Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 445 Naval virus attack (guarantee part 3)

Chapter 445 Naval Virus Attack

Two thousand and three years.

January [-]th.


Mark returned to the Federal Building and completed the clock-in task at the last second.

The first day of work in the New Year. As the head of the New York FBI, you can't be late on the first day, right?

After a brief meeting with Deputy Director Cooper, the two walked side by side towards the conference room.

It's just that Mark slipped away halfway.

Just as Mark was driving the Hornet to the Washington Naval Base.

In just half an hour.

Almost all high-level law enforcement agencies know one thing.

NCIS Gibbs' offices come under attack.

Or a biochemical virus attack.

The specific number of people who have been attacked by the virus has not yet been known, and the local disease treatment and prevention and control personnel have dared to go to the naval base as soon as possible.

two hours later.

Mark drifted the Hornet into storage, and when the Hornet started to drift directional, Mark still got out of the car.

The Hornet is parked in the parking space.

Bumblebee's original audio accessories are still with Brian, and they will be delivered to Mark when Brian is free to come to New York.

At this moment.

The NCIS building has been cordoned off.

After relying on the federal certificate, Mark received a set of protective clothing and put it on, then took the elevator directly to the office of the elderly forensic doctor Dak.




"Hey, isn't this an executive from the FBI?"

Mark looked at Tony with a thermometer in his mouth and said with a smile, "Which woman have you messed with again?"

Tony shrugged nonchalantly.

Mark shook his head and said directly to Gibbs, "Just let me know if you need my help."

"I will."

Mark nodded and walked in front of his fiancee.

Kate smiled apologetically at Mark and said, "The set of gifts you gave has already entered Abby's laboratory, so I probably won't have a chance to get it back."

"It's okay, I can buy it again." Mark smiled.

It's just a piece of clothing.

Is it important to have your own fiancée?

"You should have given me the letter, McKee."

"I know, head, I'm sorry."

Kate on the side interjected, "It's not McGee's fault, Tony snatched it from him."

"So it's my fault?"

Mark, who was wearing a protective suit, glanced at Tony and said, "Whose fault is it that I came all the way from New York? Tony, what do you think?"

Tony: "..."

at this time.

The sensor door opened, and two CDC commissioners who rushed from Atlanta walked in.

"Who opened the letter." The commissioner, dressed in orange and wearing a mask, went straight to the point as soon as he entered.

Tony also unambiguously pointed to McGee, who was surrounded by a circle, and said, "It's him."

The two commissioners went straight to McKee.

The latter panicked and said, "No, no, no, it's not me."

Tony also smiled and said: "I was joking just now, I opened it, and I am the needle cushion you are looking for."

"Have you inhaled the powder?"

"...Maybe." Tony restrained his cynicism when he saw the two commissioners acting like this.

This time Kate didn't sneeze next to her.

In fact.

When he went skiing in Canada this holiday, Mark had already secretly mixed a bottle of extracted blood orchid potion with freshly squeezed watermelon juice for Kate to drink.

Ordinary ailments should never have anything to do with Kate.

Of course.

Unavoidable, the mandarin duck bath after drinking and the interrogation process afterwards.


Tony obediently followed the CDC commissioner who came to pick him up to the hospital and left.

Upon seeing this, Mark said directly to his fiancee: "I'll go and see how Abby's investigation is going."

"Shouldn't you have a meeting over there?" Kate said, "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me."

Mark smiled and walked directly towards the door and said, "Unless you are 100% sure."

Blood orchids just condense the years and never grow old.

But there is no effect of immortality.

Mark is still looking for something that can be immortal...

But after Mark walked out, Dak walked up to Kate and wanted to take away the thermometer Kate had in her mouth.

After putting on the glasses and taking a look.

Duck couldn't help but raised his head and said, "Kate, you..."

"I know, it's been the third day."

"...Okay, but this will make you more susceptible to infection, are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

"no thank you."

The conversation between Dak and Kate directly attracted Gibbs and McKimmon.

Gibbs glanced suspiciously at Kate as if thinking of something, just smiled and shook his head.

McGee is in a cloud of mist, and his brain, which graduated from MIT, is running overclocked...

In this rather mysterious conversation.

McGee felt that he had suddenly changed from a top student to a real scumbag!
Ding Ding Ding!
"...Mark, why did you... Oh, you also received the message."

"of course."

After being welcomed by Abby with a warm hug, Mark said with a smile: "We received the message within ten seconds of you starting the program."

Now it's a joint law enforcement environment.

As a member of the law enforcement department, the internal communication can be opened.

Apart from……

The FBI's classified database.

speak in a certain language.

While the FBI has free access to other law enforcement agencies' criminal databases, the FBI's databases are selectively open to access...

Take the current case of Gibbs' office being hit by a virus.

At this moment, the law enforcement agencies in Washington have all linked up.

Targeting law enforcement officers is the easiest thing for law enforcement agencies to do together.

nothing else.

Now that a criminal dares to attack law enforcement officers, will another one appear tomorrow?
For such incidents, law enforcement agencies almost tacitly maintain a zero-tolerance attitude.

I would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

The list of laboratories in Washington that are capable of producing viruses and put into use has been compiled into the shared database before the results of what kind of virus it is.

Attorney General Justin, who is about to resign next month, also had a direct call with the Secretary of the Navy after hearing the news.


Even Mark, whose office is not in Washington, received a personal call from the attorney general's office.

As for what was discussed on the phone?
Just look at this moment and you will know.

When the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta compared what virus it was, Mark had already entered the headquarters building of the Lowell Pharmaceutical Group in Washington with a search warrant and an arrest warrant followed by federal agents from Washington. up.

Push open the door of the CEO's office.

The woman sitting on the CEO's chair took off her glasses and looked up at Mark who was surrounded by two agents.

Mark noticed the expression on the woman's face.

He smiled faintly and said, "Are you disappointed to see that the agent from the Naval Investigation Service is not here?"


(End of this chapter)

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