Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 333 The Third Person, Pepper (Part 3)

Chapter 333 The Third Person, Pepper (Part [-])
and also!

Mark wondered why he hadn't found out that Tony cared so much about him before.

The guy who knew that Clark Kent was Mark's alias would not be more than one hand apart from the undercover target at the time.

Tony Stark is one of them!
After all, the first transaction of Clark Kent, who was aliased as the black middleman at the time, was the transaction of Stark arms and weapons.

To make this identity seamless, Tony's cooperation is naturally indispensable.

After thinking for a while, Mark raised his head and glanced at the smug face sitting opposite him. Tony said helplessly, "Why didn't I realize that you cared so much about me before, or did you treat me cruelly after being dumped by me?" Love to help me focus so much on me?"


"Cough cough..."

Angrily, Tony put down the wine glass in his hand, wiped the amber liquid from the corner of his mouth with a tissue, and shouted at Mark angrily, "Damn it, what are you talking about?"

Pepper next to him also looked at the two male and female protagonists who seemed to be acting in a farce with somewhat helpless eyes.

Who is the leading actor?Who is the heroine?
Is this a question?
It's already obvious...

Mark shook his head and didn't bother to pay attention to the fact that Tony was obviously paying too much attention to himself. He directly changed the subject and asked, "Then why did you buy Newstead? Just so sure that I will send it to your door?"

Tony tidied up his suit, and once again returned to the state of overflowing self-confidence. He raised his chin slightly, but he was very arrogant and didn't say a word...

Seeing this, Mark felt tired for a while.

How can such a guy with an extremely bad attitude be the first choice for the seniors who travel through time.

For many years friend Tony is still such a chicken thief.

How did those traversers who did not even have a serious identity to attack them as soon as they met did not get killed and sunk in the Pacific Ocean by Tony's bodyguards...

It can't be that those traversers are the protagonists, so he is not the protagonist.

There is no such reason!


Mark got up directly and walked towards the door of the villa expressionlessly.

ask for help?Not his style.

Although this husband and wife team met Mark's requirements very well.

But this guy Tony obviously dug a big hole in front, waiting for him to jump into it willingly.

He thinks too much!

"and many more……"

"Any thing else?"

With his hands in his pockets, Mark turned around and looked at Tony, who was sitting firmly on the sofa, but now stood up and was a little dumbfounded, and asked with a smile.

mock up!

He obviously wanted to know why he purchased those things from the black market on a large scale.

But he had an arrogant look.

He also thought about digging a hole directly in front of him and waiting for him.

Is Mark that kind of guy?
If it is really impossible to go to a third country to kidnap a few biologists, the risk is obviously much smaller.

At this moment, Tony, who was sitting on the wax, opened his mouth.

Ever since he learned that Mark was waving banknotes in the black market to buy various biological equipment, Tony, who thought he knew Mark well, suddenly felt that there was something big in it.

Also at this time.

Jarvis suddenly told him that the FBI had taken the file of the only biologist in their company.

Tony immediately thought of that satellite photo.

So Tony directly ordered Jarvis to start Mark's original ecological modeling and speculation program that had been idle for many years.

This is a professional program, which is specially used by Tony to speculate Mark's next move with high intelligence.

After so many years of observation and research on Mark, Tony believes that this modeling will definitely give him a satisfactory answer.

as predicted!

The modeling program driven by Jarvis predicted countless possibilities in just a second.

After weeding out some absurd choices and some unrealistic answers based on Tony's perception of Mark.

An answer similar to what he thought was presented to him by Jarvis.

That eerie cloud band on the high seas...

Covert and large-scale purchase of equipment...

Collect biological genetics related to high-achieving students...


Under Jarvis's powerful deletion, when Mark hadn't got the Newstead information.

Tony has already taken a step ahead and directly acquired Newstead with full staff retention.

to him!

If the forecast is correct.He'd see Mark bow to him for the first time...

If not?The big deal is to sell Newstead in a package...

But right now...

Accurate is accurate, but Tony only realized one thing at this moment.

Mark in front of him was a guy who never played cards unreasonably.

Pepper looked at the two people in front of them who had started to disagree with each other again, making no one willing to bow their heads, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

Pepper always feels that as long as Mark and Tony appear on the same screen, she has the illusion that she is superfluous...

next second.

Pepper smiled and said a few words to Tony before walking up to Mark and pulling Mark back to the sofa before asking with a smile, "Mark, I'm also curious about why you bought those things."

Mark glanced at Tony as if to say, look, this is the correct step to open the topic, and then said: "Learn about the potion of youth."

"Pfft!" Tony shrugged his shoulders and let out an inexplicable laugh, "Do you feel that your physical strength has declined recently? Your vision is not good? Even some places are starting to hurt?"

Mark smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, if I die, you will too."

"Not always!"

"……How to say?"

"I have money!"


There is really no way to talk about it today.

Is it great to be rich?
He still has a right!
"Tony..." Pepper once again warned someone, then looked at Mark with a smile on his face and said, "Youth potion? Is there really such a thing?"

Mark didn't speak, and opened his right hand back and forth in an instant.

A silver-white safe whose nameplate was scraped off by Mark appeared in Mark's hand instantly.

"...It's so cold!" Just after opening it, Pepper who was closest could not help shivering.

Can it not be cold? In order to store the blood orchid, Mark put the ice essence in it.

In the extremely cold dimension, it is the only main way to ensure that the ingredients of the fountain of youth inside the blood orchid will not be lost rapidly.


As soon as the safe was opened, twelve bright red orchids that looked like blood and were neatly placed inside were revealed.


Pepper next to him folded his arms while staring intently at the blood orchid that looked like a work of art under the cold white mist.

Tony, who was standing on the other side, was not much better, and looked at Blood Orchid in shock.

After three seconds, Mark instantly closed the safe again and threw it into the storage space.

It's not like Mark is mean or anything.

Look around.

Even the floor of the hall is covered with a layer of ice...

(End of this chapter)

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