Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 372 The Neighbor on a Business Trip (Guaranteed Part 3)

Chapter 372 The Neighbor on a Business Trip
Monica's Sturgeon Restaurant!

Accompanied by the sound of wind chimes at the door, Mark, who was taking his daughter Lailis to taste delicious food, raised his head and waved with a smile to Ron Turk, the head of TNT&G law firm who appeared at the door.

Mark said a few words to Lailis who was attacking the sturgeon, then got up and hugged Ron, who just turned 50 this year.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"long time no see!"

After saying hello, Mark greeted Ron directly and walked towards another empty table.

Seeing this, the old lady in the bar put down the glass in her hand and walked out of the bar, and hung the do not disturb sign hanging behind the door outside...

In [-].

The Sturgeon restaurant has been hit by a severe financial crisis, and the Stark Bankers are after the elderly Monica and his wife, trying to make the childless couple lose their last refuge and live on the streets.

Mark, who was dining at the time, made a move. After a direct phone call, Stark's top boss directly waived the $[-] loan from Monica and his wife.

Monica and his wife asked Mark what he wanted.

Mark just smiled.

Delicacy without distraction is the real delicacy...

After that.

After being tasted by a rich man with nothing to do, this sturgeon restaurant directly wrote a check of 50 yuan asking the restaurant to develop the so-called sturgeon burger...


After Mark took Ron Turk to his seat, two plates of sturgeon burgers were served by the old lady Monica.

Ron glanced at the Sturgeon Burger in front of him, which was excellent both in appearance and aroma. He looked up at Mark and said lightly, "You didn't come here just to treat me to a burger."

"Hahaha, of course not." Mark smiled and shook his head and said, "I heard that you have accepted two cases of child support against Teslak this afternoon."

Ron smiled directly: "I heard? Is it true or not? Don't you know about it?"

"...What do you mean?" Mark still smiled.

Ron looked at Mark and said lightly: "Mark, although I am old, I still have an impression of Jack who looks like a polar bear but talks like a rose."


At this moment, Mark felt that this was the worst time Jack had ever been hacked.


Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the description is just right.

Can't help but shook his head and smiled, Mark then withdrew his smile and looked at Ron and said in a deep voice: "I need you and your TNT&G to go all out for this case."

Ron nodded and said, "Of course."

Mark laughed.

A meeting with Ron is a must.

if not.

Without this meeting, Mark has no doubt that after the prosecution of the two cases tomorrow, Teslak's legal team will directly write a large check to resolve this crisis that is enough to wipe out the value of Teslak's stock. Not yet.

This is not what Mark wants.

With this meeting, it was different.

Ron and Mark have known each other for a long time.

As far as the friendship between the two is concerned, it is not necessary to say some thorough words to let Ron know Mark's plan.

quite a while.

"Why don't you just call me?" Ron asked aloud after taking a bite of his burger.

Mark smiled slightly: "Safety first."

"Is it safe here?" Ron laughed a little.

Mark didn't speak, just pointed to the surveillance camera above his head and said lightly at the door: "Last year, the average number of robberies in Brooklyn restaurants was about 350 times, and this one was not among them. Even, this Sturgeon restaurant Its safety record has been maintained for three full years."

Ron: "..."

Mark first came to New York penniless, and it was Mrs. Monica of the Monica Sturgeon restaurant who warmly invited Mark, who was still a fresh meat at that time.He even brought out the big bones of the back kitchen and warmly entertained rhubarb.

In return, Mark not only resolved the restaurant's loan crisis, but also let the dark forces in Brooklyn know what the restaurant meant to Mark.

Even, the monitoring of this restaurant is directly connected to the super intelligence of a rich man, providing 24-hour protection.

In simple terms.

As long as someone invades this restaurant, Jarvis will start the alarm procedure in the next second and directly contact the FBI...

Half an hour later!
"Good night, Mrs. Monica."

"Good night, Mark!"

After saying goodbye to the kind and kind Mrs. Monica with white hair, Mark and Ron walked out of the restaurant side by side.

Lailisi got into the white Honda car one step ahead.

Mark's Bumblebee is still in Washington, DC.

Kate will not drive the Hornet back until tomorrow when the weekend is off.

"If the prosecutor decides to withdraw the lawsuit, it's not up to me." Ron suddenly looked at Mark on the side of the road and said.

Mark smiled slightly: "This will not happen."

"you sure?"

"Of course!"

Ron looked at Mark with a confident face, then shook his head with a smile and said, "Your goal is Tesla's stock price?"

Mark smiled mysteriously and said, "Now is the right time to enter."

Ron: "..."

After seeing Ron off, Mark got into the white Honda, glanced at Lailis who was wearing a black patterned skirt, touched her chin and asked curiously, "I remember you didn't like purple before?"

Lailisi took a moment to look away from her phone and replied, "I've grown up."

Mark laughed dumbfounded and said nothing.

After starting the car, the co-pilot, Lairise, glanced at Mark from the corner of her eye and then looked away.

After looking at the profile of Lucifer from Google.

I feel more and more that the aunt I met in Asgard must have admitted the wrong person.

Return Lucifer?

With Mark like this, could he be Lucifer, the leader of the fallen angels in mythology?

I'm afraid it's not Shi Lezhi!

The more Lailisi thought about it, the more she felt that the result was certain.


Lailisi thought of the pair of mysterious black and beautiful wings that she had grown out, and felt that what the aunt said was true.


Lyris is also confused now.

Not Lucifer?
Is it Lucifer?

How can we be sure?

Lailisi thought so in her heart!

When the white Honda parked on the side of the road, Mark first saw the neighbor pushing a travel bag out of the next room.

Mark smiled and said hello: "Good evening, John, are you going on a business trip so late?"

John heard the voice, and when he saw Mark, he was so frightened that he couldn't even hold the suitcase in his hand.

God knows, his suitcase contains the directional bazooka just produced by Stark Industries this year.

John forced a smile and said: "Yes, there is a problem with the project in Atlanta and I need to go there quickly."

Mark nodded and said, "I sympathize with that."

"Me too." John said as he gently put his suitcase into the trunk.

Then got in the car and started the car and left here.

Lailisi opened her mouth after looking at the taillights of John's car and said, "Is it my illusion? I always feel that John seems to be afraid of you."

Mark shrugged and said lightly: "FBI, he should be afraid."

Lyris: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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