Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 672 Wayward Dorothy (Part 2 of Guarantee)

Chapter 672 Wayward Dorothy
"Daddy, how many times do you love me?"

"Love you three thousand times."

"papi, how many times do you love us?"

"...I love you six thousand times."


The three little girls looked at each other, and then ran towards the racetrack not far away again.


After a flash of light, the three little girl papers turned into four little girl papers.

There is an extra five-year-old Dorothy who can travel freely on the long river of time.


Although the previous game was fun for three people, it was obvious that the game was designed for four people. The five-year-old Dorothy was called by the three-year-old Dorothy on the off-site helpline.

Kate, who was chatting with Pepper, frowned when she saw this.

Dorothy's use of [Time Travel] talent has reached the point of abuse.

This is bad.

When Kate was preparing to teach Dorothy, but looked at the four little girls who were full of joy and laughter...

In the end, Kate shook her head with a helpless wry smile and said to Pepper next to her, "You must not have seen this."

Pepper shook his head and stared at the two Dorothys who were playing the game of you shoot one and me shoot two and said, "No, I have seen bigger Dorothys."

Now it was Kate's turn to be stunned.


Strictly speaking.

Pepper was really saved by her daughter, but it was just a future Dorothy.

It's amazing.

The little girls are playing games.

The girls were drinking beer and chatting under the shade of the trees.

As for the boys?
Mark and Tony turned into chefs and made barbecue food there.

Mark turned his head and glanced at the children who were playing games, looked at Tony beside him and asked with a smile, "When do you plan to marry Pepper?"

Tony froze.

to be honest.

Tony hasn't had time to think about this question since Pepper was revived and came back with a daughter, or Tony didn't spend time thinking about it.

Morgan Stark is his daughter.

He checked it with a machine.


For God's sake, as far as he could remember, he'd never had anything to do with Pepper.

What is this?
Even Tony Stark, who holds several Ph.D. titles and is known as the most outstanding genius of all time, can't sort out this problem.

He was green?

But Morgan was indeed his daughter.

So Morgan is indeed his and Pepper's daughter?
But Tony never had anything to do with Pepper.


Tony returned to his senses with a stiff smile and said, "We haven't discussed this issue yet."

Mark shrugged: "Then you should think about it, I can save Pepper once, but I can't be so lucky every time."

Tony said speechlessly, "It was Dorothy who saved Pepper."

Mark laughed and said, "But there would be no Dorothy without me, so Pepper was saved by me."

Tony gave Mark a speechless look.

quite a while.

Tony asked aloud while working on the barbecue ingredients in his hand, "Did Obadiah catch it?"

Mark took a sip of beer and said, "I thought you wouldn't ask this question."

Tony didn't speak.

Mark could only shrug his shoulders and say, "Not yet, I should be hiding in some corner and planning something."


It's easy to guess what a normal person will do if he has a steel suit.

But what will Obadiah do with his steel suit?

Mental patients are much happier.

Mark is a normal person, so he can't guess Obadiah's next move.

at this time.

The faint blue portal opened again on the grass near the river.

Lailis, who wore a crisp T-shirt and blond hair, came out of the portal and said with a smile, "I'm not late."

"Wow!" Cerberus, who followed Lailis, also came out and wagged his tail cheerfully.

Kate got up and greeted with a smile.

Mark asked curiously, "Why did you come back suddenly today?"

Lailisi pointed to the little girls playing in the racecourse and said, "Dorothy told me that there is a barbecue party at home today, and... I'm hungry."

Lily shrugged and smiled.

Mark and Kate lost their minds for a while at Laili's words.


Kate took a deep breath and looked at three-year-old Dorothy, who was guarded by five-year-old Dorothy.

It is the adults who take care of the children in other people's homes.

But Kate's turn?
The children will take care of the children by themselves without Kate worrying about them at all.

Kate had no choice but to roll her eyes at Mark who was still smiling.

Mark was also dumbfounded.

Spreading his hands at Kate as if to say, "Hey, what's none of my business."

Kate snorted coldly and then called Laili to sit down by her side.

After the BBQ party.

Lailisi left first and said that she would continue to indulge in learning and couldn't extricate herself.

Kate and Pepper turned the three children into the main building, after all, the sky was getting dark.

Mark and Tony are lying on the deck chairs in the backyard to increase their relationship...brotherhood!

Mark looked at the Stark Industries stocks displayed on his phone and said, "It's been more than ten days, and you're not worried about Stark Industries stocks at all?"

Tony chuckled: "The value of Stark Industries lies in me, I am here, and Stark Industries is here."

This explanation is very characteristic of Tony.

Mark had nothing to say.

quite a while.

Tony shook the beer in the air and said, "However, the Jericho missile will be mass-produced three days later, and I need to show my face to the army to promote it."

Mark was taken aback.

Is this on track again?

But Obadiah exposed it in advance, will Tony still wear palladium on his chest this time?
Mark is curious.

But Mark still said: "Bring Jazz, the recent strategic situation in the Middle East is very complicated."

Tony nodded, then looked at Mark and said, "You think the same as Pepper, Pepper also asked me to bring the Jazz."

Mark smiled.

Is Pepper also afraid that the story of another incident will repeat itself here?

The battle clothes have become holy clothes, what is going on?
Change your mind?

Stop it.

Pepper's death is more effective than any elixir. Didn't you see that three of the tabloids that relied on Tony's gossip for their livelihood have closed down in the past ten days?
Think of the suit.

Mark asked curiously: "How is your... how is the holy cloth project going?"

Tony's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "I'm currently developing a portable small ark reactor, so that if a set of holy clothes is scrapped, there is no need to reconfigure the energy source. I am considering developing a wearable wristband Ark Reactor."

wrist type?
Folding Ark Reactor?
Mark was in a daze for a few seconds and then complained helplessly: "Why are you so troublesome? Why don't you just dig a hole in your chest and stuff it into the Ark reactor? There is a grade."

Mark's words were meant to be a joke.

But Tony listened?
But with a thoughtful expression on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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