Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 717 The Hulk and the Abomination [Part [-]] (subscribe for more updates)

Chapter 717 The Hulk and the Abomination [Part [-]] (subscribe for more updates)

East Coast of Long Island.

A Hercules military transport plane that was originally flying above the clouds directly swooped down towards the sea in an instant.

A dazzling red light flickered in the Hercules.

"Pull up!"

"Pull up!"

"Pull up!"

The warning sound in the flight cabin sounded continuously when the flight status change was detected.

The hatred sitting in the driver's seat was unmoved.


When the Hercules was only 1 meters away from the sea, the abomination smashed the annoying sound with a punch, got up and walked out of the cockpit.

in the cargo hold.

The seven soldiers were screaming and howling helplessly at this moment.

After the loathing came out, he glanced at the helpless soldier who was holding on to something tightly, and the expression of disdain on his face intensified a bit.

next second.

The abomination directly and vigorously blasted the hatch used for emergency escape.

The air pressure in the cabin was instantly out of balance.




"I don't want to die."


"Quick, get ready to skydive."


When there were only 2000 meters away from the sea, the abomination holding the door of the emergency escape hatch turned his head and took a last look at the seven people who hurriedly ran towards the rear of the hatch to prepare for skydiving.

next second.

The abomination jumped directly from the emergency escape hatch.



The abomination that jumped to the sea in the air passed Hercules, and the Almighty plunged into the calm sea at a speed exceeding the sound and was instantly torn into powder in less than a second...


A certain corner of the beach in the Montauk area exploded instantly.



Hulk, who was sitting honestly on the sofa waiting for Betty's dinner in the new home area of ​​the Montauk seaside villa, was also angry when he felt the breath of a gamma ray illegitimate child.

This roar directly stunned Banner, who was sitting across from Hulk and stared at Hulk.


"Hulk, attack!" Hulk got up and his expression was no longer the tranquility before, igniting his anger and walking towards the back door of the villa.

Then push the door out.

This is his and Betty's home cannot be destroyed.

Hulk is still very clear about this.

Hulk jumped directly from the suspended backyard and landed on the beach.

Hulk was furious.

Betty's dinner is about to be ready, why do weak chickens always bother him with such things.





The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, the more angry Hulk ignited his anger again, and his figure instantly rose to a height of nearly three meters, rumbling like a rhinoceros crossing the border, hitting the figure that was also running wildly not far away.


The moment Hulk and the abomination collided, the sonic boom in the air instantly shattered the windows of the villas built along the beach.

The residents of Lobster Bay froze instantly.


The residents angrily took out the guns that were locked in their homes and opened them to find the culprit of this incident to settle accounts.


But the residents couldn't help swallowing when they saw the two huge figures looming in the moonlight not far away.

The rumors are true.

The Montauk Monster, lost for nearly a century, has really re-emerged.

Hulk flew upside down and bombarded the beach.

The sneer at the corner of his mouth remained undiminished.

So what if the Hulk is half a meter taller than the Abomination?

One is a baby with nothing but power.

One is an elite soldier who is lacking in strength but can use 100% of his strength.

Hate couldn't think of a reason why he would fail.

"Hulk, I'm angry!" Hulk, who fell on the beach, hit the beach directly and got up, roaring and charging towards the abomination again.

The abomination directly ducked to avoid Hulk's frontal attack, then punched Hulk's chest and roared, and threw Hulk out again with a back fall.

Hulk made a big hole in the sand again.

Hate licked his mutated lizard-like tongue, then showed a crazy smile and said in a contemptuous voice: "Hulk, this is your power, too weak, too weak."



Hatred looked down at the trembling sandy beach, and his heart tightened.


"It's a strong man!"


It seemed that the magma from hell shot straight into the sky from Hulk's pit in an instant, as if a volcano had erupted.

Morning stars appear to throw potholes left and right.

Amidst the thunderous drumming, Hate also roared to increase his fighting spirit.

next second.

Bang bang bang!
The pothole exploded instantly.

Hulk, who was bathed in magma, jumped out of the pit with a roar.

Hulk has returned to a height of two meters at this moment.


Compared with the naked Hulk before, the Hulk at this moment has already put on the equipment.

Molten for armor!

The hot magma bathed in Hulk's body cooled down into armor all over Hulk's body.

The hatred not far away was slightly absent-minded.

But it's just a little distracted.

"Come on, Hulk!"


The abomination roared, this time it was the abomination who took the initiative to launch an offensive.

What if the naughty boy has a weapon?
Hate is still deeply disdainful.

Just this time?

Hulk directly waved the arm formed by the condensed magma, and slammed it fiercely on the fist that the abomination swung.

The disgusted expression changed.

Under this blow, the right arm swung by the hatred instantly turned into powder and completely powdered.


For the first time, there was a distorted expression of pain on the face that had been corroded by sulfuric acid.

next second.

Hulk grabbed Abomination's head, bent his knees and hit it hard, and Abomination stumbled backwards as if he was drunk.


A hint of disdain flashed across Hulk's face, and he used his right arm to directly wipe the molten armor on his left arm.

The magma that had been cooled and condensed instantly burned and turned into flowing magma, and then turned into a thick and hard iron chain that cooled.

Hulk flicked the chain.

The iron chain turned into a cold light and directly hit the boulder not far from the beach.

The boulder instantly shattered.

Hulk walked towards the abomination who was covering his head with one hand and struggling to stand up.

Hulk put his foot directly on the back of the abomination, and the iron chain in his hand was instantly wrapped around the neck of the abomination.

"Hulk, the strongest!"


With a roar, Hulk was about to use his iron chains to slay the monster that made him feel evil.

at this time.

Chu Chu Chu!
A beam of light instantly hit the Hulk and the abomination from the sky.

Hulk looked up.

next second.


Hulk directly tied up the hate on the beach with iron chains, then stood up and watched the helicopter descending slowly.

Betty and Bruce also hurried to Hulk's side.

Betty caressed a wound on Hulk's head that had already healed...

Banner is eating.


General Ross looked at Banner and Hulk in surprise from the helicopter.

Although General Ross was surprised by what method Mark used, this matter is not his top priority right now.

Rose pointed to the hatred that was tied up and struggling violently and said, "This is mine."


Hulk snarled directly at Rose.


The soldiers around General Ross were loaded with bullets and watched the Hulk with a lava armor vigilantly.

Betty stepped forward and stood in front of Hulk and said to her father Rose: "Hulk is under Chief Louis, you can't take it away."

Betty directly used Mark's name to suppress his father.

Ross looked dissatisfiedly at his daughter Betty, whom he loved and loved since childhood.

Betty's expression didn't change.

quite a while.

Rose said, "I'm not here for the Hulk this time."

Betty was just about to speak.

"No!" Hulk refused directly.


Hulk walked directly in front of the struggling abomination, shook his hands and grabbed the chain against the back of the abomination.

next second!

Hulk turned to look at Rose's iconic disdainful expression reappearing.

This is his trophy.


don't know how to share...

(End of this chapter)

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