Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 468 The Two Giants Are Missing (Part 2 of Guarantee)

Chapter 468 The two giants are missing (the third update of the guarantee)
"Come on in, God, I can't believe I can see you here."

"I'm just as happy to see you, Reed."

"By the way, this is my wife Caitlin."

"Wow, it looks like you're married to a very beautiful lady... Hello, Mark Lewis, Reed's high school classmate."

"Nice to meet you, but Reed rarely mentions you to me."


Mark, who was sitting down on the sofa, smiled and shook his head when he heard Reed's wife Caitlin say this.

Qin just glanced at Reed in surprise, then sat next to Mark by herself.

The moment she passed by Reed just now, the dark phoenix in her body, which had changed from berserk to honest, sent her a message.

The Reed in front of him was also a mutant.

If there is no reminder from the black phoenix, even Qin can't feel it.

Jean glanced at Mark.

Mark nodded without leaving a trace.


"Thank you."

Mark smiled and nodded at Caitlin who brought him a glass of water, and ran to his classmate Reed from Yale University: "The old classmate didn't even prepare a glass of wine when he came."

Reed put down his suit jacket to the side and said directly: "If you said in advance, I might have prepared it in advance, but right now? Unfortunately, I'm afraid I don't have a Bourbon in my family who the FBI director can look up to."

Mark smiled and shook his head.

After hearing this, Reed's wife looked at Mark curiously.

after all.

Mark, who had taken the expired golden elixir and blood orchid youth potion, now maintains his face at the peak of his 30-year-old state.

30 years old is the pinnacle, with both super good looks and a mature atmosphere.

Among the fifty bureaucrats.

Mark's ability to handle cases is number one.

Appearance is still the first.


Reed said so, but still opened the locked cabinet in the kitchen and took out a bottle of bourbon that was only worth $85 on the market.

Locked cabinets are not meant to protect wine.

It's to prevent the children at home from stealing alcohol.

As for why not Mark?

Lyris is a little girl and very sweet.

These two from the Reed family?
Dad is a mutant who is suppressed by drugs. Is it possible that his son and daughter are ordinary people?

Mark swung the wine glass in his hand and took a sip.

how to say?

Not too good.

But the taste is also ok.

Mark is not very picky.

He also drinks bourbon that costs tens of thousands of dollars a bottle.

But he can still drink cheap bourbon...

quite a while.

Mark put down the wine glass in his hand and said to Reed who was sitting opposite him: "I heard that you have become the District Attorney of Atlanta? Or are you in charge of mutant affairs?"

Reed smiled and said, "Even you who were named and praised by Professor Sibo can become the FBI agent. Can't I become a prosecutor with mediocre studies?"

Mark shook his head and said, "Of course, but I thought you still wanted to set up your own law firm."

Reed waved his hand without explaining anything.

But Mark can almost guess it.

Just looking at the environment at home can tell something.

Sofas, refrigerators, TVs, kitchen equipment... It can be seen that these are just popular this year.

It's just that the decoration inside is still in the late 90s.


There is only one answer.

Said before.

Reed's grades are mediocre, plus he is a lawyer, so he must be burdened with a large amount of college loans.

in the subsequent conversation.

This further supports Mark's idea.

The Reed family has been steadily moving towards the middle class from the bottom hat almost at the end of last year.

Reed was previously a partner at a second-tier law firm in Atlanta.

Earn big money with top local lawyers.

Second-rate lawyers are pick and choose.

It might not be possible to do so when the economy is bad.

So Reed made very little money as an attorney.

As for his wife Caitlin is a nurse.


And Peter's Aunt May, who is getting younger and younger, can be regarded as a companion.

They all belong to the kind of occupation that works more and earns less money.


But when Atlanta needs a prosecutor who specializes in prosecuting mutants.

Reed signed up.

In the end, it was no surprise that he was admitted.


The Reed family began to gradually get on the right track.


Mark, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, looked down at the bourbon in the cup, shook his head and said, "This profession is completely offensive, and you never thought of any risks."

Georgia is considered a restricted area for mutants, and it is the state that least welcomes them.

But still the same.

Some people hate mutants and some people like mutants.

But more.

It is a lot of people who remain neutral and only watch movies and are responsible for eating melons.

It is clear.

It was in such a weird state that Reed easily obtained the post of the state attorney's office.

Although Reid does not hate mutants, he is also a melon eater.

But so are others.

I don't want to be hated by inexplicable mutants for more money...

Reid smiled and said: "I did think about this problem when I first started, and sometimes I would open my eyes when I heard any movement at night, but that's the way it is if I do too much."

"Oh?" Mark asked curiously, "What experience have you summed up?"

Reed didn't answer the question but just waved his hand, as if thinking of something, he looked at Mark curiously and asked, "By the way, you are the seat of the Federal Bureau of New York State, so you should know about the disappearance of Magneto and Professor Charles." Bar."

Mark and Jean looked at each other.


Mark looked up at Reed pretending not to know what was going on and asked, "I spent 80.00% of my time running around last year, how did this news come?"

"You don't know?" Reid seemed a little surprised.

Mark shook his head.

He knows a hammer.

I know that the old bald Professor Charles is a black-bellied guy, and Lao Wan has now become a coach.

But missing?
Are you kidding me?

Reed smiled and said: "Actually, the news came out last year. It is said that a mutant went to New York to find Professor Charles and hoped to provide asylum, but when he got there, the entire manor was gone. Empty, adding the news of Magneto, there are rumors that Professor Charles’s people and Magneto’s people started a big battle somewhere, and both were injured and died.”

Mark opened his mouth and finally closed it weakly.

Qin next to her looked down at the dust on the floor as if she was looking for something to divert her attention.


However, Reed seemed to be getting more and more enthusiastic about talking, and suddenly said with joy: "It is said that someone once saw an island that appeared and disappeared again when he was on vacation in the Indian Ocean. That person swore that he saw Professor Charles and Magneto A fierce battle broke out in the sky, and finally the island sank, and many people are already eager to find the treasure of these two people."


Qin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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