Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 501 Reunion with an Old Friend (Guaranteed Part 3)

Chapter 501 A Reunion with an Old Friend (The Third Update)
Paul Anderson was speechless.

Mark walked to the door of the conference room with a mocking smile on his face.

Things that don't understand the status.

No wonder he was still an inspector after so long.

Call others bureaucratic.

What about yourself?
Ha ha.

If Mark doesn't come this time, maybe this place will directly become the home of inspector Anderson from an away game.

But who is Mark?
Federal officials.

He has shed blood for the Federation, he has for the Federation...


The death of Dr. Roland's wife because of the delay in obtaining the visa is the reason for the relaxation of the review?

Bullshit to the extreme.

Wouldn't I have applied earlier if I knew this?

from the point of view of immigration.

Mark and the Underwood whip in Washington, who hadn't met a few times, agreed.

If reducing immigration or visas can lead to fewer domestic terrorist attacks.

Then it should be reduced.

This is not negotiable.


Mark's analysis makes sense.

Dr. Roland's wife died because the visa was delayed.

Isn't this the reason why Dr. Roland hated the native land?

And tell him a story?
Stupid to the extreme!
conference room.

Debbie packed her notebook without saying a word.

Jack has already opened the door of the conference room.

For Debbie and Jack, the boss's word is God's will.

Kate Albert also stood beside Mark and did not speak.

Agent Parker and the Bill at the embassy were silent.

The grade gap is too large.

The two couldn't talk at all.

The ambassador here has already received the message when Mark came over.

The case is under the sole responsibility of Mark Lewis, Director of the New York FBI.

As for where is the ambassador now?

Naturally, it is time to deal with the public opinion of the aftermath of the explosion.


Mark Max here.

Inspector Paul Anderson over there was turning blue and white.

He never thought that this Louis would be so inhuman.

A story that sounded tragic because of bureaucracy turned out to be a reason for vengeance in this guy's ears.

It's just...

Paul wanted to walk away.


Mrs. M's words are still ringing in my ears.

Damn it, isn't this guy afraid of an eye for an eye?

Paul thought so annoyed.

If Mark knew what Paul wanted in his heart, he would probably laugh out loud.

Mark is the New York State Director of the FBI.

Well known.

The FBI's law enforcement authority is domestic.

Even if it is outside.

The offices of the FBI's foreign agents are all inside the embassy...

and so.

Mrs. M is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Only once Mrs. M did.

That is not only to have a bad relationship with the FBI, but also to fight with the CIA...

Mark, who walked into the conference room, smiled abruptly.

Then he turned his head to look at Paul, as if he was giving something away and said, "Forget it, I'll give you a chance to take this..."

Mark frowned and looked at Debbie and asked, "What's your name?"

"Emil Baran."

"Yes, that's it." Mark snapped his fingers as if remembering and said to Paul: "Take this doctor to the embassy, ​​and I order the arrest operation to end."


"I've given you a chance." Mark narrowed his eyes suddenly and said in a deep voice, "I'll give you an order when I bring people here, otherwise, prepare to face the wrath of those gentlemen who were driven back by me."


Mark never looked at the prosecutor again and waved his hand, saying, "Let's have dinner."


Mark strode out of the conference room.

Turned back again.

Mark looked at Detective Parker sitting over there and said, "By the way, Detective Parker, until we come back, Bill Talbot will be under your full supervision. If he runs away or does something small, are you going to take care of him?" Go to a Cuban prison for the rest of your life."

Parker was stunned for a moment.

Bill over there also looked up with a trembling face.

Mark nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, that's right. I know you tipped off the killer to bomb the restaurant. Are you surprised?"

With trembling hands underneath, Bill pretended to be tough and said: "...Director Louis, you have no evidence."

Mark shook his head as if looking at a mentally retarded person and said, "Please, if I decide to be a traitor, I will never use a local bank account to receive money."

Bill froze.

His face turned pale instantly.

after an hour.

32 London Bridge.

The western restaurant on the 31st floor of the Shard Building.

Under the guidance of the attendants, Mark and his party arrived at the dining table and took their seats.

Music flows.

Like a brook.

Boo sound.

The wine is on.

After the waiter poured the red wine.

Debbie raised her glass, glanced at Jack, and finally smiled at her boss, Mark, and said, "Congratulations to the boss for cracking a big case again with lightning speed. Boss, I respect you."

Mark smiled and clinked glasses, took a sip of red wine and said, "Don't be too happy, it's not over yet."

"Not yet?" Kate Albert, who was sitting next to her and changed into a set of clean clothes, asked with a frown.

Mark nodded and said, "Of course, those terrorists are obviously targeting New York. Even if Dr. Baran can't enter New York, there will be a second Dr. Baran. It's hard to guard against."

"But the visa channel has been temporarily closed."

"What about other countries?"


Mark looked at the silent Albert and smiled again: "For those terrorists with sick brains, it won't hurt if they don't take them all."

Having said that, Mark's eyes fell on the door of the restaurant.

next second.

Mark got up and said, "I'm going to meet a friend."

Debbie, Jack, and Albert looked in the direction Mark was walking.

But see the door of the restaurant.

A middle-aged handsome guy wearing sunglasses and a suit like Mark stood there like a bullet.

Mark greeted him with open arms and said with a smile, "James, long time no see."

"Long time no see." The man named James and Bond also hugged Mark.


It was James Bond, an old friend of Mark's acquaintance.

His two bulletproof suits were customized by Tobond...

The faces of the two were filled with the smiles of old friends meeting each other.


Mark looked down at the dark hole in his stomach, shook his head involuntarily and said with a helpless smile, "This way of welcoming is a bit unique, my friend."

James pretended to be cool and said lightly: "Your vigilance has become worse, what if I wear a disguise mask."

"do you have?"


"Then you can feel the back of your head now."


Mark and James separate.

James silently put away his Bond gun.

Mark put away his dragon-shaped dagger repeatedly with his right hand.

The three who have been watching them: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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