Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 337 The reason for the destruction of the world 1 Scientist (Guaranteed first update)

Chapter 337 One of the Reasons for the Destruction of the World
quite a while!

After getting no response from three people, Dr. Cliff, who was the first person in the original timeline to have a relationship with half-human, half-beast Deren, turned around and walked into the villa behind him, saying, "I'm going to call the police."

"Wait..." Tony said, and then took off the sunglasses on his face.

Elsa and Cliff were stunned for a moment: "Mr. Stark!"

After knowing that Newstead was acquired by Tony Stark with private funds, the two doctors were a little excited at first.

As a scientist, my favorite boss must be the richer the better.

Tony Stark is such a typical example.

According to a gossip magazine, the annual salary of Tony's bodyguard Happy is not much different from that of a Stark Industries executive.

And... Happy is still the type who doesn't look like a bodyguard.

who knows……

When the two of them handed over the plan to the new executive president, when the original plan was full, a bolt from the blue unexpectedly came.

It was announced that the laboratory of the two would be closed and transformed into an analysis room.

After the vacation, the two did not hesitate to throw the blame to Tony Stark.

Their research went well before, and they were also supported by Newstead's top management.

Since Tony Stark acquired Newstead, he immediately announced the closure of the laboratories of the two of them.If it weren't for the fact that all their patents are in Newstead, they would have jumped ship.

This is betrayal, Chi Guoguo's back!
Tony Stark glanced at the scientific monster Dren who was hiding behind Elsa and said in a deep voice: "Two doctors, I need you to explain where this thing came from."

"Deren is the child of Cliff and me, and it is the crystallization of known science!" Elsa said loudly comforting Deren who was watching Mark trembling.

Deren is a combination of human genes and animal genes, and naturally maintains the instinct of beasts to predict danger.

In terms of personal combat power, Mark is completely a minority at the top of the power pyramid.

Deren was right to be afraid.

Because Mark completely crushed her (him) while talking and laughing!

Hearing Elsa's justification, Tony laughed angrily.

Directly pointing at the shivering Deren, he said bluntly, "Your experiment is anti-human. Look at what you made. What is it?"

"This is our child."

"It's a monster, it's a blasphemy against God."

"No, it's the power of science."


Looking at the two scientists who seemed to have fallen into a bewilderment, Tony was so angry that his head hurt.

The pit dug was obviously for Mark, so why did it suddenly become his own?
Seeing this, Pepper next to him whispered something to Mark, and then directly called Happy and the two to get into the car first.

Being able to pass through the secretariat of the chairman of Stark Industries and become Tony's personal secretary, do you really think that Pepper is really a fool, just like the rumors that are still rumored today, and he got in entirely by luck, face and figure?

If it was because of his face and figure, Pepper could have stayed with Tony, who changed women like clothes, for so many years?

In the past few years, it is not that there are no other secretaries who have chosen to challenge her position as private secretary, either openly or secretly.

But without exception, they were forgotten after being used up by Tony...

Wanhua passed by, only Pepper stayed by Tony's side as the opposite sex.

If it was really silly and sweet, Pepper would not choose to let Hubby and her get into the car first at this time.


Even if Pepper had the Madonna's heart exclusive to Silly White Sweet, he wouldn't lash out at a half-human, half-animal scientific monster...

Pepper understood.

Once this matter is not handled properly, even Stark Industries will be hit hard.

At least one anti-humanity hat cannot be taken off.

There are many scientists and companies specializing in gene fusion in the United States.

Not to mention gene fusion technology.

Let’s talk about the cloning technology that has already appeared and been tested.

Today's cloning technology is considered perfect, but why no company has taken the first step in human cloning?

Without him, it's just public opinion!
Are cloned people human?
This is a moral multiple choice question.

No matter what scientists or companies think, at least no one dares to do this.

Even today's biological giant is responsible for the Mysterious Island Company?

At the end of last year, Dr. Morik of the Mysterious Island Company had already submitted the organ cloning technical documents to the Ethics Supervision Office and Congress in conjunction with the military.

Until now...the legality of organ cloning is still being discussed fiercely!
Even if Dr. Morik promised to accept the 24-hour supervision of the Department of Ethics after approval, he still couldn't quickly pass his application as soon as possible.

And now?
Even the cloning technology has attracted so much public attention, let alone the gene fusion technology which is more advanced than the cloning technology.

Gene fusion is hundreds of times and thousands of times worse than cloning technology. If this news is exposed, even Stark's market value will plummet like a waterfall in an instant...

Pepper understood one thing very clearly.

There are some things she can say, but there are some things she cannot say.

At least...can't say it now!

quite a while.

Tony took a deep breath and said lightly: "Dr. Elsa, Dr. Cliff, you have been fired by Newstead Biology from now on."


"The success of this experiment is enough to allow countless people suffering from genetic diseases to be treated. This is a huge market."

Elsa and Cliff are clearly in disbelief at the decision.

How many patients with ALS are there in the world alone?

How many patients with genetic cancer?
And now...

Their big boss actually ignored such a huge market?
"This is anti-human research, fusing animal genes into human genes? What do you think?"

Tony blamed in a deep voice unceremoniously: "Even if your experiments are fruitful, and you plan to pass the FDA certification, how do you explain the human experiments?"

With that said, Tony glanced at Mark who was standing by watching the show.

He now finally agrees with what Mark said before.

Even if the earth will not be destroyed by a rhythm similar to alien attacks or world wars.

Sooner or later, it will be handled by mad scientists like Elsa and Cliff who have no awe of life.

Who doesn't know the prospect of gene fusion and cloning technology?

Can't those consortiums and companies see it?
They are all restrained!

The richer they are, the harder they are trying to restrain themselves from the temptation of immortality.

Can't they see the prospect of cloning and gene fusion advocated by countless scientists?
But in comparison, they care more about their own and their own family's interests.

And obviously.

Once the opening of cloning or gene fusion is opened?

Who knows what the whole world will be like.

The man with the horse's head?

A spider with a human face?

Whether it is human cloning or genetic modification, they remain against it.

At least... that's what it looks like on the surface!
 Ask for a recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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