Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 32 Ah, Diamonds, Rubies

Chapter 32 Ah, Diamonds, Rubies


"...Shet, I hate you Mark..."

On the crooked, wooden sleeper rails that stretch for an unknown amount of time, a man-made cart looks like a beam of light.

Quickly flashed across the rails!

Inside the cart, Kate closed her eyes and tightly held both sides of the cart with both hands.

The howling wind blew past her ears, like the air from the inner world...

Mark, who was shaking the thrust device up and down, listened to all kinds of foul language from his girlfriend, and automatically filtered out the information!

I glanced at the three tunnels that started to fork not far away!


Mark jumped directly into the front cart, put his arms around Kate, and let her fists beat his chest!
Looking at his girlfriend with closed eyes in his arms, for some reason, Mark suddenly felt a little taller!

Girls, it's better to be normal!

Thinking of Alice and that ghostly figure like thunder, Mark's heart palpitates!
In the year of fighting against Alice, frankly speaking, Mark's winning percentage was less than three layers.

And little wolf girl Lil!

To be honest, Mark, who was only a teenager at the time, had never won at all, such a luxurious word!



The part of the cart under him was firmly parked at the end of the railway track, looking at the part of the cart next to it that rushed directly to the wall.

Mark smiled knowingly!

"Jiumei, I remember that I still have three wishes that I haven't granted..."

"...I know what you want to say, I can help you with this!"

Hearing the voice of Jiumei in his head, the corners of Mark's mouth curved up slightly.

When the earth originated, Mark was on the way to climb a mountain, and was directly stunned by the nine sisters who fell from the sky.

After waking up, it is already in the baby state.

Just when Mark clamored to die with Jiumei, Jiumei, who didn't know Mark's identity at the time, agreed to Mark's three conditions.

As long as it doesn't violate the normal operation of the universe and Jiumei's heart.

It's just that if Mark says it, Nine Sisters will help Mark realize it. It can be regarded as compensation for what Mark said before that he was worth tens of millions and lived a good life...

Mark didn't know that when he ran to climb the mountain, the domestic inspection agency had already started to arrest him.

The crime of unknown origin of huge wealth!
The crime of manipulating the normal market!
All in all, if Mark hadn't met Jiumei, he would definitely not be able to escape the fate of being imprisoned in his next life...

"I hate you, Mark!" Kate, whose footsteps were a bit vain, looked at Mark with a pale face, wishing to swallow it in one gulp.

Mark smiled slightly and said, "Honey, if you hate me again after you see the next scene, I promise not to say anything..."

"What do you see..." Kate smiled softly, looked around and said, "Isn't the travel I imagined like this, a vacation in an underground that doesn't know how deep it is?"

Mark hugged the angry Kate and said, "Patience, patience is very important, my dear..."

As he said that, Mark opened the way for Kate in front, carefully avoiding the scattered ore on the ground.

Obviously, these are assets that were not brought out in time when the mine exploded!
Under the boulder not far away, Mark also saw a looming white bone...

After entering the pothole, Mark looked down at the ground that was completely formed of mica two steps away.

The mica ground, which forms the barrier, is a very fragile rock that only needs a little pressure to change.

They will all be shattered in an instant!


Mica is not the ultimate goal of Mark's visit this time.


Looking up, the diamonds and rubies inlaid on the rocks are almost exposed.

Shining brightly——

"Oh, my God!" Kate followed Mark's gaze.

He also involuntarily covered his mouth with his hands, and looked at everything he saw with his sparkling eyes in disbelief!
On the rock wall above the mine tunnel in front of you, as far as you can see, there are more than a dozen shiny unpolished diamonds and rubies.

The number here is almost comparable to the sum of the diamond mines controlled by a warlord in Africa.


The warlord's diamond mine needs to be mined by people.


Just bend down, spend half an hour, and you can become rich and invincible...

Mark turned around, looked at his shocked girlfriend, stretched out his arms, and said with a smile: "Is this the vacation you want?"

Kate covered her mouth and looked at the top of her head, like a sky filled with stars, exposed diamonds...

Looking at his girlfriend in a daze, Mark shook his head helplessly.


The charm of diamonds to women is like the charm of high heels to women...

Mark thought Kate was an exception.

did not expect!
After all, it is still unavoidable.

Even a highly educated woman knows that the value of diamonds is artificially inflated, but she is still unavoidable!
They are also composed of carbon elements. The reason why the price of diamonds is so expensive is purely caused by human beings.

Moreover, the reason why diamond prices hit new highs every year is that each diamond has a waist size...

Have IGI or GIA certification!
Therefore, it is not diamonds that are really valuable, but the certifications of these two companies.

If you wear off the certification of a real diamond...

Ha ha!

To be honest, on the originating earth, this certified diamond is worth only one hundred and fifty at most, and it also needs free shipping from Taobao...

The rarity and high price of diamonds is just a wonderful lie bragged by the western capital world!

But still, it makes women flock to it——

Whether you are the president's wife or a homeless girl...

Not even thinking about a problem.

Why is the price of diamonds so high when they are sold, but few merchants recycle them?

Or, if diamonds were really that rare and precious.

Why do many countries not use diamonds as reserves, but hoard gold!

From ancient times to the present, antiques in prosperous times and gold in troubled times!
It's not without reason--


When Mark came this time, he planned to enrich his pocket.

The fact that other people can't sell the raw diamond ore doesn't mean that Mark can't!
Don't even think about what club Mark joined!
However, here it is estimated that there are enough diamonds worth a billion dollars. After they are sold, Mark can laugh if he can get [-] million dollars.

He glanced at Kate who was still in a trance.

Mark shook his head, simply squatted down, and took out a dark golden gourd from the backpack behind him.

It looks like it was taken from the backpack, but in fact it was taken from the garbage room where the Kong Lingzhu belonged to Jiumei and Mark's storage room.

It is said that this is the first birthday of Princess Nine, and a girl came to the birthday banquet from 33 days away, representing a certain holy existence, and gave it to Princess Nine as a birthday present.

It is said that it is the most holy mother gourd who will meet every yuan.

just born—

Dark Gold Gourd!
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(End of this chapter)

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