Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 376 Federal Secret Prison

Chapter 376 Federal Secret Prison
"What do you mean?"

Lucy frowned, not quite understanding Mark's words.

Looking at Mark with an inexplicable smile, Lucy said in a deep voice: "I need to warn you, I haven't got Tesla's equity yet."

Mark nodded and smiled, "Of course."


Mark looked down at the time on the clock in his hand and said to himself, "It should be coming soon."

The words just fell.

The door of the cafe was pushed open.

The [short dwarf], who was only 1.3 meters tall, wore a brown suit with a thick mustache and wide backward eyes, walked in with a smile.

Mark got up and hugged [Short Dwarf] under Lucy's surprised eyes.

"……This is?"

After Mark greeted [Short Dwarf] to sit down, he smiled and looked at Lucy and said, "Now, we can talk about how much money Ms. Rockefeller plans to use to buy Mr. Tesla's equity."

Lucy: "..."

Who is Mark?

To put it mildly, it means to hold grudges, and to put it mildly, it means revenge.

But Mark still has advantages.

Progress in reflection.

Mark, who has restrained the wave attributes, has already walked ahead of Teslak with full firepower.

At the moment when he acquired the scattered shares on the market yesterday, Mark had deduced three days later and even the final outcome of Teslak.

When Tesk boarded his special plane, it was already doomed to win or lose this game.

Knocking down the dwarves and losing the Teskra umbrella is the first step.

After losing Tesla.

Under Mark's menacing attack that swallowed him alive, the dwarf would only find a way to temporarily avoid it.

Find a way to cover your tracks and disappear for a while...

Mark, who was fully fired, had already thought of this.


Mark, the driver and even the flight attendant on the dwarf's special plane, knew it clearly.

The moment Mark made his move, the ending had already been written for the dwarf.


Mark knew, but in the eyes of the outside world.

The dwarf never left!
Looking at the dazed Princess Lucy of Rockefeller in front of him, Mark smiled softly and said, "Ms. Rockefeller, let me introduce you. This is Ruiwen, which is the missing part of your Sentinel plan."

The short dwarf... No, it was Rui Wen who looked at Mark, somewhat puzzled as to why Mark wanted to reveal his identity.

Lucy looked at the dwarf that Ruiwen disguised in front of her in shock, and couldn't believe her eyes.

It is not enough to describe it as lifelike, it is exactly the same without any flaws...

Lucy returned to her senses and frowned and looked at Mark in confusion and asked, "Where is the real Teslak now?"

"That's what you need to know." Mark said with a smile on his face, still blissful: "If you want Teslak, I'll give you Teslak."

Lucy: "..."

On the New York State federal plane.

Mark closed the magazine in his hand and glanced at Jack who was flipping through the magazine and Debbie who was playing some kind of mobile game, and then coughed.

Jack and Debbie looked up at Mark for a moment.

Mark smiled slightly and said, "How long will it be?"

Debbie glanced at the time and said, "We should be able to land in 10 minutes. The weather in Mobile is not very good today."

Mark nodded.

The CIA's secret prisons are famous.

But that doesn't mean the FBI is behind the CIA.

About prison.

The world-famous Guantanamo prison is nominally owned by the military, but most of the prisoners inside were thrown in by the FBI.


The CIA has the Tomb Mobile Prison and the Blackwater Mobile Prison.

So does the FBI.

Code Name: White Water!
Three 10 minutes later.

Mark opened the small yellow umbrella and walked out of the federal plane with the left and right guards, and directly transferred to a helicopter at the Mobile Airport and went directly to the Port of Mobile.

The flight time is about 25 minutes.

When he arrived at the port, Mark first saw the black object that surfaced and rested like a whale.

"Director Lewis!"


Mark held the small yellow umbrella with one hand, and shook hands with a smile with the captain in front of him, who had half black and half white hair and was wearing a neat blue uniform.

When leading Jack and Debbie aboard the Whitewater submarine, Mark asked with a smile, "Have the guests settled?"

"Same as you said." The captain beside him said with a smile.

"Thank you!"

"I should thank you, Bill was just promoted by General Ross last month."

"That kid Bill is nice." Mark shrugged and said with a smile.

Bill is the youngest child of the captain. He is only 23 years old this year. He is a soldier and lives in the camp of General Ross...

After boarding the boat, Mark turned his head and glanced at Debbie and said, "Is the agent in charge here one of ours?"

Debbie nodded and said, "Yes, junior agent Shirley and senior agent Brooke were named by you at that time."

A flash of clarity flashed across Mark's face and said, "I remember, I remember that the hometown of these two people is Alabama."

Debbie nodded and said, "Yes, Junior Agent Shirley's hometown is Mobile, and Senior Agent's hometown is Fayette."

Mark looked around the cabin and then smiled and said, "Then where did these two guys go?"

Debbie: "When you sent two people to be stationed on the Whitewater, you once said that as long as there is no accident on the Whitewater, they can move freely. The Whitewater surfaced for two months to replenish, and they should be on the shore."

Mark blinked.

It sounded like it was his line.

shook his head.

This time, I only notified the captain when I came here, and originally wanted to show off the prestige of the director's inspection.

Now it seems……

Forget it.

It's still business!

"Captain, I'll just go there by myself," said the captain who hadn't spoken since Mark followed down with a smile on his face.

"I haven't been here for so many years, do you still remember the way?" After entering his own territory, the captain stopped being serious outside and looked at Mark with a smile.

Mark smiled and said: "I can walk to the missile silo with my eyes closed, and after a short operation, we will both be wandering overseas."

The captain was speechless.

Mark laughed, and waved to Jack and Debbie without looking back, and then led them along the clean passage.

Whitewater was once the Navy's workhorse submarine.

After the service expired in the 80s, the then New York director patted himself on the head and said: "Hey, those idiots in the CIA have a Blackwater prison, why don't we..."

So, after a fierce operation.

The Whitewater became the property of the New York FBI.

just now!

It has become Mark's property...


To answer the question about 【Elder Princess】, this book follows the Western world view, so it applies the same. Princess Royal is a title usually given to the daughter of a monarch.

Therefore, it is true that Lailisi is the eldest princess!
 Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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