Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 535 Let's Get Married (Guaranteed Part 1)

Chapter 535 Let's Get Married (Guaranteed First Update)
"After Jisu killed my father, after we defeated him, I was in a very bad state. I thought the remedy was..."

" saved your mother from Reverse Flash?"


"Wait, so she's still alive?"

"There were days when she was still alive, and there were days when I lived a different life with her and my father, and there were days when I wasn't even the Flash."

"I don't understand, you created another world, how is this possible?"

"... That's it. When I came back, everything changed."

"You mean we've changed?"

"Yes, and I can never remedy it."

"how come?"

"For example, Iris, you have a very good relationship with Joe, and you have never been stiff or cold."


A high-depth dialogue is going on in the cutting-edge laboratory.

Sisko ran out in a low voice.

Barry chased after him.

Mark, who was standing not far away, looked back at Krypton General Astra who was next to him and said, "My business is done, I'm leaving, how about you?"

Astra's husband Norn was about to speak.

Astra stopped her and said, "Maybe we will stay here for a while, after all, things here seem to be a mess again."

Mark looked at Astra and smiled and said, "If Krypton didn't have a so-called parliament at that time, maybe Krypton wouldn't explode."

This is a smart woman.


Not only smart but also explosive force value...


Mark glanced at Caitlin who was standing with Iris.

With the energy of the angel wings, Mark can clearly see that another soul is being born.

Companion spirit?

However, Mark did not take action to solve it, although he currently has this ability.

But the time has not come.

maybe next time.

Mark couldn't wait to go home now.

If I remember correctly.

There is also a dead wedding waiting for his bride.

quite a while.

All the people from the cutting-edge laboratory came to see Mark off.

Sisko forced a smile and didn't even look at Barry.

Mark was silent for a moment.

Sisko caught the pentagram coin thrown by Mark and was slightly taken aback.

Mark said: "The situation here is very special, and I will not interfere in the matter of life and death, but if you want to see my brother, this coin of mine can take you to hell here."

When this world was in hell, Mark Maizi wiped out the demons in the underworld, but he didn't move those fragile undead...

Sisko's expression changed and he looked at Mark a little excitedly.

But Mark said lightly: "Don't get excited, you can only enter the hell here at midnight with the protection of my pentagram, but you have to remember, don't try to get out an undead, and to be honest, Although the environment in hell here is a bit worse and the air smells a bit bad, other things are much more interesting than the world.”

Sisko didn't speak but looked at Mark with grateful eyes.

The Flash's eyes drifted away as well.

Mark suddenly said angrily: "As for you, don't think about it."

Although Barry didn't speak, he wrote a word from beginning to end. Why?
Mark chuckled and said, "Do you still remember what world this is? The world that was changed by you and then changed again."

Barry was silent.

Even if it's still the original world, you still can't find your mother if you go to hell here.

This sentence was added by Mark in his mind.

There was a slander in my heart.

this year.

Even the Speed ​​Force was delivered.

Or is Barry's father the hidden hero?


I am much more handsome than that old bacon...

Mark thought to ignore the silent Barry, and looked at General Astra of Krypton.

Mark didn't speak.

Astra nodded as if she knew what Mark wanted to say.

Mark smiled and said, "I like dealing with smart girls."


at this moment.

Endless morning stars came from the void, and the bright black light circled around Mark's body along with the morning stars.


Like thunder bursts.

A pair of extremely soft and white wings appeared behind Mark.

The pentagram array under his feet lit up instantly.

next second.

Everyone in the cutting-edge laboratory involuntarily covered their eyes.

Wait for the moment when the light fades away.

Mark has left with the wheat.

Earth 38.


Mark stepped out of the gradually disappearing pentagram circle, suddenly turned around and looked at Maizi to ask questions at any time, but said with certainty: "I asked you to come and protect me when I came to this universe?"

Maizi nodded without intending to hide it at all.

Mark asked, "You don't want to know how I figured it out?"

Maizi shook his head and said, "You are Lucifer, everything you do is normal."


Is this blind worship of oneself?
Mark thought so.

After half an hour.

Mark hugged his fiancée.

"got it."


Mark nodded with a smile.

After more than two months, this journey of finding love is finally coming to an end.

Mark stared at Kate and said with a smile on his face: "It's just right, I took a leave of absence for half a year, and we still have enough time to make up for the unfinished wedding."

Mark has already figured it out.

Stark's gift must be taken.

Maybe get that fart monkey to send a yacht?
Mark thought of the empty lake behind his manor and thought about it.

Not too expensive.

5000 million will do.

The more Mark thought about it, the more he felt that this was the wedding gift that Tony was about to give him.

As for what Tony thought?

Mark didn't bother to think about it.

Kate's charming smile first made Mark's little heart tremble with laughter.

next second.

Kate looked up and brushed her short brown hair in this life and smiled and said, "Why don't we get married here first?"


"Get married here."

"At this……"

Mark looked up and saw that Kara, a female superstar not far away, was applauding with Hank Henshaw, who was disguised as a Martian.

Even the other soldiers of the super-investigation department looked at Mark as if waiting for his answer.

"Mr. Louis, your Bourbon." The anonymous agent appeared in front of Mark, and even though he said so, he looked at Mark flickeringly.

Witness Pluto's wedding.

This is something you can brag about for a lifetime.


Isn't there a saying that says so?

Sometimes when I go to a rich man's wedding, maybe I get a gift in return that is higher than my salary for a year of hard work.

The rich are still like this.

What about Pluto?

If they get married here, what will Pluto's return gift be?

wakaka! ! !
Mark felt the exaggerated laughter in the anonymous agent's heart, and his face turned dark.

Good guy.

The abacus made a crackling sound...

(End of this chapter)

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