Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 712 The Birth of Abomination [Part 1] (Guaranteed Part [-])

Chapter 712 The Birth of Abomination [Part [-]] (First update of guarantee)
Federation Building, fifth floor.

Comprehensive indoor sports field.

Dr. Banner is being watched like an orangutan.

Chuck led a middle-aged man with a serious oriental face to Mark and introduced him: "Director, this is the prosecutor of the Southern District, Ste Lee."

Mark smiled at this Ste Lee.

The prosecutor of the Southern District was born in the United States, grew up in the United States, and received an American education...

Ste Lee reached out to Mark and said, "Hello, Chief Lewis."

Mark shook hands with one touch.


Mark got up from his seat and smiled at Ste Lee: "The same sentence, I brought Dr. Banner, if you think Dr. Banner is the Hulk, let him transform, the FBI accepts any compensation terms proposed by the District Attorney's Office."

Ste Lee was ready to speak.

But Mark turned cold and said directly: "But let me remind you, Prosecutor Li, if you can't prove that Hulk is Banner in the end, I will consider it a conspiracy by the district attorney's office against the FBI." .”

Ste Lee was taken aback for a moment.

Is this meow trying to scare people?
But as the biggest head of the District Attorney's Office, Ste Lee said he wasn't intimidated.

Ste Lee smiled and said, "Director Lewis, please rest assured that the relationship between the District Attorney's Office and the FBI has always been very good."

Mark smiled faintly and couldn't give any good color at all and said, "Then you better not let me suspect that this is a conspiracy against the FBI."

Stuart Lee's face was a little ugly.

Is this a decision to tear your face apart?
Is this special meow the kind of bearing that a bureau chief of the face investigation bureau should have?

If Mark knew what Stuart Lee was thinking, he would definitely just laugh and spray him in the face.

It's about skin.

This kind of thing cannot be compromised.

Ster Lee had no choice but to glance at Mark, then nodded towards the prosecutor he brought not far away.

The young prosecutor who seemed to be fledgling walked up to Banner who was still in the mentality of "Hulk wants to green himself", took out a fingerprint reader and said, "Dr. Banner, please cooperate."

That Ster Lee smiled and said to Mark: "I think Chief Louis doesn't mind if we verify our identity first."

"Of course not." Mark shook his head and smiled, "Actually, I'm even more curious about your plan to prove that Dr. Banner is the Hulk."

Ste Lee smiled and said, "We have no way, but someone has a way."

"Oh?" Mark became curious at this time.

at this time.

Wearing a military uniform, Ross appeared directly at the gate of the comprehensive indoor training ground with a hearty laugh and said to Mark, "Director Louis, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Mark was taken aback for a moment and then hugged Rose who opened his arms.

next second.

Mark probed his head and whispered in Rose's ear, "What benefits did the District Attorney's Office give you?"

"They promised that Banner will be under our custody once the case is filed." Ross smiled and said in a low voice.

What if Mark had already made preparations in advance?
At this moment, seeing that Ross, who was planning to please both ends, wished to smash his dog's head with a hammer.


This guy Ross says he's a soldier but he's more of a politician than a politician.


Very hypocritical.

Mark let go of his smile and still watched the friendly handshake between General Ross and Inspector Ste Lee of the District Attorney's Office.

Ross looked at Mark with a faint smile on his face, then looked at Banner who was undergoing a full set of identity verification, and was slightly taken aback.

Ross felt something was wrong.

Whether Banner is the Hulk or not, it is estimated that no one can have a more say than Ross.


The fledgling prosecutor walked up to Chuck and Rose and nodded, "Identified, it's Dr. Bruce Banner."

Rose looked at Mark's expression again, and the latter's smile still seemed to have a hint of joking in his eyes.

Ross turned his head and frowned at the young prosecutor: "You are 100% sure."

The young prosecutor nodded and pointed to the portable dental equipment and fingerprint equipment specially brought for this time and said: "The dental records and fingerprints are 100% consistent. I am sure this is the real Bruce Banner."

Ross fell silent.

What is the reason that makes Mark so confident.

It is actually very simple to determine that Banner is the Hulk.

The reason why Banner turned into the Hulk is because there are a lot of gamma elements in the blood. Even if you don’t use a large blood analyzer, just let Dr. Banner take some blood and find a small animal to verify it...

Mark looked at the gaze cast by Ross and waved at Ross leisurely.

Hulk and Banner just broke up.

Even Hulk is now thinking about grabbing Banner's girlfriend.

Hulk and Banner just exchanged souls and did not exchange bodies. In theory, there are gamma rays in Banner's body?


From a scientific point of view or theoretically speaking, it looks like this.


What kind of science does this meow have when their souls are separated? Science estimates that they are already trying to pry open their own coffin...

quite a while.

Rose could only wave at the soldiers he brought.


The soldier tore open the blood drawer and walked to Banner's side expressionlessly, staring at Banner's thick right arm like a chicken without saying a word.

Banner, who was still surrounded by the news that he was about to be greened, stretched out his right hand like a wooden man.


The soldier drew out the needle and handed Banner a cotton swab to suppress the needle, and then walked to the specially brought mouse cage.

Banner's blood was directly and roughly injected into the mice.

ten seconds.

The little white mouse was jumping around in the cage.

1 minutes.

The little white mouse is still very energetic.

two minutes.

3 minutes.


10 minutes.

General Ross looked at Banner puzzled.

Banner can only shrug his shoulders to express his ignorance...


Mark gave a hutch, got up from the chair, stretched his waist and said, "The situation is clear now, Prosecutor Ste Lee."

Ste Lee frowned and looked at General Ross.

Although Ross's heart was full of fog, he just wanted to benefit from both ends, but he didn't intend to really tear up his face with Mark. He could only say: "Dr. Banner's blood does not contain gamma rays."

The smile disappeared from Star Lee's face.

Mark smiled and turned to Debbie, who was sitting in the rest area and playing with her mobile phone, and said, "Debbie, tell the Attorney General what happened today from a distance, and by the way, make an appointment with the Attorney General for me on Monday."

Debbie, who was holding the earphone, nodded and said, "Understood, Director."

Mark finished.

Ster Lee has lost his face.

But still the same.

Want to suck blood from the FBI?

Ha ha.

Think about your teeth first...

(End of this chapter)

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