Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 464 The Bumblebee's Experience (Part 2 of Guarantee)

Chapter 464 The Bumblebee's Experience (Second Update)

as a member of the universe.

Maybe the Autobots don't know about Unicron's existence.

But Pluto?
Fame is not enough to describe someone who descended on Cybertron that day.

The wings as white as jade cover the entire Cybertron star field.

The majestic throne that burns with endless fire breaks through the void and descends instantly.

The gate of the underworld behind it towered even higher and broke through the highest peak of the Cybertron star field.


The endless army of the underworld behind the gates of the underworld.

Twelve first-generation experimental saints defend the throne in twelve directions!
The man on the throne covered by endless morning stars.

Kamui goes to jail!

Just a palm.

The universe king, who is regarded as the enemy of all beings by the Autobots, has been turned into parts...


It's the first lesson all Autobots are taught when they go to the nursery parking lot.

It is also the first life lesson of Bumblebee.

Pluto is invincible!
Bumblebee asked a question at the time.

At this moment.

He wanted to ask again.

Just like when he raised his hand to ask Optimus Prime's nursery teacher.

"Mr. Optimus Prime, what should we do if we meet Pluto?"

Bumblebee only felt that Teacher Optimus Prime's answer was faintly ringing in his ears again.



"Run quickly."

"how far……"

"... how far to run."

late at night.


"what happened?"

Lailis, who was using the silent keyboard to chat with Skye, who was far away from the Inhuman Race, looked at Cerberus who was sleeping on the table and suddenly stood up and asked curiously.

Cerberus fell back into sleep, propped his chin on his forelegs and said, "I remember the origin of that car."

Lailisi smiled directly and said, "Please, that's an old car, what else can it have?"

between one's own identity.

Lairice keeps an open mind that there are other beings in the universe.


If you say that there are cars in the universe?
Lyris is 1 unbelievers.


Under Lailis' gaze, Cerberus nodded his head and said, "These Autobots should be in the galaxy of Cybertron."

"Cybertron?" Lairis was confused.

Could it be that there is really a strange race in the universe that is shaped like a car?
This unscientific.

Cerberus nodded affirmatively again.


Mechanical lifeforms.

Cerberus remembered.

The universe is huge.

Various dimensions and star domains interact with each other, and Cerberus has never seen any race that has followed Lord Pluto for so many years.

It even tasted it in person.

It's just one of the many wonderful races in Cerberus' memory.

Sometimes Cerberus even wondered.

If he wasn't the watchdog of the underworld, maybe he would become the greatest gourmet or...historian in the universe.


Cerberus told Lailis what he had seen and heard on Cybertron at that time.

At last.

Cerberus even smacked his mouth and said: "I have to say, that guy is not very easy to digest, and there are still two or three parts that have not been digested."

Lyris: "..."

quite a while.

After Lailisi came back to her senses, she still felt a little dazed.

If someone else told her that, she would promise to laugh it off and make it the joke of the year.

But Cerberus?

It is clear.

Cerberus does not do anything false in the matter of eating.

At this moment.

Bumblebee, who was staying in the garage and trying to repair his deformed core, was also in a daze.

I have met Lord Pluto, who is so mighty and imprisoned, how could he have an ordinary earth native dog by his side?
This girl is obviously the legendary three-headed dog of the underworld.


In the entire Cybertron star field, Lord Pluto is the page of legend and myth left in the memory of their new generation of mechanical life forms.

So Cerberus?

For the Cybertron star field, it is the demonic existence of Chiguoguo.

Such a sentence is recorded in the history books of the Autobots.

【Lord Pluto descends with endless morning stars and a burning throne spreading wings as white as jade to cover the entire Cybertron star field. 】

【...The super villain Universe Emperor who symbolizes darkness and destruction who tried to enslave them in vain was instantly ashamed. 】

【...The extremely evil demon with the three giants jumped out suddenly and directly swallowed the body of the universe emperor. After a few seconds, the universe emperor turned into scum! 】

Until now.

There is still such a classic saying on the planet Cybertron.

When meeting Pluto, he quickly knelt down and threw himself on the ground, and it was over.

But meet this underworld three-headed dog Cerberus?


How far and how long to run!


Bumblebee, who was urgently repairing his core, suddenly thought of another thing.


The current situation cannot be said to be all bad.

after all.

Ever since the universe emperor was smashed to pieces with the palm of Pluto, the corpse was swallowed by Cerberus.

The Cybertron star field ushered in a long period of peace.


Peace is always but an extravagant wish.

After the story of Hades turned into legend.

After the Autobots and the Decepticons jointly exiled the five-sided monster that appeared suddenly into the endless star sea.

The war resumes.

Only this time.

It is much bigger than the war brought by the universe emperor back then.

The Autobots and the Decepticons fought into a melee because they insisted on their respective beliefs.

Simply put.

Autobot is a civilian product.

Decepticons are military products.

A civil war that lasted tens of millions of years began.


Facts have fully proved one thing.

When the fight reaches a certain level.

will be desperate.

By the end of the day, the known energy sources of the Cybertron Starfield were severely depleted.


Even the homeland where the Autobots and the Decepticons live together is going to be broken and coming to an end.

It's just that the destruction of the parent planet did not extinguish the flames of the war between the two factions but intensified.


In the midst of a war that the Hornet can remember when.


Bumblebee, hiding behind the teacher and Autobot leader Optimus Prime, was launched into space in an attempt to find the source of fire that was lost outside because of the civil war.

Finding the source of fire can save the entire race that is about to die because of its own death.


Bumblebee's luck is not so good.

When he traced the disappearing signal through the endless galaxy and entered the earth.

The aftermath of a battle reached him.

Although it is the aftermath.

But for a mechanical life form like the bumblebee, it was like a frontal blow.

At the moment of losing consciousness, Bumblebee replaced the car he saw with his last strength.

And now.

Bumblebee woke up and thought of the stalwart Pluto and the three-headed dog of the underworld.

His mind came alive.

Whether Tinder Source can stop the War Hornet is uncertain.

But Pluto?
The Hornet is [-]% sure that it has the ability to suppress the audience.

after all.

Why is the Cybertron star field also governed by the underworld...

(End of this chapter)

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