the expressions on the faces of the ambassadors of the Nine Realms.

He was a little tired.

And a little bit of relief.

There are not too many years before Odin now, at least not too much time left for him.

As for the reason?

Looking at Odin's current appearance age, it is very clear when looking at Frigg's age.


Hela gave her mother, Frigga, the privilege of being immune to the summoning of the underworld, but this privilege was not granted to Odin.




Regarding the affairs of Odin and Hela, even Frigga has coordinated more than once, trying to resolve the grievances between father and daughter.

But a pity.

Both Odin and Hela think that they are not wrong.


With time running out, Odin can only use this method to elevate his son Sol to accelerate him to become the king who can lead the Nine Realms to the next glory.

Right now.

The effect is not bad.


(End of this chapter)

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