Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 772 On the Layout

Chapter 772 On the Layout
Why is the military so domineering all over the world, exuding its arrogance everywhere?

people too.

living people.

How many generals in the Pentagon will turn their troops into cold steel machines?

If this is the case, is the army still the army of their generals?

Messer and Hammer's calculations are doomed to fail.

In the Quantico base, Mark, Tony, and Ross held a frank and expressionless note on the same goal.

Hammer Industries is not broken.

General Messer did not fall.

But the interests have already been divided up by the three of Mark and his party.

Mark wants money.

Tony wants business.

As for Ross?Well, although Ross didn't say it, it is obvious that Ross's goal is the vacant position after Messer stepped down.

Five days later.

Messer, who was waiting at the Afghan air force base, not only did not wait for the expected military law enforcement agency, but instead waited for good news from Congress.

Hearings to enforce the bill passed.

The hearing on whether to ask Tony Stark to forcibly hand over the Iron Suit data is scheduled for February [-]th.

The time happened to be the second day after the Stark Industry Expo was held.


Messer was stunned when he heard the news.

After Mark and Rose came over, Messer had made all the necessary preparations.


What about the military law enforcement agency?
What about the federal case?

What about people?

After hanging up the call from his allies in Congress, General Messer, who had his skin peeled off and given hyaluronic acid, walked to his window with a calm face and watched the scorching sun high above the foreign sky.

There are oddities.

Mercer thought so.

at this time.

The office door was pushed open from the outside.

Messer regained his senses and looked at the person who came with a displeased face and said, "Mr. Hammer, I need to remind you that this is the army."

Nibo monkey Justin didn't care at all, but hurriedly looked at Messer and asked, "Has Congress passed the hearing?"

Mercer was very dissatisfied with his future brother-in-law.

But right now?
Is there any chance of this ship getting off?

Messer was thinking in his heart, but nodded without any expression on his face and said: "Yes, Congress has passed it, and the time is the second day of the Stark Expo."

After Justin Hammer heard Messer's confirmation, he couldn't hide the joy on his face.

Seeing this, Messer lowered his evaluation of Justin again.

Justin raised his head and said, "That's really great. Is there any news about our proposal from the Pentagon?"

Just to support the soldiers, the local annual expenditure is more than 7000 billion.

To Justin it was just plain crazy.

If all these soldiers are replaced with his Iron Warriors, it will save money. As long as the one-time expenditure is 5000 billion, the mainland will have a well-deserved, invincible, unstoppable Iron Legion...

Justin thought so, but it didn't mean Messer thought so.


If it is not involuntary, Messer's position is probably the same as Ross's idea. The Iron Legion theory is very good, but it cannot be spread.

But no way.

Said it before.

Messer is Rockefeller's son-in-law and an investor. Messer's success today is inseparable from Rockefeller's large donations.

Then the problem comes, since it is an investment, it is expected to receive returns, which is the most basic business integrity.

Messer was already a little annoyed at the moment why he agreed to Justin Hammer to help make an appointment with Lucy Rockefeller and Omen Rockefeller.

His original intention was to help Justin Hammer resolve various patent lawsuits that Lucy took over.

But during the meeting, the scene somehow turned into Justin Hammer's solo show.

Justin directly fooled Lucy and Omen with the war images that were still on paper and took place on Malibu beaches and bases in the Middle East.


Rockefeller thought it was worth a try.

and so……

Messer glanced at Justin, who seemed to have dilated pupils after eating something, and said lightly, "Don't get too excited, how is the Ark reactor going?"

Justin suppressed his smile.

Although Justin once owned Vanke and his son, they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Didn't Vanke and his son have been tinkering in the laboratory for a long time before?

That's right.

But the Vanke father and son obviously imprinted the core technology of the small ark reactor in their minds, and relying on the experimental data left over from the laboratory is of no use at all.


Justin looked at Messer and said in a deep voice, "I heard that Vanke and his son are being detained in the surveillance ward of New Amsterdam Hospital."

Messer glanced at Justin and sneered in his heart, and said: "I warn you, Mr. Hammer, every move in New York is in the eyes of that Director Lewis. Now that you are here, the federal law can't control you, but as long as you You're in New York..."

Justin waved his hand impatiently and said directly: "I have asked the lawyer to meet with Ivan Vanke."

Messer was slightly taken aback.

Messer asked suspiciously, "Will Director Louis allow your lawyer to meet Vanke and his son so easily?"

"of course not."


Justin stared at Messer's narrowed eyes, shook his head and showed a wretched smile, "Of course he doesn't want to, but under the public opinion, he can only admit it by pinching his nose if he doesn't want to."

Mercer didn't speak.

Justin then sat on the sofa and crossed his legs and said proudly: "I have won Ivan Vanke's bail hearing tomorrow, and Ivan Vanke has also agreed to continue serving us."

"……and many more."

"what happened?"

Messer suddenly brightened his eyes and asked the proud Justin, "Are you sure that Ivan Vanke agreed to you so easily? Don't forget, Igor Vanke is still in someone's hands. By that time, Ivan Vanke has already taken refuge in that person."

"will not."

"...You are so sure."

"Of course." Justin Hammer said with an arc on the corner of his mouth like a monkey laughing: "Igor Vanke passed away yesterday."

"...What?" Messer stood up from his seat all of a sudden.

Justin nodded and shrugged and said, "Obviously, Igor Vanke was already sick, but because of the damn local medical policy and some improper operations by the FBI, in this case, do you think Is it possible that Ivan Vanko is still from the FBI?"

Messer didn't speak but frowned and thought.

quite a while.

Messer looked at Justin, who was shaking his head more and more violently, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure that Igor Vanke is really dead."

"It's true."

"……it is good."


(End of this chapter)

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