Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 653 Assistant to the Chairman, Pepper (Part 3 of Guarantee)

Chapter 653 Assistant to the Chairman, Pepper

In Tony's telling.

Mark finally understands why Tony and Pepper are fighting.

Obadiah Stein.


Still because of a man.

But Obadiah Stein was just as simple as a man.

Obadiah Stein is Howard Stark's best friend and Tony Stark's godfather.

After Howard Stark and his wife died in a car accident, it was Obadiah Stan who took the top when the entire Stark industry was leaderless.


Obadiah Stein made it clear in an interview that the chairman of Stark Industries will always be Howard's son Tony Stark.


In Tony's heart, Obadiah Stan is not just as simple as the godfather...

As for the fuse of the quarrel?

Pepper was Tony's personal assistant before, and most of his work was responsible for Tony's schedule and life arrangements outside of official business, and the work involved was only relatively personal.

But it was different after becoming the assistant to the chairman.

As an assistant to the chairman, Pepper has the greatest authority in Stark Industries to get in touch with all the company's affairs.

Research and development.




Of course, there is the most important financial...

It is clear.

After Pepper spent half a year learning how to become an assistant to the chairman, Pepper began to officially perform the post of assistant to the chairman.


It was also making Pepper realize that something was wrong.

The number of substandard weapons destroyed varies.


Don't think that arms companies have no substandard products, even food companies have substandard food.

Unqualified products will exist in any enterprise involved in production.

But in Pepper's view, the number of unqualified products in several transactions is too large. After calling out the information, Pepper found that the span of unqualified products has been seven or eight years, and there are even two or more every year. Three strokes...

This is very unusual.

If that is the case, the internal affairs supervision department of Stark Industries will not be unaware.

At the beginning, Pepper also thought that she was not good at learning.

but then...

After three months of private investigation, Pepper found that whenever this unusual amount of reimbursement appeared, the destroyers were the same three people.

After investigating again.

These three people exist in the personnel files of Stark Industries, but the reality is... there is no such person.


Pepper found the clues from the three people who could not find the person, and found out the personnel manager who recruited these three people at that time.

The HR manager who recruited these three people is real.

But he was dismissed in [-].

Pepper then asked Debbie to inquire about the personnel manager's information, but it turned out that the personnel manager had a car accident on the third day after being fired...

And then.

The investigation appears to have reached an impasse.

Just when Pepper was about to give up, the internal reminder she had set via Jarvis rang.

This is what Pepper asked Jarvis to independently remind over Stark's management system when he received a similar abnormal breakage in the production plant.


Pepper noticed that the damage and destruction this time included the Jericho missile that was declared by the army just three months after the mass production was scheduled.

Because it is a new type of weapon, the destruction procedure is different from other conventional weapons that have already been mass-produced...

Stark Industries has signed the "Patriot Treaty", and the production interval of the Jericho missile took place after the signing of the "Patriot Treaty".

From the perspective of the treaty, the sales of Jericho missiles must be subject to the supervision of DOD, and they cannot be sold or fall into hostile forces to prevent them from being used to affect the natives themselves.

and so.

Pepper has been keeping an eye on the destruction process since a list containing the destruction of the Jericho missiles emerged.


Obadiah Stein has surfaced...

After that is all Mark knows.

Pepper ran to Tony with the evidence he had collected.

But Tony...


After all, Obadiah Stein is Tony's godfather or Tony's most admired elder.

And so the quarrel arose.

after that.

Pepper was so angry that she left the villa and drove to New Jersey when she got into a car accident...


Mark and Tony were puffing on a cigar each.

quite a while.

After listening to Tony's narration, Mark exhaled a smoke ring and said lightly: "Have you checked the car accident about Pepper?"

"Of course, it was an unfortunate traffic accident, and the driver who caused the accident died on the spot." Tony nodded, then looked at Mark suspiciously: "You don't think there is something wrong with Uncle Stan, do you?"

Mark smiled and said, "Obadiah Stan is your uncle, not mine."

Tony frowned.

He is a little uncomfortable.


Tony has very few friends. It is precisely because of the few that Tony cherishes his friends very much. It can be seen from the fact that Tony specially made a steel armor for James...

Obadiah Stein is Tony's godfather and Tony trusts him.

It is because of trust.

Tony does not allow anyone who tries to sow discord between the two to appear.

This is Pepper and Mark.

Try it with someone you don't know?

Do you really think Tony is a kind-hearted arms dealer?


Mark will only treat those ancestors who dare to rely on this news to make a deal with Tony as soon as they appear on the stage without even having an identity.

To put it mildly, it's conceited.

To put it bluntly?
That's stupid.

And it's stupid to the extreme...

Mark looked at the expression on Tony's face and shook his head: "Then you want to hear what I have to say?"

Tony opened his mouth.

Mark shrugged: "You just want me to support you, agree with your views on Obadiah, and want me to be on your side, right?"

Tony was silent.

Did he think so?
Tony didn't know either.

quite a while.

After extinguishing the cigar in his hand, Mark said lightly, "How much do you know about the driver who died in the accident?"

"Not much." Tony rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Jarvis."

The words fall.

Jarvis's large screen was directly projected on the swimming pool.

Tony said: "Call out the information of the driver who caused the accident."

"Yes sir!"

After Jarvis responded, the projection screen flashed light.

Mark even saw the federal database flash across the page.

Mark's eyebrows twitched slightly.

He is thinking about a problem.

Should mega-rich Tony Stark be arrested for trespassing?

This is big news.

no doubt.

Just when Mark thought so, a person's profile also appeared on the projection page.

Jarvis' voice sounded.

"Bill Chester, male, 55 years old, a native of Jersey City, New Jersey, a truck driver, without any criminal record...with a total of $12 in loans in the financial system...and his autopsy report and the scene collected Sources...Before the accident, Bill Chester learned that he was suffering from cancer from the Queens Public Hospital in New York. On the way to New Jersey, he lost his mind and caused the car accident..."

Tony had heard this message a dozen times before today.

Just like he thought.

This is a tragedy.

Tony then looked at Mark.


(End of this chapter)

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