Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 737 Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 737 The Seven Deadly Sins
Fox town.

The moment Mark appeared on the street, countless eyes cast from all directions instantly.

next second.

The streets are empty.

Kate looked at Mark with a look of surprise on the originally busy street that became extremely empty in less than five seconds.

Ma shook his head expressionlessly and said, "Don't ask."

Kate: "..."

This group of impolite guys, I was bullied out of the town by you back then, but I didn't bully you.

Mark screamed in his heart.

quite a while.

Mark took a deep breath and led Kate slowly towards the large Gothic building Mombet Church not far away.

Kate looked up at the wall of Mombet Church and said, "This church must be quite old."

Mark walked towards the church and said, "Yes, Mombet Church is one of the ten earliest churches in the world."

As soon as Kate heard it, "It's not listed in the Vatican's church guidebook."

Mark smiled slightly and said, "Of course not. Back then, the Vatican wanted to send bishops and priests to take over the church..."

"and then?"

"Then twelve waves came and all died."


Mark smiled brightly at Kate, who was stunned behind, and walked into the church.

Candles burn in the church.

Silver utensils are everywhere.

The surrounding walls are painted with rich murals that have not faded so far, and have been handed down from the Middle Ages to the present to describe the battle between angels and demons.

Father Belt, holding a Bible and a cross in his hand, walked towards Mark from the stage.



After shaking hands with Father Belt, Mark introduced, "Father, this is my wife, Kate Todd."

"Hello, Father Belt."

"Hello, Ms. Extraordinary."

Kate looked at Father Belt and looked at her eyes with a deep puzzled smile: "How can the priest see that I am not an ordinary person?"

Father Belt smiled without saying a word and raised his head and pointed to the top of his head.

Just when Kate was shocked.

But Mark directly pierced it: "Father Belter said that everything that happened in the town cannot escape the sight of his owls."

Kate followed Mark's finger to look at the closed-eyed owl standing on the beam of the church.


Kate had seen this owl when she came over yesterday.

At that time, Kate thought it was just a creature that looked like an owl. After all, someone's owl would come out and fly around without sleeping during the day.


Father Belt invited Mark and Kate to walk through the front church to the backyard of the church.

"Please sit down."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

After sitting down in the living room of Father Belt's office, Mark and Kate took the coffee handed over by Father Belt and thanked them again.

Kate took a sip and praised: "Great coffee."

Father Belt sat down opposite the two and said, "This is the coffee beans specially grown by Black. The coffee in the town generally uses the coffee beans produced by Black."

Kate glanced at Mark thoughtfully.


It should belong to the Black Wolf Clan.

Feeling Kate's gaze, Mark calmly put down the coffee cup in his hand and looked at Father Belt and said, "Father, you said that I will come to you today, what's the matter?"

Father Belt looked at Mark and said, "Are you still confused about yesterday's time in Twilight Valley?"

Mark frowned slightly and looked at Father Belt.

He wasn't surprised why Father Belt would know.

Just like he explained to Kate earlier.

As soon as Father Belt's owl senses any trouble in the town, it will rush to the scene as soon as possible to peep...

Mark wondered if Father Belt knew something?
Father Belt looked at Mark's expression and smiled, got up and walked towards a safe in the office and said, "Mark, how much do you know about the Seven Deadly Sins?"

Mark didn't speak.

Seven deadly sins?
Mark thought of the first-generation knight who was sent back to hell by him three years ago. If he remembered correctly, that guy seemed to have said similar words.

Kate answered, "Father, do you know why Mark did what he did yesterday?"

Father Belt bent down and took out an object from the safe, walked over again and placed the object on the table.

Mark looked.

A small empty bottle.

Mark looked up at Father Belt and asked, "Empty bottle?"

But Father Belt smiled and said, "This bottle used to contain the water of Jesus."

"...haha." Mark was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's very interesting, Father, this joke is very interesting."

Father Belt's expression didn't change at all.

Mark's laughter faded away and he looked at Father Belt: "...Aren't you kidding me?"

"Of course." Father Belt looked at Mark and said, "Why do you think this is a joke?"

Mark shrugged: "Because there is no God in this world."


That's something Mark can be sure of.

If there is a God in this world, the earth will still be within the scope of the one-eyed dragon Odin's Nine Realms?

Regarding Mark's explanation, the priest didn't say anything.

Regarding the question of whether God exists or not, the Transcendent World has already demonstrated it...

Father Belt didn't go on too much on this topic, but looked at Mark with a few traces of memory and said, "I knew you were extraordinary from the moment you were born."

Mark smiled and said, "Father, my memory is very good. You don't exist in the memory of my birth."

"Oh, your memory told you so?"

"of course."

"Then tell me, kid."

"When I was born in the arms of my mother Angliss..."

When Mark said this, he frowned and looked up at Father Belt.

Father Belt's smile remained the same.


his memory...

Mark bowed his head in thought and quickly retrieved his memory palace.

He was reincarnated with memories.

It stands to reason that the memory of his life should be re-stored from the moment he was born and touched the air.


Why in his memory palace, the memory starting point of this life is counted from the moment when he was held in the arms of his mother Angliss?
Mark thought about looking at Father Belt, and then his eyes fell on the vial that Father Belt placed in front of him, which he said once contained the blood of Jesus.

Father Belt noticed Mark's gaze and said in a soft voice: "Before you, I have never seen such a strong breath in any newborn, full of arrogance, jealousy, exposure, laziness, Greed, gluttony and lust, even at the moment you were born, the cross around my neck rotted directly, and the grand scene in my hand turned into powder. At that moment, I even thought that the lord of all demons, the king of demons, the end of evil descended into the world..."


(End of this chapter)

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