Chapter 36



"The new supervisor is here!"

"……So fast?"

After the Independence Day holiday, Mark just got out of the Chevrolet when he saw Jack who had been waiting for him pull him over.

Hearing what Jack said at this moment, Mark was also slightly surprised!

In three months, the administrative director of the New York office, who had been hospitalized for nearly half a year, finally couldn't hold on.

Give up and pass away!
In the past few months, the deputy director has been helping to deal with affairs, and the new administrative director of the New York office has been pending.

After all, the executives of the New York office are high-level people.

A little political struggle is understandable!
Let’s just say that last year’s candidate for the director of New Jersey was decided after almost a year.

Compared with the New York office today, it is fast.

When walking towards the Federal Building, Mark glanced at Jack who was following him and said: "The news is so well-informed, you should know the origin of this new boss, let's hear it!"

With that said, Mark threw the pistol and dagger at his waist into the box, and walked past the security inspection machine!
After walking into the elevator, Jack smiled slightly and said rather mysteriously, "Carlisle Donner."

Mark raised his eyebrows and said, "The woman who broke the case of the Scarlet Killer?"

Jack nodded!

The Scarlet Killer appeared in New York in [-]. The women who were killed had nothing in common in terms of hair color, height, clothing, and face shape.

At first, the New York police did not realize that these eight cases were the work of the same serial killer.

Until, when a forensic doctor checked the case files, he discovered a very strange commonality.

That was the eight women who died, all of whom were in their menstrual period at the time.

Therefore, it is called the Scarlet Killer!
Then, the FBI officially intervened!

Only 31 years old at the time, Agent Carlisle Donner, transferred directly from Washington headquarters, took just a week.

Through surveillance, the wretched suspect who was squatting in the women's toilet disguised as a woman was successfully arrested on a dark and windy night...

In addition, at that time... How should I put it, women's rights were more prevalent.

Carlisle Downer was immediately promoted!
After stepping out of the elevator.

Byron, the internal affairs chief agent who worked with Mark, stood upstairs and said to Mark who had just come out of the elevator: "We will have a meeting in the top meeting room in 15 minutes!"

Mark made a gesture of receipt, patted Jack on the shoulder and said, "Which prison is Hatu imprisoned in, find out, when will I go and have a look!"

Jack nodded!

After throwing his briefcase on the sofa, Mark rubbed his eyebrows.

After a while, when Byron came to call him, they took the elevator together and went straight to the 33rd floor!
Large conference room.





After nodding with the other three field supervisors, Mark directly pulled Byron to sit in the last row.

After finding a corner position, leaning against the wall, Mark took out a mobile phone with a black and white screen from his arms.

Choose the Snake mini-game, just keep your head down and it will be a fierce operation!
"The new supervisor's first meeting, can you show some face?" Byron, who was sitting next to him, looked helplessly at Mark, who was addicted to the game world, and said so!

Mark looked up, was silent for a while, blinked and said, "No!"

Anyway, he is a field supervisor, and his promotion depends on solving crimes.

Unlike the internal staff, they are either sycophants or conspiracies.

Although the danger of field agents is relatively high, the speed of promotion is far beyond what internal agents can imagine.

Just look at the conference room where there are already more than [-] people.

Like Mark, the field supervisors are all about the same age, generally over 30 years old, 35 years old is the same!
Blonde Teresa, the only female field supervisor in the New York office, like Mark, is 30 years old!
Owen, who is said to have half Nordic descent and has a thick beard, is 33 years old this year!
Thin and stick-like Sam is only 32 years old this year!
As for back office supervisors like Byron, they are generally over 35 years old.

Moreover, only Byron is well maintained. The other three back office supervisors, administrators and financial staff are either fat or bald!
Just by looking at the appearance and mental state, it is very clear at a glance!

The field supervisor had a calm expression. He was either playing with his mobile phone with his head down like Mark, or he was holding his chin in anticipation of the case.

How to escape from this prison!
The head of internal affairs and other staff looked stern, lowering their heads from time to time to communicate what the new supervisor would burn...

quite a while!

Wearing a lady's black suit, her jet-black hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

Carlisle Downer, who had just taken up his post as director of the FBI office in New York, walked into the conference room stepping on time!

The deputy director, a chubby fat man with a big belly walked behind him.

From time to time, I took out a face towel to wipe off the continuous sweat from January to July...

"Good morning, everyone!" Carlisle Donner, who had a beauty spot on the center of his brow, looked around and said with a smile as he turned his gaze away from Mark, who was bowing his head.

The deputy director who was standing next to him introduced to the crowd with some exhaustion: "Ms. Carlisle Downer, the newly appointed director of our New York branch!"

"Good morning, Ms. Downer..."

"Nice to meet you……"

"Ms. Donner..."

Mark looked up at the courteous internal staff sitting in the first few rows, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

And three other field agents looked.

The eyes of the four field supervisors met in the air instantly, and they nodded tacitly!
Mark glanced at Byron next to him, and said curiously, "Aren't you going to come up and show your courtesy?"

Byron looked at Mark and said, "Why do you think I have to partner with you?"

Mark was speechless for a while.

This guy's feelings are determined to follow behind him, taking advantage of his achievements.

"...Can I have some pursuit?" Mark shook his head.

Byron lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Charlie is not young anymore, and Lisa has nothing to ask of me, just retire smoothly."

The corner of Mick's mouth curved up slightly: "Then you shouldn't be partnering with me, you know my temper."

When he was still a junior agent, Mark dared to confront the Internal Affairs Department.

Over the years, within the FBI, there are not a few people who have been hated by Mark.

After a while, the new supervisor on the stage introduced himself, took a look at Mark's position, smiled slightly, and said, "Who solved the poisoning case in Federation Square in January."

Everyone's eyes instantly shifted to Mark, who was focused on reopening the snake-eating snake!

Byron hastily poked Mark.

Mark held the phone in one hand, raised one hand and said, "Wait, this game will be over soon..."

"..." Everyone!
 Please recommend, guys, can you give me some strength!

(End of this chapter)

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