Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 581 The First Generation of Knights (Guarantee Part 1)

Chapter 581 The First Generation of Knights (First Update)



Mark got off the sports car and stared at the dark cemetery not far away. The corners of his mouth slightly curved up.

The dizziness behind him is accompanied by the sound of clicking and instantly forming a fighting form.


Mark looked up at the somewhat restless sky and said, "Stay here."

Dizzy nodded: "Yes, my lord."

Mark tightened his suit and walked slowly along the path under his feet towards a church that could no longer be seen as a church at the end of the path.

at this time.

The church door opened.

A man with a white face and a messy beard wearing a brown cowboy hat and a leather jacket stood at the entrance of the church with an outdated shotgun and watched Mark who was slowly approaching.

next second.


Carter Sley's shotgun was instantly loaded and he pointed at Mark who was still ten steps away, and said in a deep voice: "Enough, you've come close enough."

Mark stopped walking, tilted his head and asked curiously: "Oh, then do you know why I came?"

Carter Sley snorted coldly and said: "I have already smelled your scent ten miles away, you are full of arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust...but in my memory , Hell has never existed like you, even that hell king."


Carter Sley looked at Mark with a more serious and vigilant expression.


In the depths of his already cloudy eyes, there seems to be a tendency to burn like embers...

Mark shrugged and smiled: "Really, I didn't even know that I have so many smells on my body, but I shouldn't have such a thing as gluttony."

Although Mark has a smile that makes people feel like a spring breeze.

But in Carter Sley's eyes, it was like a devil's smile.


The devil who fooled him also appeared in front of him with the same smile and asked him to sign the contract.

Holding a shotgun, Carter Sley said again: "This is God's pasture, devil, you can get lost."

Mark looked up at the cross on the church that had experienced countless winds and rains, pointed at this place, looked at Carter Sley and said, "You mean this?"

Carter Slay didn't know why.

next second.

Mark stretched out his right hand into a fist and squeezed the void.

Carter Sley stared blankly at the countless debris falling from the sky on his cowboy hat and the shotgun in his hand.

Mark put his hands in his pockets and said, "I hit your god, where is your god?"

Carter Slay: "..."

to be honest.

Mark couldn't get used to Carter Slay.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Mark's values ​​and sense of identity are very problematic.


Compared with the weak and reasonable, Mark believes in the contract.


What he hates the most is the contract that he obviously signed, but in turn, he opposes the contract he signed before for various reasons.

Carter Slay was a black cop before.

In order to avoid the punishment of the electric chair, he signed a contract with Mephisto, willing to become a knight under Mephisto to gather those who signed the contract and repented.

To put it bluntly.

Carter Slay's role is akin to that of a debt collector.

And Mephisto is equivalent to a monopoly online loan.

But what about the results?

After receiving the debt, Carter Sley didn't pay it in time, but because of something... Conscience found out that he chose to hide his name.

Ah bah.


Although Mephisto will tempt you to sign an agreement with some small tricks before signing the agreement.

But the content on the agreement parchment scroll is innocent.

In Mark's opinion.

Carter Slay's behavior is of the same nature as those in the world who borrowed online loans and regretted it.

The contract is clearly written in black and white.

So what if the repayments are more than twice the amount you borrowed?
Not telling you that is called fraud.

But I told you in advance, and you sign to express your approval.

The results of it?
After getting the money, say it's unfair, say it's a fraud?

What about the face?

Mark has no sympathy or pity for this kind of person.

If he had, he liked to sympathize with the orphans.

For example, now Mark has a fixed amount of money to return to an orphanage every month...

Every month since he joined the FBI here has never stopped.

Mark has very little empathy.

So Mark is more eager to use his sympathy to the right place.

As for these violations of the contract?
forget it.

Mark regained his senses, took out his right hand and smiled slightly at Carter Slay who was about to pull the trigger.

next second.

Snapped your fingers.

Carter Sley froze in place for an instant.

Mark smiled and said: "Frankly speaking, you are not the person I am going to find tonight, but your attitude is very bad, and you even slandered me as soon as we met, which is unacceptable to me. I will give you a chance to let The thing inside you, come out, beat me, you are free again, and I declare your contract with Mephisto void, but if you don't? Sorry, Mephisto is in hell and not leaving."

Carter Slay was silent.

Mark shook his head in disappointment when he was about to end the opponent.


An orange-red flame instantly burned in Carter Srey's pupils and began to sweep across his body.

Just for a moment.

Carter Slay in the shape of a white skull appeared instantly.



Carter Slay in the shape of a skeleton instantly turned into ashes and disappeared in front of Mark.

Silence for a while.

Mark looked at the Bing shotgun lying on the ground and shrugged: "Man, you still have to recognize yourself, your power is given by Mephisto, who gave you the illusion that you can rely on the power given by the master What about countering the master?"

An orange-red flame gushed out from Shotgun Mountain, flickering on and off, as if it was about to go out at any time.

next second.

The orange flame fled towards the distance.

Mark threw something repeatedly with his right hand and said, "If you can't catch him, you can use it as a stepping stone."

The crystal skull suspended in mid-air disappeared instantly with a buzzing sound.


The crystal skull returned, and there was still a drop of magma left in the skull's mouth...

Mark smiled and looked at the skull and said, "Sure enough, those with high IQ are smarter and know how to choose."

A certain conscious body inside the crystal skull broke out in cold sweat.

Just now he was also thinking of running away.

Right now.

life saved.

Mark shook his head and held the crystal skull into the storage room before slowly walking towards the church not far away.

Dizzy, who turned on the stealth mode not far away, stared at everything just now and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of lubricating oil...

Standing at the door of the church.

Mark turned to look at the shovel lying randomly on the ground.

Right hand hold.

The shovel fell into Mark's hand...

(End of this chapter)

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