Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 719 Letter from Fox

Chapter 719 Letter from Fox

"You and Turnbull are still in touch now?"

"Of course we are friends."

"Hehe...why don't I believe it?"

"What do you politicians believe?"

"So that's what Turnbull told you?"


"……Who is that."

"I protect my informants very closely."


Mark licked his bourbon and looked at Ross with a smile without saying a word, and Ross began to frown and think hard again.

There is no informant.

In fact, when Thomas Pentagram hacked into Quantico's server and left that day, he took away the information in the server.

quite a while.

Ross glanced at Mark after he could no longer think of any possible candidates, and when he decided that Mark would not tell him the identity of the informant, he smiled and then said in a low voice: "Do you think the Iron Legion plan proposed by Hammer Industries is useful?" Didn't get it right?"

Mark put down his glass: "Want to hear the truth?"

"of course."

"This will be another failure of your super soldier plan."

"……What's the meaning?"

Mark sighed and stretched out his hand to ask the bartender to fill up the bourbon and asked lightly: "I have a question for you, why does Hammer Industries want to pull the military or want to pull you to study this so-called Iron Legion project?"

Ross laughed: "I heard that several other generals refused."

Mark nodded and said, "I don't believe you, General Ross, couldn't think of the reason why the other generals refused."

Ross frowned.

Mark shrugged and said: "Hammer made it clear that he wanted to rely on the Iron Legion's plan to completely kidnap the entire military into his carriage. Let's see what slogan he proposed? Army Iron Knight, Air Force Iron Eagle... This shows the rhythm of wanting to make ordinary soldiers completely unemployed."

"But it can change the pattern of warfare."

"Talk to the military union, believe it or not, once you express your support for Hammer with a clear banner, those generals who rejected Hammer before will attack you in an instant."


Mark drank the bourbon that had just been added, and then stood up and looked at the frowning Rose and said, "It's getting late, I should go back."

Ross nodded as if he didn't hear it.

With a chuckle, Mark took out two green Franklin cards from his pocket, pressed them under his glass, and then walked out of the bar.

Rose, who was deep in thought, was awakened by sudden movement from outside the bar.

Ross looked across at the empty space and blinked.

next second.

Rose's face turned black and brightened.

Ah shit.

This time, he originally planned to ask the teacher why he let his precious girl stay with Hulk.

The results of it?
This meowing nonsense directly made him forget about it.

This guy also said he's not a politician and doesn't like dealing with politicians.

The results of it?
The ability to break the topic is more like a politician than those politicians.

"……Ha ha."

Ross thought of this and directly made himself angry.


after Independence Day.

Mark stayed in the backyard and played happily with his two daughters, while Kate was cooking breakfast for the family in the main building.

Mark suggested finding a few servants with excellent professional skills for the manor.

But Kate vetoed it.

Kate says she enjoys every moment of cooking.

Whether this sentence is true or not, Mark has no idea.

at this time.

Ding Dong!

As the doorbell at the gate of the manor rang, the voice of Thomas Pentagram appeared: "Sir, there is a courier at the door."

Mark glanced at the two daughters playing on the lawn, then walked towards the main building and asked, "Kate, are you shopping online again?"

Kate put out the fried eggs and said, "No, maybe it was something sent by Laili from Washington."

Mark asked curiously: "If you don't tell me, I'd have forgotten, isn't Lailis supposed to be graduating soon?"

"Laris graduated from oceanography, but your daughter still has a method..." At this point, Kate shut up.

Mark asked: "Fa what?"

Kate shook her head and changed the subject, "Hurry up and get it, wash your hands and prepare to eat."

Mark blinked.

He always felt that there was a little secret between Kate and his daughter Lailis again.

This made Mark burst into sadness.

Mark sighed and shook his head and walked towards the gate of the manor.

Kate, who was about to boil the milk, looked at Mark's back shaking her head and sighing, and laughed even more...

Manor gate.

After the iron gate opened left and right.

The FedEx man who had been waiting at the door for a long time handed over a thin envelope to Mark, then without even looking at it, he rode on his dead plane and blew the horn of attack towards the next one...

Mark looked down at the thin envelope in his hand and fell into thought.

If he remembers correctly.

Tony at NCIS once almost typed GG because there was a virus in the letter.


Mark shrugged and tore open the opening of the envelope and took a breath.


No unknown powder.

Mark smiled and felt that his nerves were completely too tense.

It's just an envelope, not a bomb.


Are there any bombs that can kill him now?


"close the door."

"Yes, sir."

After Mark finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the manor while taking out the contents of the envelope.

Two tickets.

【Liam's New York Tour】


It's concert tickets.

After Mark walked into the main building, he waved the two concert tickets in his hand and looked at Kate with a smile: "Honey, are you planning to surprise me?"

Kate looked at Mark with some confusion.

Mark flicked his fingers and two tickets appeared.

After Kate realized it, she gave Mark a healthy fairway: "I would rather let Debbie accompany me to the concert than let you go with me."

Mark laughed and touched his nose, then looked down at the photo of the man holding the guitar on the ticket, and was suddenly taken aback.

and many more.

Mark touched his chin and thought of one thing.

If he remembers correctly, the kid from his next-door neighbor in Forks town was probably called Liam.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Mark's eyes lit up.

at this time.

Anglis, who stayed at home and had nothing to do, came here every day to see her precious granddaughter, and arrived on time.

Mark asked his mother who had just gotten out of the car: "Mom, do you remember the name of the kid next door to me in Fox Town?"

Angliss frowned and said, "Liam? Why are you asking him?"

Mark waved the tickets on his hand and said, "He sent me two concert tickets today."

"do not go."


Mark didn't intend to go.

What a waste of life and precious time.

But Mark looked at Anglis's subtle attitude and suddenly became curious.

Angliss just waved her hands as if she didn't want to say anything.

But Mark has always been Anglis's most beloved eldest son.

Under Kate's shocking gaze, Mark acted like a baby to Angliss.


Anglis finally reluctantly opened her mouth to explain the reason...

(End of this chapter)

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