Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 392 Lovers Get Married (Part 2 of Guarantee)

Chapter 392 Lovers Get Married (Second Change of Guarantee)

Quite frankly.

Annie felt that her brother Mark was a bit of a sister-controlling tendency and had serious sexism.

Look at how she and sister Mia are treated and Thomas' attitude.

The results speak for themselves.

Just when Annie was thinking about whether to consult a psychiatrist about what to do if she had a brother who was controlled by a sister, the plane of the Crawford family had already parked in front of everyone and opened the hatch.

The first ones to come out were not two men but a blond and tall stewardess.


Mark, wearing sunglasses, a suit and leather shoes, appeared directly at the cabin door.

Richard Crawford, with his damp hair, followed closely behind.

next second!
The applause was like thunder...

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Mark looked at Ms. Anna Miller who walked in front of him and nodded with a smile.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at the purple thermos in Anna's hand and wanted to laugh.

True Blood.

The out-of-print collection of Snow White's stepmother is even more precious than the red apples in the orchard.

I think that when Mark searched for all kinds of strange things and arrived in that small town, he fell in love with the mayor at first sight. The next morning, the mayor walked towards Mark gently with a glass of drink and said, hi, this is my last baby stuff.

When Mark was about to drink it, Jiumei appeared instantly and reminded Mark of the efficacy of true blood...


Say so!

If Mark returns to that town again, all the men and women in the town, no matter what faction they belong to, will stand on the same front and start a battle against Mark like a crusade against a dragon...

No way, a full third of Mark's collection was collected from that small town.

Someone who claims to be a horse three feet high in the sky!
As for why the sky is three feet high?

They all dug the open space three feet into the ground, wouldn't standing in the pit be three feet high in the sky!
Poor Richard, it is estimated that he will have a wife and a child at home in the future.

Mark looked back with a little schadenfreude.

Richard, who was behind him, drank the drink Anna handed over with a smile, and Anna had a charming smile on his face, just like treating a lover.


Only schadenfreude and nothing else.

Some people may think that Mark is not authentic in doing this.

But still the same.

It's like there is no way to distinguish between real good and evil, black and white.

Right and wrong are relative terms.

For Richard, Mark is wrong, evil and black.

But for Anna, Mark is a good man, a very good man...


After a warm welcome, Richard hugged his daughter Laura happily and was having a lively conversation with his old father Chris, smiling like a flower.

"It doesn't feel like it's changed."

Mark glanced at Anna who didn't know when she came to him, smiled and said in a low voice: "Patience, Ms. Miller, patience is very important. Since I put forward the conditions, I didn't just talk about them casually."

"I hope so, Director Louis!" Anna nodded with a smile on her face and Richard who turned his head to look at her, then said so without looking sideways.

When a group of people went to Crawford Manor.

Inside the car!

Anna handed the tablet in front of Mark to Mark who was sitting next to her and asked in surprise, "I'm curious, Director Louis, how did you know about this?"

Mark took the tablet and took a look.


That Dr. Vogel has already told the immediate organization about the tomb of Princess Aogu and the story of the Bana Flower.


In this short period of time, Dr. Vogel has actually found out everything about Princess Aogu's tomb.

As for the reason?

Mark didn't even need to think about it. It is estimated that Dr. Vogel and his party have captured the female saint who was bluffing in Xiangjiang.

Compared with pure terrorists, what Mark despises the most are organizations that do bad things with the nature of brainwashing.

The former is just fatal.

And the latter?
Not only to die but also to heart...

Mark smiled, returned the tablet to Anna and asked, "Then can I ask you a question?"

"Of course!" Anna nodded with an unchanged smile.

"What is your organization doing?"


Seriously, Mark has always been curious about this Trinity organization.

Of course he knew what the Holy Trinity meant.

Isn't it the Trinity, the meaning of three persons in one body? If you go deeper into it, you will have nothing to do with God in the end anyway.

But here's the Holy Trinity?

In the FBI terrorist database, any terrorist with a name and surname can find their organization in this database.

Only this Holy Trinity does not.

This guy has never planned any terrorist actions around the world at all, and the FBI, as a member of the World Peace Police, will naturally ignore it.

But you are not right to say that Holy Trinity is not a terrorist.

It's just that this guy likes to look at the past, not the present or the future like other terrorists.

The terrorists in other countries are all trying to get some kind of bomb, planning an attack to disrupt and then rule the world.

What about Holy Trinity?
It is thinking about finding mysterious power by digging pits and treasures, and then ruling the world with mysterious power.

The brain circuit is so strange that it is different from other terrorist organizations.

When Anna heard this question suddenly, she couldn't help being in a daze for a second, then she said with an unchanged smile: "Would the New York State Bureau of the FBI not have our information?"

Mark nodded very seriously and said, "Yes, no!"

Anyway, there is really no terrorist organization database, but the Holy Trinity organization in the watch list has been on the list year after year.

Other organizations on the watch list were either moved to the terrorist organization database or eliminated.

All in all one word!

It is rare for an organization to be on the list every year and always be at the top of the observation list.

Holy Trinity did just that.

Seeing that the next step is to be removed from the observation list and then be targeted by the FBI, but this step has never been taken.


In the communication group of Mark's level, there is a handicap that has been open for a long time.

The opening target is Holy Trinity.

There are two options in total.

Advance to the list of terrorist organizations, the current odds are [-] to [-]!

To be eliminated, the current odds are three for one!

As for the choice of continuing to stay on the observation list?

When Mark was working in Dongguo a few years ago, he heard that there was still this, but somehow it was cancelled.


This thing is a tonic for a boss of Mark's level.

Regardless of whether Trinity advances or is eliminated, the FBI will not be the first to bear the brunt.

But the CIA...

When the vehicle stops at Crawford Manor.

After getting out of the car, Ms. Anna Miller, the president of the Crawford Group, walked out of the car door with a blank expression.

Before he could react.

under the gaze of the crowd.

Under the watchful eyes of many journalists waiting here to film the press conference.

Richard, who was like a domineering chairman, walked up to Anna Miller.

With one hand supporting Anna's small waist.

Under Anna's eyes of three points of confusion, two points of panic, and five points of expectation.

Richard kisses down...

(End of this chapter)

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