Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 45 Ex-Girlfriend Series - Nine-Headed Snake

Chapter 45 Ex-Girlfriend Series - Hydra

In the dark bedroom, Mark crossed his legs and sat on the bed.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he stared at a flying knife stuck on the wall in front of him!


Along with Mark's breathing, bursts of beeping sound also came from the flying knife on the wall!

If you look closer, you can vaguely see that the flying knife is vibrating at an extremely fast frequency...

next second!
A beautiful cold moon appeared in the darkness instantly, and Mark stretched out his right hand quickly!

Looking at the flying knife hovering slowly above the palm of my hand!

The flying knife is about three feet seven inches long, delicate and impermanent, and a tiny three-legged golden dragon is carved on the handle.


After driving to the Federal Building, just as I got out of the car, I saw Director Carlisle Downer holding a box of personal belongings in the trunk... No, it should be the former Director!

After getting out of the car, Mark watched Carlisle's back.

I feel more and more inexplicable familiarity!
"Ms. Donner..."

"...what do you want, Mr. Lewis!"

Carlisle, who was closing the trunk, glanced at Mark who was coming, brushed his drooping hair, and said expressionlessly: "As you wish, I was transferred to Arkansas."

Mark smiled slightly, and said to Carlisle: "I just want to tell you, have a good trip!"

Why keep Carlisle here?

Hydra is tired and crooked.

Mark is even more tired!

Carlisle shrugged, looked around and said to Mark, "Whatever..."

After opening the car door, Carlisle turned to look at Mark and finally reminded: "Mark, you should know that the organization will not let you go like this."

When Mark heard this title with a hint of British accent, he felt inexplicably familiar, and then asked curiously: "With all due respect, Carlisle... have we met before?"

Carlisle looked at Mark with a look of shock on his face, tilted his head, and then said, "...I can't believe it, you really forgot about me."

Mark was taken aback!
"Quantico Federal Academy, I was sent to teach criminal psychology for a month..."

After leaving these words, Carlisle smiled self-deprecatingly, and then got into the car.

Mark was left standing there with a chicken feather!

It's been a long time!
A strange expression appeared on Mark's face.

quite a while!

"Oh——" Mark withdrew from his memory, and nodded with some sudden realization.

Just as he said, it was a youthful and restless era!

He said, why does he always feel that meeting Carlisle for the first time always gives him an ambiguous feeling...

When Carlisle mentioned this, some dusty memories came to my mind instantly.

As for why it was forgotten by Mark.

Just as Mark said before, dating a psychological girlfriend was not a very wise choice for Mark at the time!

Carlyle was sent from Washington to teach simple criminal psychology at Quantico Federal College.

After going back and forth, to be honest, Mark even forgot how he hooked up...

As for the final ending!

Mark touched his right cheek, and the applause that resounded and shook the building reappeared very clearly!
I touched my chin!
Mark felt that there was another addition to his resume.

After the ex-girlfriend is a vampire and werewolf!
Another ex-girlfriend made the list.

My ex-girlfriend is Hydra!

After returning to the office, not long after sitting down, Jack walked in from the outside.

Quite mysteriously, he said to Mark: "Boss, Boram Hattu's body was found by the Coast Guard on the Hudson River."

"Really?" Mark said lightly, his eyes never leaving the computer screen!

He is looking for a company to redecorate these days, and it was confirmed yesterday.

When Kate flies back from Washington this morning, she can go to the design company to have a look at the renderings!
The performance of this design company is still very strong, I heard rumors from the grapevine.

There is a shareholder behind this company called Pepper Potts!

As for whether it is true.

Then it is unknown!
But on the display page of this design company, it clearly stated that he had participated in the villa design work of the super rich second generation and weapon genius!

If it is false to say that shareholders are grapevine, then this part should be true.

If it was fake, that guy with a bad temper would have closed down this design company long ago...

After confirming this design company.

As long as Kate has no objections, the design company can start construction.

The entire renovation period will take about two months, just in time for around Christmas!
As for the ending of Boram Hattu!

After [-] million US dollars arrived in the account, it is almost not difficult to guess!


Jack looked at Mark who was concentrating on the screen, and asked curiously, "You don't ask me what's going on."


"...Okay!" Jack scratched the back of his head.

Fortunately, he had just received a message from the Coast Guard, so he rushed up to claim credit.

Mark glanced at the pillar at the door, neither came in nor went out, Jack frowned slightly: "Is there anything else?"

"Director Downer has been transferred to the Arkansas Bureau."

"I know!"

"...I'm going down first!" There's no way to continue this chat!

After a morning passed, at noon, Mark and Byron said hello.

He just skipped work and drove to the airport, ready to welcome his girlfriend's arrival!

Although the FBI has solved relatively major cases, major cases do not happen every day.

Moreover, in New York, there are only a few places that belong to the Federation, and the others belong to New York City.

Even if a homicide happened, if the New York Police Department didn't ask the FBI to intervene, it wouldn't be Mark's turn to take care of them!

After directly showing his ID, Mark drove the Chevrolet unimpeded and appeared directly on the tarmac!

Half an hour later!
After getting off the plane, Kate saw Mark posing with a cigarette in his mouth leaning against the car door at first sight.

He trotted up to Mark, and after a warm hug, Kate, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said with a smile, "The federal ID is easy to use."

"Of course!" Mark glanced at his girlfriend and said, "I showed my ID in a coffee shop on the first day of work and got a free cup of coffee!"

" did you do it?"

Mark shrugged and said relaxedly: "It's very simple, you walk in, show your ID, and then say you need a cup of coffee to assist in the investigation!"

"...That's it?" Kate said dumbfounded: "Then the shopkeeper will believe it?"

"Yes—" Mark!
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(End of this chapter)

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