Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 398 Passive Disaster (Second Guarantee)

Chapter 398 Passive Disaster
"Amanette, you know?"


Mark was speechless when he heard Freud's answer, and looked directly past Freud to his mother Angliss and said, "Mom, I think it's time to help Freud choose a final resting place. "



As soon as these words were uttered, Angliss glared and her fiancée's little fist was immediately attracted!
quite a while.

Mark stood in the backyard and rubbed his shoulders for a while, speechless.

Isn't what he said true?

Who is Ammanite?

The eldest princess of the Egyptian dynasty, before her younger brother was born, she was trained according to the heir model of the Egyptian dynasty...


Her brother was born at last.

Ammanette is a strange woman, she directly draws a large array of pentagrams to communicate with the underworld in order to gain power and try to kill her father, mother

Although she didn't succeed in the end, she was made alive into a mummy, and even her existence was artificially destroyed by people...

As for how Mark knew?
Although the ordinary world has forgotten Ammanite, the extraordinary world has not.

Even on a certain non-famous untapped list, Ammanette ranked second.

As for No.1?
It's some guy who calls himself God or No.1.

When he saw the document that Floyd left behind, the picture of the desert wind tulle beauty appeared in Mark's mind again.

what is this?
If you don't dig by yourself, things will go around and fall on yourself?
When I thought of the strange ruby ​​Mark I had collected, I suddenly thought of this...

Mark glanced at his uncle Floyd, who was standing next to him and was puffing, and said lightly: "As far as I know, you have been warned three times by that white beard from the Wizarding Academy. You are trying to die."

Although Mark had previously teased the white beard who was in charge of the entire wizarding world and could wrestle with the principal of a famous magic academy.


Do you really think that White Beard's amiable face is really an eggplant?
To put it in a buzzword.

If Whitebeard explodes on the spot, the power is equivalent to the explosive equivalent of a million ultimate killers...

And what about his uncle?
This is the rhythm of not being the dean of Whitebeard.

They have been warned three times in a row not to steal and dig a tomb with extraordinary power and appear in the world.

But what about him?
This is the rhythm of real death.

Mark had to admire Freud's ability to persevere and die. If he really found Ammanette's grave...

Once something goes wrong and the person responsible is tracked down, Floyd will only have one result.

Being imprisoned in the Ice and Fire Prison in the wizarding world, the labor time... depends on the mood of that white beard...


As to why Mark knew such details, Freud didn't seem surprised, but he said with a smile, "People should know what kind of world they live in."

Mark turned and left.


This guy is really crazy.

Mark had only one thought at the moment.

Report this uncle who is about to die to the Extraordinary World Committee to get a generous bonus.

Tell the ordinary world about the existence of the extraordinary world?

I'm afraid it's not my brain showing off.

The extraordinary world has always maintained a basic principle in how to struggle and fight.

The extraordinary is extraordinary, the ordinary is ordinary!
There have been many extraordinary people who wanted to merge the two worlds, but in the end they were all labeled as the big villain or the big devil.

Without exception!

Walking into the living room, Mark called out his mother directly.

Wait until Anglis walks out.

Mark smiled and looked at Floyd's chin slightly raised: "Go on, say what you just said."

Floyd shrugged and repeated what he said before indifferently.

next second!
"Are you crazy? Floyd!" Angliss lowered her voice and whispered to her younger brother, feeling absurd: "You will be stripped of your magic power, and even our family will be stripped of their qualifications as family wizards." .”

"People should know what their world is like." Freud shook his head and said firmly: "The world is dangerous. I am a historian. I have the responsibility to tell people the real history."

Anglis rubbed her forehead, completely unaware of what medicine his younger brother Freud had taken or what nerve was wrong.

Mark laughing beside him without saying a word was like watching a play.

Anglis next to her felt a little uncomfortable, she looked directly at Floyd and said, "You are grounded."

"...I'm already 40 years old."


"I can leave whenever I want!"

"is it?"

Angliss smiled coldly, and looked at Mark who was watching the play next to her.

Mark was taken aback.

What the hell?

I'm watching a play.


Although he belongs to the extraordinary world to some extent, he really is not.

Even in the evaluation reports of certain organizations in the extraordinary world, Mark was on the list of potential demon kings.

The reason for being on the list seems to Mark to be nonsense.

The group of shaman scholars, magic professors, and elf mentors who had nothing to do at work jointly drew up a blueprint named [Mark Map].

On this blueprint, based on the powerful intelligence capabilities of the fifty scholars who made friends with the Quartet, coupled with the spiritual assessment of the magic professor and the future detection of the elf teacher, a somewhat absurd conclusion was drawn——

The world will come to an end one day because of Mark alone.

As for the reason?

Very simple!
Mark's ex-girlfriend from the Avengers.

After finishing his one-year job as an agent stationed abroad in Dongguo, a few old guys found what Mark said when they just set off to leave Dongguo...

This is why Mark vomited on himself when he returned to New York from the Eastland.

But the complaints are the complaints, Mark is still a little proud.

Take a look!

There are a few people who can be seriously criticized and warned by the leaders of the extraordinary world.


Mark belongs to an existence that has never been seen before or since.


After the conversation broke down at that time, several family members wanted to send Mark to a dimension that they jointly developed.

Who is Mark, he directly angered those old guys, except of course, the elf queen who kept her face young...

It would have been.

Ordinary people think they are the only intelligent beings unaware of the existence of the supernatural world.

And what about the extraordinary world?

I also think so, I don't know that they can hang around on this earth, and there is a Kama Taj guarding them.

And what about Karma Taj?

Except for the ancient one, everyone else thinks that they are the only organization that defends the earth, and they don't even know that their planet is in the protection range of other people's Nordic gods...

This fully illustrates one thing.

There are mountains beyond the mountains, sky beyond the sky, people... people outside!

at this time!

The light in the yard was distorted for a while, and Mark appeared directly in front of his mother, Anglis, watching several red men in big red clothes and holding battle axes appear in the yard.

The leading man in red directly set his eyes on Freud and said coldly: "Freud Hofstadter, you have committed a crime! The Wizarding Committee has issued a wanted arrest for you ordered!"


(End of this chapter)

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