Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 416 The initial belief in the birth of every superhero (Guaranteed 2nd update)

Chapter 416 The initial belief in the birth of every superhero (Second update on guarantee)
The second floor.

Inside Larry's room.

Cerberus stood up with short legs and explained Menalor's origin to Lailis.

"Meinag, Akamana, Saruwa, Talomati, Taowei, and Sarisia are called the six great demons, living in the six demon realms of the underworld."

"Six Demon Realms?"

"Yes, the Six Devils Realm is the place that the adults divided for them to live in after subduing the Six Demons."

Lailisi blinked her eyelashes and asked curiously: "How big is the underworld?"

"It's huge!" Cerberus said: "The endless star field under the underworld controls death, the 72 demon gods suppress the connection channel between the underworld and the outer domain, the six demons patrol the underworld to prevent rebellion, and the zodiac palaces of the underworld are guarded by the underworld mountains. The core of the underworld is - Hades."


"My lord's palace and the palace of the Empress of the Underworld are both inside. The guardians of the zodiac don't usually go out. I only met once when my lord canonized the guardian of the zodiac."

"Only met once?"

Cerberus nodded and then got to the point and said: "When the explosion happened just now, I could feel Menag's law fluctuating, if I could get closer, I might be able to find the location of this damn necromancer. "

"Then how to find it?"

"There must be survivors on the plane."

Lailisi looked suspiciously at Cerberus's determination and asked curiously, "How do you know that?"

In the breaking news just now, there was no report on any survivors.

Even when she called Julia before, Julia said that no one on the plane survived.

How come there are survivors here in Cerberus?
Cerberus, transformed into a chihuahua, stuck out his little red tongue and said in a cute but sinister tone: "That necromancer escapes alone, he has to take away Menag, who is obviously not dead. , is downright stupid."


"Although Menag is in control of one of the premeditated plans of death, this is not a place shrouded in the underworld. The power has been reduced, and since Menag is still conscious, he will definitely find a way to contact me."


Next to Lailisi Cihu flickered her long eyelashes.

Although she doesn't quite understand.

But there is a kind of... How did Mark say that time?



Early the next morning.

After sending his daughter to the school gate, Mark drove towards the Federal Building.

He made up his mind to blame S.H.I.E.L.D.

Naturally, the necessary handover procedures still need to be done.

Jingle Bell!
Lailis, who was carrying a small backpack and a chihuahua, grabbed Gwen who was about to enter the classroom and ran towards the empty corridor not far away.

Peter, who came down from the other side, looked at the backs of the two women, touched the back of his head, looked at his schedule, and then walked over there.

in the corridor.

Gwen fell into shock when she heard Lailis say that the bombing last night was not an accident but a premeditated necromancer.

Peter, who was quietly hiding at the entrance of the corridor, also froze in place.

quite a while.

"Are you crazy? Laris!"

"I do not have."

Laili shook her head and said, "If you don't stop it, that necromancer will cause another accident."

"No." Gwen resolutely disagreed to help Lai Lisi hide it.

Having a boyfriend who is still thinking about her superhero dreams is enough for Gwen to worry about.

And now, since my best friend has also expressed the idea of ​​being a superhero.

What's wrong with this world?
Has it mutated?

Gwen said that he would not agree with anything.

Thinking in her heart, Gwen suddenly said to Lailis very seriously: "Lailis, I think you should tell Uncle Louis."

Seen Uncle Louis' soaring.

have to say.

Outside of his private life, Mark fits Gwen's definition of a hero perfectly...

Not only is the person handsome and his work is good, but even the rate of solving crimes ranks first among all law enforcement agencies.

Even her father once said that if you don't look at Mark's private life, Mark Louis is simply a crime killer...

Like before my boyfriend Peter?
At most, it can be regarded as the second stage of illness and did not take medicine...

Lily shook her head.

It's not like she didn't ask before going to bed last night.


Thinking of Mark's answer at that time, Lailisi was too lazy to complain.

When Lailisi said that if this incident was not an accident but something was at work.

Mark glanced at Laris with some surprise.


He sighed and said earnestly: "Daughter, although our family is not considered within the scope of ordinary people, when we encounter danger, we must learn to run like ordinary people, and don't rush up like a fool. , you won’t get any benefits, but what if it’s not resolved? You’ll be responsible for all the blame.”

At that time, Lailisi was stunned.

Lei Lisi asked: "Aren't you a law enforcement officer?"

Mark nodded and said: "I am a law enforcement officer in the ordinary world, and I will do my best to deal with ordinary criminals, but other...even if there is something strange about the plane explosion, there are corresponding law enforcement agencies to handle the matter, so we don't need to worry about it."

Lailisi asked angrily: "...the last time, that time of Dr. Lizard."

Mark laughed and said, "It's different last time. If I don't go, George will be in danger. I did it for my friends. What if I change to someone else I don't know? Ha ha!"

After hearing this sentence, Laili closed the door and went to sleep expressionlessly.

She didn't quite agree with Mark's point of view.

Only 50.00% agree.

For other extraordinary cases, Lailis might be able to convince herself not to go.

But this time?
Not this time.

This time it was a family matter.

According to Cerberus' explanation.

She, Mark, and the Empress are at the top.

Underworld CEO Maizi is the second layer.

Cerberus and Fennir are the third layer.

Zodiac Guardians follow.

The six great demons and 72 demon gods followed closely.


Although the status of necromancers in the underworld is also there.

But as a combat unit, the necromancer is equivalent to a servant.

And now.

The escape of one servant has brought so much danger to the world.

The main thing is.

If this servant is allowed to use one of the laws of one of the six demons to do the next three cases in a row, Menag will never have a chance to be resurrected.

Lyris thought.

No matter from which point of view, she has to take care of this matter.

This is her family business.

There is proof of the black wings.

Although she didn't like the somewhat arrogant tone of the self-proclaimed Queen of the Underworld.


She is the princess of the underworld, this is an indisputable fact.

Mark didn't wake up.

But she woke up.

Lailis felt the need to maintain order in the underworld.

in case.

If it is possible.

Lailisi really wanted to carry the head of the necromancer and bring Menag back to the underworld to stand in front of the rather arrogant woman who claimed to be the queen of the underworld.


I, Laris Louise, the eldest princess of the underworld!

(End of this chapter)

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