Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 470 To be a Hero or a Coward (Guaranteed Part 2)

Chapter 470 To be a hero or a coward (Second update of guarantee)
Mark has just stepped onto the basketball court.

into the eye.

I can't help but sigh that the hormones of youth are so strong.

"Hi, who are you?"

The big black man in the shirtless shirt was dribbling in three steps, sweating and holding the basketball in his hands, and asked with his thick lips moving up and down.

Mark didn't speak but turned around and glanced at Andy who was following behind him.

The big black man over there and those team members also saw it.

"Hey, hey, isn't this Andy? Came out of the bathroom."

"Wow, we were just about to release you after training."

"Dude, you have a nice phone, I love it."

Listen to the ridicule of these high school students.

Andy, with his head down, clenched his fists tightly but turned his toes out of the door.

Between punching back and evading.

Andy seems to have made a choice.

Mark shook his head involuntarily.

Andy's choice of Mark was not surprising at all.

after all.

That's what Reid chose back then.

There is just one difference.

The person who bullied Reid at the time was also white.

And the one who bullied Andy?

Reed's one is an internal struggle at best.

And Andy's this one?
Let's put it this way.

In the early 90s and even before.

Black parents everywhere teach their offspring how to behave when they are young.

There are only three reasons.

The first one, when you meet a white policeman, don't be forced to kneel down with your head in your arms.

Second, when you see a lively place, turn around and don’t go, otherwise you may be treated as a suspect and never come back.

The third and most important one.

Never communicate with anyone other than your own skin color!

Look again now?
Mark heard that Debbie and Jack had caught a black suspect last week while they were working on a case.

When he just walked out of the apartment door, the black-skinned man who had just pretended to be dead yelled loudly that this was racial discrimination, and the FBI arrested the black-skinned man to take the blame.


It directly forced Deputy Director Cooper to hold a press conference in the Federal Building, which calmed down the turmoil.


Mark misses the era before the 90s.




Mark looked at the big black guy and the little black guy who were still teasing and smiled abruptly.

This smile.

It directly changed the six black guys from the sports mode to the static mode in an instant.

Mark turned his head to look at Andy, as if asking a question: "When I was in college with your father, I once asked him such a sentence."

Andy looked up, not knowing why.

Mark smiled faintly and said, "Your father was also bullied at the time, and his choice was almost the same as yours now. I asked him, would you rather be a hero for five seconds or a coward for the rest of your life? Guess what? Which one did you choose?"

Andy was silent for a while.

The originally hunched body gradually stood up straight, and his hands were no longer tightly clenched, but in a relaxed but not loose fisted state.

"I choose the first one." Andy looked up at Mark.

The direction of the toes is not facing the door, but toward the basketball court.

Mark looked relieved.


Reed chose the second option...


Mark pointed to the six black guys and said lightly: "Go, I promise you won't get any harm."

Andy hesitated.

The six black guys even looked at each other and laughed loudly.

It seemed as if he had heard a big joke.

Mark also smiled.

next second.

After snapping fingers.

Those six black guys were standing, holding their bellies, bending over...

The picture looks extremely funny.


The eyes of the six black guys who could move revealed deep horror.

Mark looked at Andy.

Gave him an encouraging look.


A one-sided beating was staged inside the stadium.

10 minutes later.

Mark helplessly pulled Andy, who had collapsed, out of the gymnasium.

Andy, who was held by Mark in his hand like a salted fish, gasped and said, "They will tell the teacher."

"No, they won't."

"……how do you know."

After putting Andy down at the school gate, Mark thought for a while and said in a language that would not hurt Andy's self-esteem: "If you were a man of the hour, you were beaten up by an unremarkable little bean for 10 minutes. Are you going to file a complaint?"

Andy: "..."


Reid also appeared in Mark's sight with a young girl.


The young girl's face was full of unhappiness.

Andy, who became Mark's little fan in the blink of an eye, whispered behind him: "Lauren is dating the school's quarterback."

Mark had a clear face.

This completely explained why Reid looked unhappy.

And Lauren also looked unhappy.

Think about it this way.

Mark turned around and asked Andy: "What about you, have you dated any girls in school?"

Andy shook his head.

Mark patted Andy on the shoulder and said, "Work hard, although high school said that it was time to taste the first soup, but after high school, you will never know what the first soup tastes like."

Andy: "..."

After returning to Reed's residence.

After a decent dinner.

Mark and Reed are holding a glass of beer in each hand in the backyard.

Reed looked at Mark and said, "Thank you."

Mark, who was lying on the deck chair with salted fish, just replied indifferently: "Hey, boy paper still needs a little aggressiveness."

The mainland is different from the East.

Dongguo's high school superstars are probably those top students.

but here?

The top student in high school is simply the epitome of bullying.

But high school girls tend to be the same.

The most popular among girls in local colleges and universities here belong to those basketball players or baseball players.

What if you were the captain of a basketball team or a quarterback or something?

As long as you want.

You will never lack girlfriends in high school.

As for Dongguo?

There is no such soil, so the girls shifted their bias to the boys who are full of hooligans.

After all, male and female hormones are the most active time in high school.

The male hormones of those athletes are definitely stronger than those of those nerds.

This is the law of nature...

As for Midtown High's goddess Gwen?
Let's put it this way.

Men in midtown colleges and universities still believe this to this day.

Gwen was either blind.


It's a hormonal mess.

After half an hour.

Lauren and Andy said to Reed who was drinking beer with Mark in the living room: "Dad, we are leaving."

Reed walked into the living room from the backyard and told his daughter Lauren, "Be careful driving on the road and remember to go home at ten o'clock."

"Got it." Lauren seemed a little impatient.

Reed nodded, then took out his car keys from his pocket and handed them to Lauren.

Lauren is two years older than Andy.

Lauren is a senior Year 12 student.

Andy is in tenth grade.

There's a dance at the school club tonight.

The gears are turning!
When he heard the sound of the engine from the garage, Mark took a sip of beer and thought...

(End of this chapter)

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