Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 643 Where Has Time Gone (Second Guarantee)

Chapter 643 Where Does Time Go?

early morning.

Holding a cup of coffee, Mark leaned directly on the guardrail and looked at Dorothy and Theodora who were chasing and fighting on the lawn in front of the courtyard with a smile on his face.

Where's the time?

Looking at the two little girls who were three years old this year and whose height was approaching the one-meter mark, Mark couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Kate walked out of the room with a coffee pot in her hand and said with a smile to Mark, who has fully evolved the talent of being a baby daddy in the past two years: "Do you still need coffee?"

Mark turned his head and said, "I need bourbon now. I've been drinking coffee for three years."

Kate smiled and filled Mark's coffee cup again and said, "You said to quit drinking, unless you also want to teach your two daughters to be bad."

Mark replied blankly: "I promised that I will not drink here, that's all, you are misinterpreting my meaning again."

Kate shook her head, kissed Mark on the cheek, and then said to the two little girls on the lawn, "Girls, come in for breakfast in 10 minutes."


"Coming soon."

Dorothy and Theodora, who were fighting each other on the lawn, stopped and sweetly replied to Kate.

It's also amazing.

When Kate was born, she did not inherit the so-called Kryptonian combat skills passed down by the blood of the so-called General Kryptonian, but the two daughters of Mark and Kate?

But it is a perfect inheritance of Kryptonian combat skills from generation to generation.

That's why Maizi said before that Dorothy and Theodora were born warriors.


Dorothy even awakened the talent of [time travel] when she was one year old, as the big Dorothy said.

If it hadn't been for the early vaccination, Mark and Kate almost thought that Dorothy ran away from home because her sister ate one more cake than her.

As for Theodora?


Anyway, Mark couldn't tell whether Theodora had awakened or not...

Maybe awakened.

Perhaps some other ability has been awakened.

Maybe not.

who knows.

Although Dorothy and Theodora are the daughters of Mark and Kate, the characters of these two little girls are somewhat similar to Lailis.

Take your privacy very seriously.

When Dorothy and Theodora were only two and a half years old, the two little ones clamored for a room to each other.

Pluto above.

At that time, Mark and Kate had already gone to bed to prepare for nun nun.

after that……

Mark was even told by the two daughters not to enter their room without permission.

The angry Mark immediately scolded the white-eyed wolf in a daze.

Think of him working hard for two and a half years, bringing up Dorothy and Theodora by handfuls of milk and biscuits.

The results of it?
As time went by, the two daughters finally liked Kate a little more than Mark...

This made Mark very sad.

After half an hour.

Dorothy poked her little head out of the window to look up at the sky, and then said with a smile on her face, "Come on, Theodora, the sun is up."

"It's you who put the plate in the kitchen today, I won't be fooled by you anymore."

"...Then you eat quickly."

"I'm done eating."


Mark couldn't help but smile knowingly when he heard the conversation between the two daughters.


Go slowly.


Under the voice of Kate reminding to walk slowly, Dorothy and Theodora ran out of the room like the wind, each pulling a small recliner that was far from being able to be lifted by a three-year-old child.

Kate followed closely behind.

"Going back?"

Mark turned his head and looked at Kate who came out, smiled and said, "How do you know that?"

Kate pointed to Mark's motionless coffee cup and said, "Isn't that obvious?"

Mark looked down at the full coffee mug.



Mark nodded and said, "Yes, it's time to go back. After all, you don't plan to let Dorothy and Theodora be educated here, do you?"

"Why not?" Kate said. "Is there something wrong with education here?"

Mark looked at Kate with a serious expression for a moment, then said, "You don't really want to educate Dorothy and Theodora here, do you?"

Kate shrugged.

Mark said, "Honey, it's a funny joke, but you know better than anyone how big the education gap between the two worlds is."

Kate smiled and didn't get entangled in this topic, but said, "So when are we going back?"


Mark was just about to tell Kate when to leave.

The five-pointed star array is opened.

Maizi walked out of the teleportation array with a relaxed expression.

"Aunt Maizi."

"Aunt Maizi."

Before Mark and Kate could say hello, the two little guys who had just been lying on the deck chairs ready to bask in the sun flew over directly.




Still greeted by the devil's dagger, Dorothy's figure swayed in the air, and the devil's dagger directly passed through Dorothy's body and nailed it to the tree trunk on the left side of the reclining chair. Roaming on the long river of time, it is obvious that Dorothy has become more and more proficient in the ability of [time travel].

As for Theodora, she still turned the demon dagger into slag with her direct heat vision.

Kate next to him was about to say something.

But Mark said to the two little guys surrounded by Maizi: "Okay, girls, Dad still has something to say to Aunt Maizi."

The two girls nodded in unison, and then walked towards the deck chair again after getting Aunt Maizi's assurance to play with them.


Maizi looked at Mark and said, "There are results over there."

Mark nodded and said, "It's time to come out. How long has it been going on? Let me guess, after the Scorpion King was defeated, the hell over there appeared?"

Maizi nodded.

Mark laughed and said, "What happened in the end?"

"It's all gone."

"Where is the Eastern Emperor?"

"Same as what you said before."

"Where's Emerton?"

"I have already returned to Hades with my revived lover, what arrangements do you have for them?"

Mark touched his chin for a while and said, "What do you think of the Tenth Temple Prisoner?"

Maizi shrugged indifferently and said, "You are Lucifer, as long as you are happy, but let them be the prisoner of which temple?"

"The Palace of Law Enforcement."

Maizi looked up at Mark.

Mark smiled and said: "You won't stay here, I'm going back to Marvel."

But Maizi said: "Why not? There is Hela in the underworld, and I can't find any chance to go out, so..."

Mark looked at Maizi who was playing with knives and felt a little funny.

After all, they are the Chief Law Enforcement Officer.

Still so belligerent.

Just when Mark was about to nod, Kate, who was listening to the conversation, interrupted and asked Mark curiously: "Mark, who is Hella?"

Mark froze slightly.

Maizi made an apologetic gesture towards Mark, and walked towards the two little girls who were absent-mindedly basking in the sun on the lawn...

(End of this chapter)

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