Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 349 The Winged Lyris (Guaranteed Part 1)

Chapter 349 The Winged Lailis (First Update)

Lyris, who was half squatting on the floor, had no time to take care of the big array of pentagrams that lit up around her.

At this moment, Lailisi only felt that the blood in her body seemed to be boiling.

The double ribs on the back are even more itchy.

The heart was pounding like thunder.

Opening her eyes with difficulty, Lailis smiled reluctantly at Skye who was trying to move towards her.

Am I about to become a mutant?
Lily suddenly thought of this in her heart.

It is impossible to say that I am not jealous of Diamond Mia and Skye.

After all, with them, Lairise was just a normal little girl.

And Mark told her more than once that we are just ordinary people who run away when we encounter danger, so that's right...

But sometimes Lailis still fantasizes that she will awaken some kind of mutant ability one day.

After all, with Diamond Mia in front, the Louis family obviously has the X gene.

Although currently only Mia has awakened.

As for Mark?

Lailis also felt that Professor Charles might be right.

That's right, Mark's mutation ability already exists.

It's just that some people despise it!

Why does my X gene awakening hurt so much?
Lailisi thought in her heart that she wanted to cry but had no tears.

at this time!


The moment when the pentagram blasted through the gate of the underworld, and all the rays of light disappeared into it.

Lyris just felt cleared up.


Skye, who was almost untenable by the strong wind, was completely stunned when he saw the changes in Lailis.

Since the door was blasted open by the pentagram burst of light.

The wind gradually subsides...

A bright to the extreme light instantly illuminates the corner of the sky.

The stars all over the sky suddenly appeared on the sky, and the stars slowly fell down.

In the pentagram array.

After that sound as if something broke the body appeared.

Lailisi only felt that her body was clean.

Then he saw that his toes seemed to have left the ground.

Feeling the difference coming from her ear, Lailisi turned her head to look at her back from the corner of her eyes, and she was also momentarily stunned.

I...have wings?
Lailis blinked in disbelief, looking out of the corner of her eye at the wings that were flapping gently to bring in the breeze.

Right now!
Lairis raised her head, flickering her long eyelashes, staring at the dawn light falling on her body from the sky.

next second!
The pentagram formation emits extremely bright light here, instantly isolating the formation from the outside.

A faint soft light shrouded Laili's body, and the sun, the moon, and the morning light reflected each other in the sky above the pentagram array.

One breath of effort!

Whether it is the gate of the underworld that suddenly arrives from the sky, or the light of the pentagram array that comes and goes quickly...

Didn't break anything.

Apart from……

The rooftop of this condominium by Lyris and Skye!

and also!

If it hadn't been witnessed by countless Parisians and tourists just now.

Never believe what just happened!

"I don't have a camera?"

"Me too!"

"God is this a miracle?"

"The black door, what is that?"


Looking at Lailis who appeared in front of her again, Skye couldn't help covering her small mouth in shock, trying hard not to scream.

At this moment, Lailisi seems to be completely transformed!
Long, silky blond hair fell to his waist.

Lairice was wearing a pure black dress with delicate patterns winding around the skirt.

Under the skirt is a pair of crystal clear feet, exposed in the air.

In the back……

Stretched out a pair of huge pure black wings, which is the symbol of the princess of the underworld.

Laili raised her face slightly and looked at the sky.

In the pale golden light, the long eyelashes on Laili's eyes shone like Ning Ye's black light, her pink lips were slightly raised, and there was no flaw in her delicate facial features...

"... Lailis?" Skye looked at the changed Lailis in disbelief.

Lailisi looked at Skye, and then showed Skye her usual iconic smile.

Skye breathed a sigh of relief.

at this time!

"Be careful..." Skye narrowed his eyes, looked at the strong man who picked it up from the place, picked up a dagger and ran towards Lailis and yelled!


Lailisi turned her head to look at the man with a pair of wretched eyes, she was slightly taken aback and subconsciously moved.

next second!
The man was instantly hit by the wings on the back of Lailis and turned into a trapeze once again, hanging directly on the wall with a snap.

Then it fell slowly with a groan.


Skye breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest, walked through the messy living room and appeared in front of Lailis, staring at Lailis curiously.

"...What's wrong?" Lailis was taken aback for a moment, then she narrowed her eyes and revealed her small canine teeth and said, "Skye, look, I'm a mutant?"

"No, you're definitely not a mutant."


Skye was pretty sure that Rilice was definitely not a mutant.

It would be fine if every mutant had exactly the same awakening pattern as Lailis.

Maybe the Americans can stop doing anything.

It would be nice to go on the road every day to see the spectacle of mutants awakening...

When the gate of the underworld opened just now.

Skye vaguely noticed that there seemed to be some eyes watching here.

Lailisi tilted her head at Skye, commanded her wings to caress Skye's forehead, blinked and said, "Aren't you a mutant?"

Skye waved away the black wings on the back of his head, looked at Lailisi with a blank expression and nodded with certainty.

"Then I am..."

"I have no idea!"


Just when Lailis was about to ask questions, the police force in Paris was long overdue!
But when the vision appeared over the apartment, the Paris police received an order to come here.

But they encountered a ghost hitting a wall three blocks away, unable to move forward.

They didn't come quickly until the vision disappeared.

Skye hurried back to the guest room of the two, and it was too late to pack the clothes, so he could only grab the passport and ID bags of the two and hurried out.

"Quick, put on your shoes!" Skye said loudly, holding the crystal slipper that Lailis had brought over, to Lailis who was stunned.

"..." Lailisi looked down at her bare little feet.

Ten seconds later!
"In, in, in!"

"Paris police!"

"Paris police!"

A group of twelve heavily armed Parisian policemen rushed into the apartment without a roof, shouting and shouting, which was quite imposing.


As far as the eye can see, the apartment is empty, only the mess all over the floor!

A dozen policemen were also a little dazed looking at the empty apartment.

What about people?

Where have people gone?

(End of this chapter)

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