Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 357 Three Subpoenas (Part 3 of Guarantee)

Chapter 357 Three Subpoenas

New week!
"Ah, it's a new day!"

Mark, who walked out of the bumblebee, looked at Chaoyang and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

It's been a week since I got back from Paris.

After such a incident, my daughter never made a fuss about traveling abroad again.

But he didn't go anywhere safely. Relying on Skye, who had already got his driver's license, he brought Gwen and Peter along for a road trip.

Although Mark can't understand Little Spider's vigilante behavior, but it has to be said that under the guidance of Gwen's father, Peter has gradually come out of the confusion when he first gained strength, and now he feels quite young and mature...

That's why Mark and George figured it out and agreed to the road trip.

A young man with strength and justice is not scary!
Terrible is a superhero who doesn't care about it...

Mark insisted.

As long as he is in the FBI for one day, he must resolutely curb this bad trend of superheroes.

At least in his state of New York, it's not a paradise for superheroes!
After stepping out of the elevator.

Mark and his blond secretary, who didn't bother him as before, smiled and nodded, then pushed open the door of his office with a briefcase.

quite a while!

The blond secretary who received the call hung up the phone and shook his head inexplicably and walked into Mark's office.

Mark looked at the secretary who walked in, shook an envelope-sized document on his hand and said, "What is this?"

"Subpoena!" The blond secretary said quietly with the document in his arms.

"..." Mark laughed back angrily: "I know this is a subpoena, I'm asking why this thing appeared on my desktop."

As he spoke, Mark slightly opened his right hand holding the summons.

In the next second, the envelope changed directly from one to three, which felt like magic.

Mark threw three envelopes issued by different courts on the table and covered his forehead and said, "And three copies came at once. What did I do, why don't I know?"

The blond secretary walked over, glanced at the heads of the three letters while holding the documents, and then said formulaically: "Obviously, the traffic court is that you violated the traffic law, the civil court is asking you to perform your jury duties, and the appeal court is Let you take the witness stand on time."


Looking at the unsmiling blond secretary, Mark dared to swear to all known gods that as long as Justin's ass was removed from the position of Minister of Justice, Mark would fire the blond secretary as soon as possible.

If you have something to do as a secretary, if you have nothing to do as a secretary?
This so-called yearning scene, let alone experiencing it, Mark didn't feel it at all...

Mark took a deep breath, and now that Justin was still in position, he did not suspect a conflict.In case the blond secretary complains like this, and the wife of the minister blows the pillow like this, who knows what kind of moth it will bring to me,

Isn't it a humane society?
Those who think so are the real fools!
Mark slightly closed his eyes and said weakly: "Push them all away, do you really think I'm so idle?"

The blond secretary said, "No way!"


"Your violation exemption limit for this year has been exhausted."

"...The jurors? I'm a giant in the law enforcement agency, can't I be exempted from the jury duty?"

"Yes, but this is a civil case, and there is no conflict with the criminal case, and you have already rejected it once last month."

"...What about the Court of Appeal, who asked me to be a witness?"

"Richard Worthington II's lawyers sued the appellate court on the grounds that the arrest process was illegal. After hearing the lawyer's opinion, the trial judge put the New York office on the witness table."

"Worthington? Who is this fellow?"

"...the one you led to destroy Alcatraz last time."

"Oh, let Cooper go to court, I don't like being in court, especially the witness stand."



"The appeals court trial judge put you on the stand, not Deputy Commissioner Cooper."

"...Who is the trial judge?"

"Your father, Judge Chris Lewis!"


Mark let go of his right hand on his forehead and glanced at the blond secretary who answered.

next second!
The blond secretary looked at the office where the door was closed vigorously, looked around and then blinked.

Then he opened the notebook silently, and wrote on the attendance line that someone was late and left early...

after an hour!

Mark appeared directly at the door of the Court of Appeal. Looking at the solemn court building, he took a deep breath and headed inside.

After showing his federal ID, after passing through the security checkpoint, Mark climbed the stairs directly to the fifth floor, and appeared at the door of the office of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals.

Boom boom boom!
"Come in!" Chris, who was signing a document with presbyopic glasses, said angrily without raising his head.

Mark pushed the door open and glared directly at Chris who was sitting behind the desk.


He has seen cheating fathers, cheating brothers, and cheating mothers.

But the only one who has never seen his son cheated.


This is no longer as simple as cheating on your son, it is simply tying your own son to a barbecue grill and brushing the whole thing with barbecue oil.

He's a bureau chief of the FBI.

Specializes in terrorists and all kinds of cruel and inhuman murderers.

Put him on the witness stand?

Didn't this tell the group of guys blatantly that with the name and the photo, those who have a grudge can take revenge, and those who don't have a grudge can act first?

And most importantly.

Not a few FBI law enforcement officers were on the witness stand.

But seat?
There are only a handful of giants like Mark on the witness stand of the court.

This is public revenge.

The kind of red fruit!
After Mark closed the office door, the court policeman who glanced at Chris sat on the chair and said angrily, "You remove me from the witness stand now."

Chris looked up at Mark and said directly, "That's not possible."

"You want the terrorists to know about my situation, and then RPGs and rockets are aimed at our family?" Mark's tone softened, and he tried to reason with Chris in a friendly voice.


Chris took off his reading glasses but said directly: "This is the Court of Appeal. Judicial justice does not allow any blasphemy. The other party appealed to me, and based on the available materials, the other party included you as a witness. It is reasonable for me to say anything." of."

"...can you make some sense?"

"Please attend Chief Louis on time. If you don't show up when the court session begins, I will ask the court police to arrest you for contempt of court."


Mark looked at the old Louis who said these words and nodded directly to the court police, and was so angry that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached.

This old thing!
Has he never thought about why he could suddenly become the chief judge of the Court of Appeals from a judge in the poor town of Fox?

Do you really think you were justly nominated by twelve justices?

 By the way, the friends who go to work have gone to work, and the children who go to school, have you gone to school yet?
(End of this chapter)

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