Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 775 Mark Apologizes

Chapter 775 Mark Apologizes

Inside Pepper's office.


"Thank you."

Mark, who was standing in front of a painting of the Renaissance era, turned around and took the wine glass that Pepper handed over, pointed at the painting and smiled, "I don't think there was one before."

Pepper smiled and invited Mark to sit down before saying: "I went to the Osborne reception last month and bought it at a charity auction at the reception."

Mark raised an eyebrow.

Osborne reception?
Charity auction?

Mark thought quickly for a long time, but he couldn't connect these two things together.

Pepper explained: "Do you remember Tessa?"

Mark does blackface.

Pepper shook his head and reminded: "Lairis' best friend, Tessa, the one who was engaged to Harry."

Mark suddenly realized.



The best friend of my eldest daughter when she was wandering among the people, she is also a good little girl.

Pepper then said: "After Tessa and Harry got engaged, Norman Osborn handed over the charitable foundation under Osborne's name to Tessa, and it was also Osborne who introduced Tessa to Tessa last month. We know special receptions."

Mark tutted.

Have a look.

If this is a female frequency article, Tessa is a well-deserved protagonist.

The orphan at the beginning, captured the successor of the top company Osborne by himself, successfully changed his destiny and joined the upper class.

Not bad.

This is obviously a good ending, for the Osborne family who would have been ruined on the original timeline...


Mark took a sip of the wine and asked curiously: "You haven't told me, this time you obviously have a memory, why did you recruit the Black Widow?"

Pepper laughed, "Why not?"

Mark looked up.

Pepper said: "Mark, you seem to have some prejudice against Natasha."

Markha smiled.


Pepper looked at Mark with a smile on his face and said, "Isn't it? Besides, to some extent, you and Natasha are the same kind of people."

Mark silently put down his glass.

Slam the door and leave?
still is……

However, accepting any opinions with an open mind has always been a good character of Ma, especially any opinions from beautiful women.

Why is Mark so great?It is no exaggeration to say that today's Mark cannot do without the cultivation of his former girlfriends.

What happened with Alice and Lear taught Mark not to be in the same boat.

Vivienne Gucci taught Mark not to judge a book by its cover.


All of the above are the reasons why Mark is so good and great.

Following Pepper's words, Mark began to reflect.


Why are men who have a lot of ex-girlfriends not put on colored glasses, but women are not?
Looking at the experience of Black Widow.

It's nonsense to say it's slutty, at least Black Widow has never stepped on two boats or done things that are sorry to her boyfriend when she already has a boyfriend.

As for the others?
Is it not normal for unmarried men and women in the West to have a little more relationship history?

If you calculate it this way based on mental cleanliness.


Doesn't Ma have an invisible green hat on his head that is as vast as a green prairie?

quite a while.

Mark pursed his lips, looked at Pepper and nodded, "Well, what you said is right, maybe I judged Natasha with preconceived and macho eyes, which is wrong, I accept you Views."

Pepper was a little dumbfounded.

The magistrate who suppressed the entire New York state actually accepted her opinion?

The direction the sun came out today has not changed.

Pepper thought so and looked at the sun hanging high outside the window, trying to make sure that all this was not a dream.

It's magical after all.

If someone like Ma can accept opinions so easily, then why did Mark and Tony break up because of it?
Until now, the reason for the breakup between Mark and Tony has always been the biggest confusion in Pepper's heart...


A red and white iron man landed on the helipad extending from the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building.

The tarmac buzzed.

Various mechanical arms appeared in an instant, dismantling the armor on Tony's body in a coordinated manner.

Tony took a sip of the chlorophyll drink handed over by a mechanical arm, and immediately said to Ma, who was talking happily with Pepper in detail: "Where is the moon water? The taste of this thing is simply indescribable."

Mark shrugged: "Don't think about the moon water, it's gone."


"I was just about to contact Elven Forest to deliver the goods three days ago, but the result was beyond my expectation, and I was blocked."



Speaking of this matter, Mark is also at a loss.

Who is Mark? He is a good friend and the friendliest guest of Princess Elven Forest.

But he was blocked.

This is simply unimaginable, and Mark plans to take the time to go to the forest of elves to explain after the matter on Hammer Industries is settled.

There must be some misunderstanding in this.

Otherwise, why would the elf princess who had been thinking about asking him to take him out to see the stars blocked him without saying a word.

There must be some villain in it.

The white-bearded dean of the family wizard dimension is Mark's primary suspect.

While thinking about it, Mark said to Tony: "I said before, as long as you beg me, it will be restored immediately."

Tony waved his hand and refused directly.

Open your mouth to beg someone?
Stop it.

Tony is now practicing the [Small Universe Practice Method], according to the adventure he had in Fox Town at that time.

As long as he can comprehend his own small universe, he himself will be an inexhaustible source of energy.

By that time...


It's time to create the holy garment that stays on the final PPT.

What is he wearing now?
Tony's ideal holy cloth covers the whole world without dead ends. Under the impetus of the small universe, the Stark industrial satellite automatically drops the holy cloth of twelve constellations...

that scene.

That look.

Every proud and stinky guy has a sullen and restless little heart in his heart.

Tony has too.


After Tony drank the chlorophyll drink in the bottle, he sat down and looked at Mark and said, "Do you want to know in advance how I will appear at the expo?"

Mark, who was sitting opposite, glanced at Tony, who seemed to have got something sugar baby and wanted to show off, and said indifferently, "Jumped off the plane?"




Pepper, who was laughing next to him, squeezed his mouth and got up from the sofa, pretending to be serious and said: "I still have something to talk about."


Pepper walked straight towards the door.

The two people who stayed in the living room peeped at each other.


Pepper's signature unrepressed laughter came from outside the door.

under laughter.

Mark on the sofa is also full of smiles.

As for Tony?

Not to mention...

(End of this chapter)

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