Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 404 It Comes Sooner Than It’s a Coincidence (Guaranteed Part 2)

Chapter 404 It Comes Sooner Than a Coincidence (Second Update on Guarantee)

This time, Mark did not take his own special plane to Iraqi Mark.

Instead, he chose to go to Washington first and then transfer to the Quantico military base to take General Ross's transport helicopter, and then flew to the military base deployed by the military in Iraq.

As for why the tomb of the Egyptian princess is buried in Iraq?

This is an interesting question.

Taking a federal special plane and a military transport plane are two concepts.

If the experience satisfaction of being a federal special plane is [-]%, then the satisfaction of military transport aircraft is less than [-]%.

Well, here is a percentage system.

Even after stepping into the transport plane and taking off, a few soldiers sitting not far away looked at the talented Mark in a suit and leather shoes, and made a special handicap.

Just bet on how long Mark's handsome image can last.

Even these soldiers who went overseas for the third time are not used to the transport plane under their feet. Wouldn't it be the first time for a guy to vomit out his intestines...

But unfortunately!

When the transport plane arrived at the Iraqi military base, Mark walked out of the cabin with a rosy face and full of energy.

And the soldiers behind him were pale with fear.

When the plane arrived over Iraq, the transport plane encountered bad weather.

Under the fierce operation of the pilot, the plane experienced ten seconds of weightlessness.

The soldiers who sat with Mark were terrified looking at Mark, who was able to take root even if the plane flew upside down, and was fascinated...

"Welcome, Chief Louis!"

"Colonel Sean, long time no see, is my car ready?"

"of course."

Walking out of the big belly of the transport plane, Mark took off his sunglasses, showed clear eyes, smiled and shook hands with Colonel Sean who specially greeted him.

Sean Martin, Colonel of the Army, is not counted as a subordinate of General Ross, but he is also in General Ross's camp.

After a few pleasantries.

Colonel Sean led Mark across the tarmac to a yellow pickup parked not far away.

Colonel Sean patted the hood of the pickup truck and said, "I've refueled you, are you really going to tell me where the destination is?"

"This is a secret, Colonel Sean." Mark replied with a smile on his face.

"The Federal Law Enforcement Agency does not have overseas enforcement powers. I don't want to go to the Supreme Federal Court for no reason."

"Haha, we are friends. Believe me, this time it's really just a private matter. I went to the Ministry of Justice to ask for leave."

"I see."

"... What do you know?"

Mark's face was confused, could it be that the fact that he was going to dig the tomb of the Egyptian princess was leaked?
Who is it?
But next second.

Mark saw Colonel Sean, whose face was blown dark, showing a wretched smile and those two rows of big white teeth, and immediately knew that he was completely wrong.


This guy thinks I'm here to meet an ex-lover in a place that's bombed and regressed to the 50s.


There was also a tacit smile on Mark's face, he said haha ​​a few times, and then he jumped on the pickup truck and started the car to ride towards the exit of the base.

Misunderstood. Misunderstood.

Tomb robbery is not a dinner party.

Come sneakily, go in quietly and move a nest for Princess Ammanette, then you can go home with great success.


When Mark drove the pickup truck out of the military base, a black man ran up to Colonel Sean and shouted, "Sir, Nick Morton and Fell were attacked by terrorists."

Colonel Sean: "..."

The car roared in the desert, and Mark really wanted to sing a song at this time, but finally held back.

The place where the birds don't shit, is full of yellow sand as far as the eye can see, and there is only one color in sight.

That is--

If he hadn't sensed the traces of the city on the mind map, Mark would have thought he would have lost his way.

Nothing but yellow, still yellow...

Frankly speaking, Mark didn't have any psychological fluctuations about everything he encountered here.

Call him cold-blooded or cruel.

One word.

The ass decides the head.

Arms dealers in Datong all over the world are going bankrupt, so they must find a place to clear their inventory.


Most of the arms dealers are Republicans.

So is Mark.

You can't scold your own people, right? Isn't that a traitor?

no matter where.

Be it a hero or a villain.


There is no living space.

After half an hour.

Just when Mark was looking at the city protruding from the desert.


There was a loud bang in the sky.

Mark opened his mouth wide and watched as an expensive missile pierced the sky and made a whistling sound and fell straight into the city.


Sparks flew directly into the air along with the dirt and yellow sand.


I knew things weren't going so smoothly.

Mark cursed in his heart.

At this place, at this point in time, if you think about it with a pig's brain, you will know that the f*cking plot line has started to turn.

Originally, I thought about sneaking in and shooting guns, so I went in and out quickly.

This is just great.

There is another moth...

Mark looked up to the sky.

The blue sky and white clouds above the head look very harmonious, but the three armed helicopters passing by broke this beauty.

This time Mark's heart was even more tired.

He planned to wait for three or four years to wait for the opening of the big plot after finishing this matter.

But why did things go wrong?
There will be a period of peace and harmony in the next two years and [-].

Could it be that something strange got in here?

Mark thought to himself.

However, the movement of his hands did not stop, and he kicked the accelerator and continued to attack in the direction of the city where the battle was about to come to an end.

What else can I do?

There are sneaky ways to do things secretly, and hard steel also has hard steel methods.

Isn't it just stealing a coffin?

What's so hard about it?
There is an army of ex-girlfriends in the alliance, can this be called a matter?

Wangshan ran the dead horse.

Although the pickup truck under Mark is not a horse, the city is not a mountain.


The helicopter has landed, and Mark is still slamming the accelerator on the pickup.

A full half an hour.

Only then did Mark reach the periphery of the city.

Get out of the car.

Mark directly held his federal ID above his head, and stretched out his hands to signal the soldiers of the Delta Force not to bump him.

Although I am not afraid of bullets.

But you have to follow the rules, don't you?

After a Delta soldier checked his ID, Mark put his hands down.

After walking into the cordon.


What a big hole.

But seeing the central part of the city that was already empty, a big pit that looked like a huge mouth of an abyss appeared there.

A few acquaintances stood near the pit.

Colonel Gideon Foster, an old acquaintance.

There was a chance, Freud's graduate student Jenny.

Right now!

A lively conversation is going on...

(End of this chapter)

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