Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 662 Obadiah who escaped (guarantee part 2)

Chapter 662 Obadiah who escaped (Second update of guarantee)

Federal Building.

Mark's roadster had just come to a stop.

A series of reporters, as if smelling something delicious, locked on Mark in a second and ran towards Mark who got off the car, trying to grab the first-hand news with their superior physical fitness.

"Director Lewis, this is the New York Daily..."

"Go away."

"I came first, Bichi."

"I'll tear your mouth apart."


Mark used a trick to walk out of the reporter's circle lightly.

After tightening his suit.

Mark went straight into the Federal Building, leaving only the guard at the door as a security guard in constant amazement.

Inside the office.

Mark pushed away and glanced at Debbie who was sitting on the sofa and Andrew, the director of the Financial Crimes Investigation Section, said indifferently: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Supervisor Andrew and Debbie exchanged glances.

Andrew then got up and said to Mark who was walking towards the wine cabinet: "Of the 78 suspects on the list, [-] have been arrested and brought to justice, and we are contacting the New York Police Department for their assistance in arresting the remaining eight suspects. "

Debbie also got up and said: "Obadiah Stan is not in the office, the agent who went to his house reported the information, according to the statement of Stan's servant, at around eight o'clock last night, Obadiah Stan said he had something to do, so he drove out alone."

last night?

After that fire?

Mark took out an empty glass from the wine cabinet and frowned, "Did he drive himself?"


After pouring himself a glass of afternoon wine, Mark took a sip and sat back in his seat before saying, "What about his wife?"

Debbie flipped through the collected information and looked up: "Obadiah Stan divorced his wife three years ago."

"Divorced?" Mark raised his eyebrows.

Debbie nodded and looked at the information in her hand and smiled: "Yes, after the divorce, his wife Janice went to Iraq as a volunteer member of the United Nations Red Cross to provide voluntary help."

"Wow, that's amazing."

Mark nodded with a expression of nothing to say.

For such a woman who voluntarily went to the war-torn area for humanitarian assistance, Mark could not ridicule...


Mark pointed to the desktop and said lightly: "Then is there any clue where this Obadiah Stan went?"

"I'm investigating."

"It's..." Mark smiled and looked at Debbie who was panting a few more times.

Debbie shrugged.

next second.

Mark's burst of thought power instantly covered the entire New York City.

In God's perspective.

Mark, who looked down on the entire New York City like a god, fixed his gaze on a small airport on the outskirts of New York.

quite a while.

Mark opened his eyes and looked at Debbie and said, "Come with me."

Debbie nodded.

Mark drank the wine in the glass, got up and looked at Andrew and said, "Hurry up the interrogation, I am under a lot of pressure for you."

Andrew was confused.

what the hell.

This is obviously what you asked for.

But Andrew could only say these words in his heart, but on the surface he nodded his head while trying to maintain his expression.

Mark was very pleased to see this.


This is his place.

After half an hour.

Mark took Debbie directly to the small airport where Obadiah Stan's breath appeared at the end.

There are many small airfields with only one runway.

In New York alone.

This small airport is enough to have more than three digits.

After all, airplanes are not considered a luxury in the local area. Farmers fly their own airplanes when spraying pesticides.

The person in charge of the airport here did not stage any scenes of preferring death to surrender or refusing to admit it.

To be precise.

The second after Debbie took out the golden eagle badge to identify herself, the person in charge here called the employee who was on duty last night directly from home.

In less than a while.

The young man in his 20s who was on duty last night looked at the photo of Obadiah Stein held by Debbie after hearing this question, nodded and said to Debbie and Mark, "Of course." , I remember this guy."

"What did he tell you?"

"It's nothing." The young man blinked and said, "It was about 09:30 yesterday. I was sitting in the tower on duty. I just helped him open our protective door and let him in."

"that's it?"

"Of course." The young man said with a sudden smile: "By the way, after I opened it, this guy still wanted to enter the tower, saying that he wanted to thank me in person, brother-in-law, but I didn't let him come up, I just refused politely." He, only our staff can enter the tower, and I have followed all your work rules."

As he spoke, the young man looked at the person in charge of the small airport with an expression of asking for credit.

The person in charge looked at Debbie with an awkward expression and tried to explain: "Haas is licensed, I definitely don't..."

Debbie smiled and interrupted: "Don't be nervous sir, we are the FBI, not the FAA."

The person in charge was visibly relieved.

Mark is expressionless.

Thank you in person?
But can this be regarded as a fool's blessing?
Mark shook his head, then looked at the young man and asked, "Continue."

The young man was obviously stunned when he heard what Debbie said to the FBI just now, until his brother-in-law stabbed him, then he wiped his face and said: "Of course, of course, there is nothing to say, actually. He got on a plane and left after I refused him to come up to the control tower."

"Which airline?"

"A corporate private jet."

"what is it call?"

The young man thought for a while, then pointed to the tall tower not far from where they were standing and said, "I forgot, but I have registered it in the entry and exit management manual according to the regulations."

Debbie looked at the person in charge.

The person in charge wiped the sweat from his forehead and warned his brother-in-law with his eyes, then turned to Mark who hadn't spoken much and said, "Of course, I'll get it now."

After Mark nodded.

Only then did the person in charge quickly walk towards the control tower.

Mark turned his head and glanced at the person in charge's walking posture, then frowned slightly.

Debbie also looked at it.

It's just that Debbie didn't read any useful information from the person in charge's walking posture.


The person in charge came down from the elevator and said with a smile on his face: "I found out, it took off at 55:[-] last night, and the route is South American..."

Debbie stretched out her right hand towards the person in charge blankly.

The person in charge was taken aback, then directly handed the brochure in his hand to Debbie.

Debbie took it and looked it up for herself.

Mark looked at the person in charge and said, "English is pretty good."

The person in charge was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Thank you."

at this time.

Debbie's eyes lit up and she said, "Boss, I found it. The plane that took off at 55:[-] yesterday belongs to a company called Green Planet. The plane number..."

"Green Planet?"


(End of this chapter)

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