Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 695 Why Destroy the World (Part 2 of Guarantee)

Chapter 695 Why Destroy the World (Second Guarantee)
James Buchanan Barnes.


The former name appears very rarely.

But the latter is different.

Among the various audio-visual materials about Captain America, as long as it talks about Captain America’s good friends, it will only be Bucky instead of James Buchanan Barnes.

This is normal.

Just like many young people in China now know Captain America but don't know Captain America's full name.

When Tony understood the goal of the name James Buchanan Barnes, his emotions became a little complicated.


Among the audiovisual materials of Captain America, Howard is also a presence with a high rate of appearance. After all, Howard once participated in Captain America's plan to become stronger.

quite a while.

Tony said calmly in an unpredictable tone: "But shouldn't Bucky fall off the cliff in the final operation against Hydra?"

Mark smiled and said: "The missile exploded beside you, aren't you fine now, and you have an extra light source on your body."

Tony immediately looked at Mark with a slight expression and said, "I almost forgot if you didn't mention it, you damn crow mouth."


Mark raised his eyebrows and hurriedly changed the subject with a haha: "What about Bucky, do you still want to hear it?"


Mark glanced at Tony suspiciously. Tony, who was sitting across from him, had a stinking face and couldn't show any expression.

Mark was rather melancholy at the moment.

Obviously he should blame Tony for the disappearance of his mind power, but why is he guilty at this moment?
very strange...


Mark then shook the wine glass in his hand and said: "In short, Bucky was brainwashed. When Howard and Maria died, Bucky was not actually Bucky. Howard and Maria's death bear any legal responsibility, he was legally mentally ill at the time."

Tony smiled.

Without any legal responsibility?
Who stipulated?

Tony looked up at Mark coldly and asked, "If it was your parents who died, would you think the same?"

"Old Louis? Maybe." Mark shrugged and said with a smile: "But my mother? Hehe, if this really happens, I will pull the earth towards the sun."

Mark is telling the truth.

After all, he didn't have a good impression of old Louis since he was a child.

But mother?
Who dares?

As long as you dare to come to Mark, you dare to pull the whole earth to play the finale together.

Tony smiled.

But Mark changed the subject and continued: "It is said that Bucky tried to assassinate me in [-]."

Tony raised his head and said in a deep voice, "You already killed him?"

"Ahem." Mark coughed and said angrily, "What are you doing for me, a murderer?"

Tony chuckled and said, "Based on what I know about you, isn't he dead?"

"Of course not." Mark took out two tissues and wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "As I said before, Bucky is a mental patient who cannot be legally responsible for his actions, so, yes, of course I didn't kill him." he."

Of course.

The main reason why Bucky was not killed at that time was that Hydra's performance satisfied Mark, and it really did the degree of admitting mistakes...

But this thing with Mark is one thing.

It was another story with Tony.


Tony is not Mark. The most important point is that Tony is not short of money...

quite a while.

Tony looked at Mark and said, "Where is he now?"

Mark shrugged: "I don't know."

Tony frowned slightly.

Mark confirmed again: "This is the truth. I have told you the truth. There is no need to hide this matter from you."


This is also true.

Since meeting Bucky once in [-], Mark has never paid attention to Bucky's movements.

Maybe it was frozen again by Hydra and waited for the next mission.

But who knows.

Just as an Obadiah Stan isn't enough to keep Mark on his toes, neither is Bucky the Winter Soldier.

Anyway, as long as he knows Hydra, if he has any questions, just go to Hydra.

Whether to resist or stand at attention is a question for Hydra.

Not Mark's.


At the gate of the manor, Kate said to Pepper who was holding Little Morgan, "Are you sure you don't want to have lunch here anymore?"

Pepper looked at Tony, who had been silent since he knew that Bucky was the real culprit, and got into the car. He could only shake his head and said, "Next time."

Kate could only say, "Okay then, I'll pick you up that afternoon?"

"of course."

"Walk slowly."

"Morgan, it's time to say goodbye to Kate."

"Goodbye, Aunt Todd."

"Goodbye, dear Morgan."


After the Pontiac sports car left the road of Mark Manor.

While walking towards the manor with Kate, Mark asked curiously, "Where are you and Pepper going this afternoon?"

Kate smiled and looked at Mark and said, "Director Louis is also interested in going shopping with us this afternoon?"

Mark quickly waved his hands and shook his head.

What a joke.

Go shopping with a woman?

It is estimated that even a male god will collapse immediately after such a show.

Shopping is a nightmare among gods and boys.


Ruin villa.

After the construction repair team came home from get off work, the Pontiac sports car turned into a streamer and stopped steadily at the edge of the pothole that was blown out by the explosion at that time, ignoring the dilapidated road.

Tony, wearing sunglasses, gets out of the car.

In just one day's work, all the garbage inside the villa has been pushed out, and the corners have been filled with materials for restoration.

Tony walked straight to the door leading to the basement, took off his glasses and aimed at the identification device by the door.

"Authentication successful, welcome, sir."


The green light of the identification device lit up, and the basement room that had been closed due to repair work suddenly opened.

Tony walked down the basement blankly.

The light source in the basement turned on instantly.



"I need your help with one thing."

"At your service anytime."

"Mobilize the Stark satellites to search for a person's information in all directions."

Tony walked to the console and stared at the control interface projected by Jarvis for a while in silence.

Tony and Mark are actually the same kind of people.

Tony's resentment towards Howard was because Howard was always working and working when Tony was a kid.

Mark's resentment towards Old Louis is because when Mark was a child, Old Louis directly wanted to send Mark to a juvenile correctional institution.

Although the reasons are different, the results are actually the same.

But not only Howard died in the car accident, but also his mother Maria.


Thinking of this.

The flame in Tony's heart could not be extinguished any longer.

next second.

Tony looked up at the projection interface and said in a deep voice: "Mobilize all resources to search for the trace of James Buchanan Barnes, once found, send it to me as soon as possible."

"...Yes, sir, as you wish."

(End of this chapter)

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