Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 346 The Queen's Maid's Family (Guarantee Part 1)

Chapter 346 The Queen's Maiden's Family
At this moment, the entire sky over Paris was covered by dark clouds that looked like cotton candy.

Endless lightning flashes in it.

Bursts of thunder sounded in it.


The tourists who were admiring the beautiful scenery and having fun all over Paris suddenly raised their heads with different expressions.

Some people called it a harbinger of the end of the world.

Others snapped at the visions in the sky.

Some people got into their cars and drove out of the city.

Even the headquarters of the Meteorological Bureau in Paris was in turmoil in the face of this sudden abnormal weather...

"Sir, the weather satellites didn't find anything unusual."

"...Is this called no vision?"

"Sir, here's the weather picture over Paris in ten seconds."

"Shet, nothing?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then can you tell me what the hell is that dark cloud over Paris right now?"



"It might be a mirage!"

"……You are fired."


Beyond the earth, among the nine realms of the solar system, is the Nordic God Court!
As the gateway to the Nine Realms, the controller of the Rainbow Bridge unlocked the key. Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, walked into the palace with a giant sword in his hand, looked at the God King Odin sitting on the throne, knelt down on one knee and said: "My lord, the gate of the underworld has appeared above Midgard."

"Underworld?" Odin opened his narrowed eyes and looked at Heimdall who was kneeling on one knee.

"Yes, king!" Heimdall said, "I saw the princess of the underworld awakening."

"Princess? It's..." Sitting next to Odin, Frigga, who became the mother of the gods, looked at Heimdall and said as if playing a riddle.

"No, queen!" Heimdall said in a deep voice.

The two princes of Asgard who accompanied the discussion were a little confused. Thor, the God of Thunder who always advocated violence, asked directly: "Father, the underworld is ignoring me, Asgard, and I will destroy them."

As for who is the underworld?Thor said that he doesn't need to know, just start fighting!

Odin shook his head and directly waved Thor back and said lightly: "This underworld is not my underworld of the nine worlds."

"Father, what is this underworld?" Loki, dressed in golden clothes and with reindeer horns on his head, came out and asked curiously.

Odin sighed and didn't speak.

in those days.

Odin led his eldest daughter in high spirits, and led his army to fight endless known star fields and dimensions, wanting to become the god of gods and king of kings.

When he brought the known Nine Realms and the known dimensions under his command throughout his military life, just when he was full of ambition and prepared to sing his praises with flowers and poems.


The eldest daughter continued to want to use iron and blood to expand the territory, just when the father and daughter had internal strife.

The sky is full of morning stars!

The throne burning with endless flames broke through the Milky Way in an instant and directly reached the sky above Asgard.

The man on the throne stretched out his white wings enough to cover the entire Asgard.

The three vicious dogs crawled quietly under their feet.

The realm of the underworld projected behind him gathered an army of tens of thousands of angels.


The eldest daughter who disagreed with her political views but was still her own flesh and blood was forcibly taken away by the gangster.

And he himself... has no power to fight back!

When I see my eldest daughter again...

The daughter has become his wife!
Even the realm of Haier controlled by her daughter was forcibly merged with that villain's underworld.

"Father..." Thor looked at Odin who seemed to be in a daze, frowned and could only look at his mother.

Frigga glanced at her husband, who was again saddened by not being able to protect his daughter, and could only say out loud, "Tor, you are not my first child."

"What..." Thor was shocked, almost unable to hold Thor's Hammer in his hand.

Frigga glanced at Odin, she didn't know if she should tell them what was regarded as a disgrace to God's Domain.

Odin returned to his senses, did not speak, but nodded quietly.

It's one thing for a daughter to want to rebel.

But kidnapping my daughter is another matter!

Although the daughter rebelled first, she was taken away later.


Like Odin and all old fathers, they belong to the type whose children make mistakes and can only punish themselves.

Frigga then looked at the shocked Thor and Loki and said: "Before you, when the Nine Realms have not yet surrendered, your sister--Hela was born first!"


"……elder sister?"

Thor and Loki looked at each other, full of confusion, but still suppressed the curiosity in their hearts and looked at Frigg.

When Frigga was about to tell the two of them about the buried past, Odin directly stopped her.

Frigga had no choice but to not continue talking.

Odin glanced at Thor and Loki in the hall with one eye, and then said in a deep voice: "You just need to know that you have a sister, and the rest is not yet the time for you to know."

After the eldest daughter returned home, Odin was forced to gamble with his eldest daughter for a while under the witness of the lord of the underworld who is now his daughter's husband.

He wins, and the eldest daughter is not allowed to enter the Nine Realms during his lifetime.

If he loses, he will abdicate to the eldest daughter.

Odin is not ready to let Thor and Loki know about this father-daughter strife...


Odin was still a little annoyed by what happened on Earth.


Even the daughter who tried to rebel is my daughter, the eldest princess of the Nordic God Court.

Being taken away by you is also taken away. Odin feels that he can accept the title of Queen of the Underworld if he takes a deep breath.

But right now.

The eldest princess of the underworld was not born to the queen of the underworld, this is simply... so unreasonable!
"The matter of Midgard has already been decided, and Midgard has the right to be independent and self-governing in the Nine Realms." Odin said in a deep voice, then looked at Thor and Loki and said: "You step down, I will I have something to say to your mother."

"Yes, king!" Heimdall said!
"Yes, father!" Thor and Loki said.

After walking out of the palace.

Thor grabbed Heimdall, hooked Heimdall and said, "Brother, do you know my sister?"

Heimdall nodded. He was the chief engineer involved in the construction of the Rainbow Bridge, so how could he not know about Hella.

"Then you'll tell us, right!" Thor continued.

"The king has ordered you not to speak!" Heimdall said.

As the most special member of the Divine Court, Heimdall has an extraordinary status.

And Heimdall's political talent is also full.

He only obeys the king's orders!

No one else would listen to him.

Thor and Loki: "..."

inside the palace.

Odin sighed, recalling the past with a feeling of not daring to look back.

Back then, he was so ambitious to unify the Nine Realms that he thought he was already the god of gods.

who knows!
Could it be that the outside world cannot be summed up by the Nine Realms...

 Sahua, um, do you have any recommendation tickets...


(End of this chapter)

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