Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 725 The Bell Ringing in the Town

Chapter 725 The Bell Ringing in the Town
three hours later.

On the mountain road leading to the town of Fox, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, and the sound came from far to near...


The two nanny cars, one red and one blue, turned into two streamers of light and appeared directly on the mountain road, and then came to a stop under emergency braking, billowing thick smoke.


Mark got out of the car and took off his sunglasses, looked around at the lush green mountains on both sides of the mountain road, and then set his eyes on the front.

A rotten tree in front of them directly lay across the mountain road, blocking the way of Mark and others.


Tony, who got off the nanny's car at the back, looked at the road blocking tree and smiled, "It seems that this road is rarely easy to walk."

Mark smiled without saying a word, pointing to the place where the rotten tree broke and said lightly: "Do you think it was blown down by the wind?"

Hearing this, Tony took off his sunglasses and looked at where Mark pointed.

Several traces that looked like wild animals had been planed were clearly visible at the place where the rotten tree broke.

The scratch penetrates three points.

at this time!


Following the sound of howling wolves, the sound of howling wolves resounded one after another in the mountains on the right side of the mountain road.

Tony frowned and said, "Is there a wolf here?"

Mark chuckled.

how fresh.

There are not only wolves here, but also werewolves.

Kate also got out of the car at this moment, looked around curiously, then pointed to the small town hidden in the clouds and mist at the end of the mountain road ahead, and said, "Where is Fox Town?"

Mark nodded and said: "Yes, Fox Town, a unique town hidden in the clouds and mountains and rivers, has power outages once a day, one day at a time."

Kate laughed and said, "You have a deep resentment here."

"You can't imagine it at all." Mark said with a smile on his face: "After the power was cut off, the whole town searched for that nasty electric mouse."

"Electric Dump?"

"Yes, the last alchemist in the world, honestly dreaming of creating the most perfect...wife through the combination of alchemy and technology."



No one knew the name of the alchemist in the town, and all extraordinary beings called him an electric rat.

the reason is simple.

The town of Fox belongs to a reserved area. Originally, the electrical equipment could not keep up with the outside rhythm, but this electric mouse used a lot of electricity every time it was tested. After ten consecutive days of power outages, the extraordinary life in the town finally I couldn't bear it anymore, and directly drove this electric mouse to live in the Twilight Forest...

quite a while.

Pluto's thought force blasted out.

The rotten trees blocked between the mountain roads instantly exploded and shattered into pieces.

Mark glanced at the mountains on the right side where the howling of wolves had just come out, and the corner of his mouth slightly curved up and smiled coldly.


The bigger picture matters.

Big oranges must be the most important.

It won't be too late to get violent after getting the signed peace agreement.


That's what Mark intended.

After getting the letter of authorization, they went straight to violence, avenged revenge, hung Edward in the sun, and threw the current chief Billy into the sea to feed the sharks.

What if I go back on my word after signing?
Ha ha.

So what's the matter with Mark?
Anyway, he has already got the latest signed peace agreement, and then Billy repented that it was a matter between Chief Billy and President Shimoki.

The plan is perfect.

Mark stared at the gray phantom passing faintly in the mountains and smiled coldly in his heart. He swore that when he left Fox town this time, he must have a wolf fur coat as a trophy...


The two nanny cars restarted and started to drive down the mountain towards Fox Town at the end of the mountain road.

The blue nanny van is in front.

inside the car.

Mark pointed to the mountains on the right side that gradually became brighter as he went forward and made rustling and rustling sounds from time to time, and acted as Kate's tour guide with a smile: "The mountains on the right are the habitat of the Black wolf family, all werewolves are like It's all operating on the right side of the Twilight Forest."

"What about the left side?"

"The werewolves on the left generally don't come here. Usually, the extraordinary beings in the town will come to the left to play, except for a few waves of guys who are close to the wolf clan."


"Yes, although ordinary people and extraordinary beings live together in Fox Town, and their daily lifestyles are exactly the same as ordinary people, but extraordinary beings are not ordinary people after all, and their entertainment activities and relaxation programs are all ordinary people. It’s unimaginable, so they usually find some time to go to the mountains to relax.”

As Mark spoke, he pointed to a cave among the peaks on the left that he could see from the car and said, "Did you see that cave?"

Kate, who was driving the nanny car, looked over and nodded, "I see."

"That's the workshop of the electric mouse."

"...Is there really an alchemist like a mouse?"

"What? No, no, that guy likes to steal electricity, so we call him Electric Mouse. After a long time, no one remembers his real name."


Mark smiled and glanced at the weather.


Today is a sunny day.

There was no thunder.


Once again, Mark popularized Kate with the other extraordinary beings living in the town.

Kate listened curiously.

Good guy.

With so many different extraordinary beings crowded into a small town, isn't it afraid that they will fight?

If there is a fight, who can hold it back?

Kate asked her own doubts, and Mark laughed at it.


In addition to the Black wolves being the masters of this land, that is, the family wizard headed by the Rusu family and the vampires of the Carlisle Cullen family can be called the two major powers in the town.

As for other alchemists, mystic wizards, magicians, smurfs... they all play their own games.

To put it bluntly.

It's just a group of old guys who can't get along outside or a group of guys who don't like to fight and come here to live in seclusion leisurely and leisurely.

Expect these guys to fight?


There is also an Extraordinary Life Autonomous Management Committee in the town. It is estimated that all matters between extraordinary beings will be arbitrated by the Extraordinary Committee...


When the red and blue nanny cars got off the long slope and started to drive Fox Town.

Even Kate felt that the whole atmosphere had changed.

Kate looked at the closed stores in the town and the few pedestrians on the street and frowned, "There are so few people here."

Mark, who was sitting in the co-pilot and staring out the window, smiled and said, "The population of Fox Town, including the extraordinary beings living here in seclusion, does not exceed 500."

Kate nodded.

at this time.

Kate stared at the bronze bell ringing on the tallest building in the town not far away, and looked at Mark in puzzlement again.

Mark stared at the copper bell that was still ringing as quickly as an enemy invaded, and said lightly, "The last time this bell rang was June [-], [-]."

"[-]..." Kate looked at Mark suddenly and said, "Isn't this the day you left Fox Town?"

Mark shrugged.

The hostility in my heart is brewing...

(End of this chapter)

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