Chapter 72


At this moment, three armed helicopters belonging to the FBI soared from not far away!

In an instant, everyone in the Jin's Manor who had not been separated turned pale with shock!

The door was pushed open with a bang, and the customers who had behaved elegantly like high-class people just now were like panicked sparrows, and like a herd of wild horses who let go of the gate!
The cars made a rumbling sound in an instant, and drove towards the exit of the manor almost without stopping!


"get off……"


Jack, Debbie, McGee, and Qi Dan who surrounded the manor all led the secret service team behind them to block the four entrances of the manor!

There are high-power searchlights and armed helicopters above, and there are densely packed FBI special police teams below!

The distinguished customers who were directly made dumplings by the FBI got out of the car and turned off the engine after weighing the situation.

The fat man who had just patted a female slave took out a silk scarf and handkerchief, and tremblingly wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Mr. Bear, who photographed the Russian ambassador's son, looked around the Jack team who was rushing towards him with dark eyes, smiled gracefully, and just lit a cigar!

"Be honest!" Jack directly pressed the bear on the hood of the car and yelled loudly.

The bear's cigar, before he had time to take a puff, was pulled out by Jack and dropped on the ground...

After a while, the three members of the Jin family were also directly invited out by the special police from the secret passage that they had just escaped halfway...

For a moment, all around the manor were distinguished customers who were handcuffed!
However, not all of them were handcuffed!

Standing not far away, Justin Hammer, who was deliberately ignored, was taken aback when he saw this situation.

Even a pig knows what song it is!
Walking directly towards Mark, he lowered his voice and said, "Do you really think they will believe it?"

Mark laughed, turned his head and looked around, and then grabbed the right hand of Justin Hammer, who had a stern face, with both hands like lightning, shook it up and down and said loudly: "This operation can perfectly close the net, thanks to Han Don't worry about Mr. Mo's cooperation, I will personally explain this matter to the Minister of Justice..."

In an instant!

Justin Hammer, who was stunned, suddenly felt countless eyes shot from the eyes of the customers who were crushed into the car by the special police!

Mark laughed, then pressed the bear to the side, glanced at the bear and said loudly: "Jack, where is the media I want, when will it arrive, Mr. Justin Hammer has helped us a lot this time Big busy!"

"There are still 10 minutes, boss!" Jack understood, and changed his direction, probably letting the wild bear pass by Justin Hammer!
When the Russian wild bear passed by Justin, he snorted coldly, raised his chin, and made a throat-slitting look...

Mark looked at Justin Hammer, who was completely absent-minded, and smiled coldly in his heart!
A boxer will not use up 20.00% of his strength when striking out, but will retain [-]%...

Mark also made two-handed preparations!

Either for 500 million, Mark can buy Barbara back at a price acceptable to him.

Or, flip the table!

Originally, the option of flipping the table was the worst option, and Mark didn't want to use it.

But the moment Mark saw Justin Hammer, his bad move instantly became the best of the best.

Although it didn't reach the best choice, it gave Mark a good room to maneuver!
Besides, who asked Justin Hammer to argue with himself.

Originally, 500 million can be solved, hello, me, everyone, good things, it must be done like this!
Why bother!
Mark shook his head involuntarily.


No matter how much Justin Hammer quibbles, the customers who have been crushed on the transport truck have preconceived the matter.

Who put everyone in chains except you Justin Hammer?

Arresting them was the FBI, not some fucking New Jersey State Police agency...

"...They won't believe it." Justin Hammer, who looked like a Nepalese monkey, pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and said to Mark without confidence.

Mark put his hands in his pockets, looked at Justin standing in front of him with a smile and said lightly: "I don't need to convince them, as long as your photo appears on the front page tomorrow."


"Calm down, Mr. Hammer, this time you helped the FBI catch us in one fell swoop..." Mark turned to Jack and said, "How many are on the wanted list."


Mark nodded, shrugged his shoulders towards Justin Hammer and said, "Look, not only destroyed the Kim family, but also helped the Russian ambassador find his son who had been missing for nearly a month, and even captured six Wanted, Mr. Hammer, you should be happy!"

"Really..." Justin said coldly: "What about the Scarlet Mary who is with you, she is the eldest daughter of the Gucci crime family!"

Mick turned his head and glanced at his side, blinked and said, "Mr. Hammer, I don't know what you're talking about..."

"..." Justin Hammer!

Mark looked at Justin Hammer, who looked devastated, and an inexplicable sense of joy arose in Mark's heart!

Of course he knew that many of the distinguished customers whose cars were locked up just now were also one of the major arms customers of Hammer Industries.

Mark glanced at a blond female reporter who was led in by Jack at the gate of the manor, leaned close to Justin Hammer's ear and whispered, "I've said it all, don't mess with me, why didn't you listen to you."

Justin Hammer's expression changed instantly.

But before Justin could speak, Mark put his arm around Justin's shoulder and made a loud and magnetic voice.

Pulling Justin Hammer, he walked towards the blond reporter who was holding on to the high-heeled shoes and trotting from time to time, and said with a smile, "Anna, don't worry, I promise, this news will be exclusive to you!"

"Really, thank you!" Anna showed a smile on Mark's blushing face, looking delicious!
Mark glanced at the photographer who was ten steps behind Anna, looking at the camera, with a thin figure, and couldn't help teasing Anna: "God, I remember that Lin and you have only been married for less than half a year, why did you become so thin? Yes, you abused him?"

Lin, Chinese, from New York Central Television, Anna's husband is also the exclusive photographer...

After chatting with Anna and his wife for a few words, Mark directly pulled the ugly Justin Hammer to start an interview!
He wanted to run, but would Mark let his wish come true?

"...Director Louis, may I ask what kind of results the FBI has achieved this time!"

"Well, here I would like to thank Mr. Hammer next to me. It is precisely because of an entrepreneur like Mr. Hammer who is dedicated to serving the country that we learned that there will be such an auction tonight..."

 Don't keep the recommendation ticket, this book needs the nutritional irrigation of the recommendation ticket...


(End of this chapter)

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