Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 641 I! (Desperate first update)

Chapter 641 I! (Desperate tenth update)
There is a saying that is good.

The past is like the wind.


Mark adjusted his mentality.


If the pot left over from what he did in the previous life is a good pot, he can choose to accept it after consideration.

But bad pot?
I'm sorry, the one who did this was the former Ma, who has a grievance and a debtor, whoever wants to make trouble has the ability to go upstream along the long river of time to find the former Ma to make a theory, he is not here by anyone Black pot.


That's it.

Mark looked around and said to Imerton, "Let's go."

"……grown ups."

Mark turned around and looked at the bald Immorton who knelt down on one knee again and said, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Emerton nodded.

Although he was resurrected, the woman he loved was still suffering in hell.


Imerton looked up at Mark who said the name, then bowed his head again and said, "Yes, my lord."

Mark nodded.


a beauty.

Pharaoh's wife, Imerton's lover.


This once again perfectly confirms the sentence, beauty is trouble.

Without Anzunam, Imerton would have been the most powerful High Priest that ever existed in the age of the Pharaohs.

Because of Ansunam.

Imerton was mummified.

Because Imerton became a mummy, in the absence of the high priest's inheritance, the era of pharaohs was ended...

This is yet another sad story of an empire lost because of a woman.

Who did the wrong thing in this matter, Mark didn't bother to bother.

Pharaoh was not resurrected by him, Imerton was resurrected by him.

and so.

Mark then looked at Imerton and said, "Go to the east to help the recovered emperor. When the dark clouds recede in the west and the emperor dominates everything, I will agree to your request."

Emerton blushed and kowtowed, "Thank you, my lord."

Mark waved his hand towards Imerton.

Imerton stood up and turned into yellow sand directly, blowing up the wind and blowing the yellow sand to the east...

Mark watched the yellow sand disappearing from sight and shook his head involuntarily.

Another man captured by love.

Love doesn't divide camps.

Love can save the world, just as love can destroy the world.

Without him.

Just like if Kate tells Mark that she doesn't like this world, Mark will turn into a world-destroying devil in a second.

But what if Kate would love the world as it always was?Mark is sure to take the "Dark Tome" and turn around immediately.

But well.

have hobbies.

To have love means to be in control.

Maizi is the only person in the underworld now, and Maizi will definitely go back when Mark returns to the underworld.

You can't let Apophis, the snake of the underworld, wear several hats, right?

Gothic black-clothed little lolita can play petty temper.

So Mark needs men.

These days, even Hades is having a hard time recruiting employees.

Those who are heartless and desireless will make Hades have no color at all.

It's affectionate and righteous, but it doesn't fit the style of Hades.


Imerton Ansunam is just right.

As long as you give Anzunam to Imerton, Imerton has no other demands, which is very good.

As for Ansu Nam leaving Imerton?

This is normal.

It's just a woman's stress response in a sudden situation.

This is not scrubbing.

Absolutely not.

Mark looked at the dark cloud-covered land and smiled again, then directly flew towards Cairo.

As for the heroes and heroines of this world?
who knows.

Maybe dead.

Maybe not.

Mark didn't care.

Whether it's O'Connor or Evelyn, their status in Mark's heart is not as high as Imerton's...

after one day.


Cairo in [-] was still yellow land, and there was a smell of excrement everywhere. Fortunately, Mark opened the Pluto Psychic Mask for himself, otherwise Mark felt that he would directly kill people because of this smell.


Mark fiddled with the gentleman's hat in his hand and got out of the carriage.

The Cairo native coachman bent down towards Mark very humblely.

Mark smiled and threw a gold bar to the coachman repeatedly with his right hand.


It is gold bars.


"It's for you, let's go."

"This...thank you sir."

There was a hint of ecstasy on the coachman's face, he bowed to Mark again and again, and thanked Mark in a mixture of native language and English.

Mark put on a gentleman's hat and walked directly towards the gate of the museum guarded by two human statues.

After pushing open the door.

The library was empty except for the faint voices coming from upstairs.

"Curator, you're not there. Believe me, he's not human." Evelyn, the English lady, said excitedly to the curator with the white beard: "Just for a moment, those Yankees are all turned into stone. Let's see turn them to stone."

Sitting on a chair, O'Connor held his forehead and said in pain: "I feel that my education was greatly humiliated at that moment."

The curator sitting on the front seat looked at Adsby, who was standing next to him and was also a member of the Secret Guardian Organization, and asked, "You saw Imerton resurrected with your own eyes."

Adesby, with symbols painted on his face, looked at the curator and said in a deep voice: "You are not here, words cannot describe what we have seen. Imerton has fully recovered, and we are no longer able to deal with it."

The curator smiled wisely.

The curator got up and walked towards the side of the room.


The curator appeared in front of everyone holding a silver wooden box.

Everyone looked at it.

The curator smiled and said, "No, we have a way to deal with Emerton."



"The Golden Sutra of the Sun?"

When the curator looked at the guardian of the same organization who knew the goods, he really wanted to nod.

next second.

The silver wooden box in his hand flew out of the door in an instant.

The curator's face changed and he hurriedly grabbed the silver wooden box, but he was a step too late.




"……It's you."

"It's you."

Mark, who appeared at the door, glanced at the silver wooden box suspended beside him, and then glanced at the people who pointed their guns at him instantly with the clicking sound.

Mark walked into the house.

O'Connor wanted to pull the two guns in his hands, but he couldn't.


I can't even move except my head.

O'Connor looked at the others again.

The same is true.

Under the terrified expressions of everyone, Mark strolled to the seat and sat down.

"Sun Golden Sutra?" Mark looked around at the people bound by his thoughts and said lightly: "Life and death, reincarnation is endless, there is life before death, and there is death before life, life and death are one body, why do you Do you always like to put life and death on opposite sides?"


The silver wooden box instantly disintegrated.

The fetish called "Sun Golden Scripture" by the aborigines here was revealed.

The Sun Golden Sutra is suspended in front of Mark.

Mark repeated with his right hand.

The Bible of the Dead also appears.

Mark clapped his hands directly.

next second!
At the moment when the Sun Golden Sutra collided with the Undead Bible, countless visions appeared.

life and death.

Light and darkness.


It was the moment when the two books began to blend in Mark's hands.

Far East.

A sound resounded throughout the world.

"I rule the six kingdoms, unite the world, build the Great Wall to town the dragon veins of the nine states, defend our Great Qin, and protect our country. I swear this oath in the name of the First Emperor! I am here, and I will guard the land and open up borders, sweep away the barbarians, and establish my Great Qin." The foundation of all ages! When I die, I will also become a dragon soul, and protect my China forever! This oath, the sun and the moon will bear witness to it, and the world will learn from it..."

(End of this chapter)

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