Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 766 Let's start brainwashing

Chapter 766 Let's start brainwashing

Prince William County.

"Jesus Christ……"

Councilor Asa, who had just returned home from Congress, was about to open a bottle of wine for a drink, when a faint blue portal with a pentagram sandwiched between it opened in front of him instantly.

Asa made a mistake.

The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and shattered with a crisp crashing sound.

Mark walked out of the portal with Adam in a coma, and then glanced at Asa, whose face was full of shock, and said with a faint smile: "The newspapers in Washington even selected you as the most sympathetic member of the city." , Right now, how much money did you give to the media person who wrote the newspaper?"

Asa was stunned.

For a long time.

After Mark placed the sleepy Adam on the sofa, Congressman Asa looked back at Mark who turned around and asked, "Are you a mutant?"

"No, I have a physical examination report from the FBI at that time, do I need to look at it?"

"...Then what are you?"

Mark said with a dark face: "Don't think that you are my good friend's husband, so I dare not chop you up for a drink."

Mark's friend is Turnbull.

This Asa in front of me?
It can only be regarded as a gift.

But the relationship between Asa and Turnbull is also legendary.

The two are separated and reconciled.


Turnbull, who had hurried back from Quantico after receiving a call from Mark, arrived.

When Bull opened the door of the house and saw Adam sleeping on the sofa as sweet as a baby, he covered his mouth and called God's old guy's name.

Asa followed and put an arm around Turnbull's shoulder.

As for Mark?

Mark is sipping wine at the bar at their house, which is said to have been given to Asa by a high-tech company lobbyist.

There is no feeling of a line of throat at all in the mouth of the wine.


This so-called Congressman's favorite whiskey is not even as good as Mark's regular bourbon after a discount of $99.

When Turnbull finished exclaiming over there, he walked towards Mark and gave him a hug.

Mark accepted it with a smile.

"Thank you, Mark." Bull said gratefully to Mark after letting go, "What would I do without you?"

Mark shrugged and glanced at Asa, who looked a little unnatural, and said lightly: "Maybe Adam will come back, but maybe his limbs will be amputated?"

Bull burst into tears.

Mark laughed.

Asa's face darkened.

After half an hour.

Mark went out, waved to Asa and Bull who were standing at the door, and walked out along the street on his own.

It's over.

After resolving this episode, Mark turned the corner and opened the portal back to the Federal Building.

Mark, who appeared in his office, glanced at the stain on the Persian carpet, which was as soft as a mattress, and raised his eyebrows.

Mark pushed open his office door directly.

The blond secretary was scrolling through a social networking page on his desk. After hearing the movement, the blond secretary turned around.

"Bev, let the janitor clean it up."



Mark walked towards the elevator not far away under the strange eyes of the blonde secretary.

The blond secretary muttered carefully as he watched Mark walk into the elevator.

If her memory is correct, she clearly remembered that when she entered the office 5 minutes ago, there was no one there.

Could it be...

Betty thought of a possibility.

It is said that the office in Virginia was reported by a female reporter, and there was a secret door leading to the legendary bedroom in the director's office there.

While thinking, the blond secretary stared straight at the closed door of the director's office, caught in a storm of gossip.

Federal Building.


It is also the legendary detention room.

However, the guest room is different from other detention rooms. Although there are cameras here, they are all real-time...

Most of the guests here are terrorists.

In Mark's FBI, terrorists have no rights, especially terrorists who come in from outside the country.

The elevator opens.

"Director." The detective who was guarding the guest room stood up immediately after seeing Mark coming out of the room.

Mark nodded and said, "Open."

The detective immediately pressed the control button under the desk.

The door that looked like a wall shrank towards the side of the escape stairs in an instant, revealing a long corridor.

A corridor leads straight to the end, and on both sides of the corridor are the legendary guest rooms with a deviation of no more than five centimeters.

Room 36.

Mark stood in front of the one-way glass and watched Ivan Vanke, who was walking in a small space inside, thinking about one thing.


What's the use of this guy being caught?


What were you thinking when you arrested someone?

Mark's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he was stunned for a while, because he didn't think of the reason for arresting this guy?

In less than a while.

Mark realized.

Think about it.

Mark directly pushed open the guest room door that could only be opened from the outside and walked in.

Ivan Vanke, who was furious inside like a night owl, jumped up angrily when he saw Mark coming in: "Where did you take my father?"

Ivan Vanke is like a vicious dog preying on food.


Ivan Vanke hung directly on the wall and couldn't move.

After the detective at the door heard the sound, he put on the earphones that can block any sound and silently turned off the surveillance camera that was running...

Ivan Vanke on the wall.

Mark smiled slightly and moved his right finger slightly.

The necessary plastic seat in every guest room was automatically moved under Mark's buttocks.

After sitting down, Mark took out a flue-cured tobacco and lit it for himself.

The eyes of Ivan Vanke on the wall were bloodshot and red.

next second.

Ivan Vanke got up from the ground, and his eyes of fear and hatred fell on Mark who was in a suit and leather shoes.

Mark smiled slightly and said, "Your father is treating an illness at New Amsterdam Hospital."

Ivan Vanke was slightly taken aback.

Mark sneered and said, "Why? Don't you believe me?"

Ivan Vanke didn't speak but the expression on his face fully proved his point.

Mark pointed to the small bed with a size of only one meter and said lightly: "Sit."

Ivan Vanke remained silent.

Mark didn't force it, but just said lightly: "I like people who understand current affairs, but you are obviously not, so so be it, and wait to be deported."


When Mark was about to get up, Ivan Vanke sat down on the iron bed without a mattress at all.

The corner of Mark's mouth curled up when he saw this.

Who said that this Russian killer was just a reckless man?

Could the guy who built the Ark Reactor rely on the data left by Igor Vanke be a reckless guy without going to school for a day?
can you?

Mark smiled inwardly and handed out the cigarette and lighter with a wave of his right hand.

Ivan glanced at it and silently ordered it for himself.

Mark said, "You know that you and your father should thank me."

Ivan Vanke: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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