Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 764 Conscience Was Eaten By A Dog

Chapter 764 Conscience Was Eaten By A Dog

Of course.

It wasn't the human trials that Ross was angry about.

There are more local institutions for human trials.

Just a few major local pharmaceutical companies completely regard India as an excellent experimental site. To put it bluntly, behind every new drug in the country is the impulsive human mouse experiment of at least 1000 Indians.

Otherwise, why can India ignore patents and wantonly produce various patent-protected drugs without worrying about severe sanctions from several major pharmaceutical giants?
Without him.

This is the tacit meaning of several major pharmaceutical companies. They treat the citizens as guinea pigs for them, and this is considered a reward.

In addition to pharmaceutical companies, there are all kinds of mad scientists.

Behind the mad scientists is the army.

Ross has also done human trials.

Super Serum Program.

Hulk plan.

Both programs have nearly transitioned to human trials.


Ross does too.

But he did experiments as experiments, but never thought of hiding the real reason for the sacrifice.

Ross is a soldier.

Soldiers tempered by iron and blood, these experimental soldiers are necessary sacrifices made to make the military stronger and the country they serve stronger.

But what about Messer?

This is evident from doctored death reports.

He was so shameless that he didn't even plan to pay the compensation stipulated for the casualties in the experiment.He even planned to hide the real reason for the death of 31 soldiers.

This is simply...

Ross is at a loss for words.

The most important point is not here.

The most important point is that Messer intends to hide even himself, which is very uncomfortable.

It's fine if nothing happens.

If something happened to this, Rose would be in trouble.

The 31 people who died were all Army troops.

Ross soldiers.

If this went to a military court and faced a jury composed of soldiers, which juror could be expected to believe that Ross knew nothing about this matter?
Good guy.

Messer and Justin Hammer were going to tie him onto the boat without even asking.

That's not how games are played.

The rules aren't even made that way.


That's why General Ross was really angry.

Rose took a deep breath, restrained his emotional outburst, and stared at Messer coldly.

Don't you want to give him an explanation?


Then explain.


Tie him onto the boat without even asking?Lao Tzu is on the same level as you.

Messer looked at Rose's cold eyes and smiled abruptly.

Rose's expression changed involuntarily.

next second.

Messer waved away the unimportant personnel around and then looked at Ross and said lightly: "Well, I have nothing to explain, but you signed the death report of 31 soldiers."

What is this operation?
Straight to the palace?
Mark, who was preparing to watch the big show, was stunned when he heard Messer's words.

Rose was also taken aback for a moment and his face became very gloomy.

Messer then pointed to the steaming steel armor and said indifferently: "Ross, look at this, this will be our next step, the Iron Legion covering the world, compared to you leading the super power that has failed twice in a row." Soldier, I am the future of the army."

Ross didn't speak, but stared at Messer coldly with a gloomy poker face.

Rose knew exactly what Messer was thinking.

The military police who notified the news of the death of the 31 soldiers had already set off, and even some nearby military police had completed their tasks and returned.

At this time, it was revealed that these people died not from the hands of the enemy but from experiments?

It will explode.

Since [-], scandals about the military have been at the top of the list, and local anti-war sentiment has overwhelmed everything.

The group of bosses in the Pentagon couldn't stand it anymore, and they have asked more than once that even if there are scandals, they should be suppressed internally.


Messer obviously had this idea in mind.

Once a lie is uttered, the only way to keep the lie from breaking through is to make up for the first lie with countless lies...

Of course, a true warrior will choose to expose the lie when the lie expands and face all this calmly.

But more people do choose to make up with lies.

At this time.

Ross shifted his gaze to Mark.

Mark chuckled.


Ross seems to have chosen the path that most people would take.

Use lies to make up for one lie after another.

at this time.

The adjutant who had been waved away by General Messer before ran over and said a few words to Messer in a low voice.

The content is simple.

They couldn't get in the gate of the laboratory where Vanke and his son were.


Messer couldn't help being startled when he heard the news, and then couldn't help but cast his eyes on Mark.

Mark put on sunglasses and stretched himself.

The sun is nice.

Time to go home.

Mark withdrew his gaze and said lightly to Messer: "It seems that I can't see the drama here. It's time to take the guy who violated the immigration rules home."

Messer had an ugly face.

Mark directly ignored Messer, and reminded Rose kindly: "General, I need to remind you that there is more than one video."


Mark waved to Debbie and then strode towards the Humvee they borrowed.

Mark never interferes with other people's choices.

How General Ross chooses is his business.

As an ally and friend, the only thing Mark can do is to kindly remind General Ross of this at the right time.

The hearing for Tony Stark is said to be in the final stages.

By that time.

They can do nothing to Justin Hammer, but they don't mean they can do nothing to Tony Stark.


Tony played by the rules.

As for Justin?As a pirate who started out as a dealer, it is already a kind of charity for him to play the law...

Base laboratory building.



"Stop, you can't go in."

When Mark and Debbie got out of the car and were about to walk into the laboratory to take away the illegal entry Vanke father and son, a lieutenant directly stopped them and said coldly at the same time.

Mark wasn't angry either.

General Messer can't stop him from taking Vanke and his son away today, unless General Messer intends to imprison or kill Mark and Debbie.

But is it realistic?
Mark looked at Roddy who got off the Hummer from a car behind and issued an ultimatum: "I'll give you 30 seconds. If I can't get in in 30 seconds, everything that happens here will be known to the Washington media immediately."

Roddy was about to say something.

But Mark shook his head pretending to be distressed and said: "Roddy, Tony prepared a steel suit for you, and you just watched someone pirate Tony's far transmission without doing anything? Your conscience won't hurt ?"

Roddy had nothing to say.


Roddy silently took out his walkie-talkie...

(End of this chapter)

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