Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 30 The Coming Magical Adventure

Chapter 30 The Coming Magical Adventure

After getting off the plane.

Mark directly used his own Express card in the car rental shop at Reykjavik International Airport in Iceland.

I bought a stable and comfortable pickup truck, and strapped a fully fueled motorcycle to the back of the pickup truck.

Under Kate's shocking gaze, he stepped on the accelerator.

Iceland is the epitome of rugged, authentic, and surreal!
All wrapped up on one small island!

After driving on the Icelandic Highway [-] covering [-] kilometers!
The beautiful scenery outside the car window is changing every second!

On the way to drive to the Snaefellsnes peninsula, which is about an hour away.

Sitting on the co-pilot, holding a drawing board and a sketch pen in his hand, he glanced at Mark from time to time.

Mark glanced at the deserted road, turned his eyes to look at the right hand of the sketch pen dancing quickly on the drawing board, and smiled slightly: "Honey, I have no problem with you turning me into a Q version, but please, I must be given two more blood-sucking teeth."

"Why..." Kate laughed and said, "Vampires are cute. Didn't you say you have no prejudice against vampires?"

Mark nodded and said with a smile: "Vampires are not cute at all, believe me, they are all demons!"

"It's as if you've seen it before." Kate straightened her hair that was blown by the breeze and glanced at Mark with a smile.

Mark smiled mysteriously and said, "Mutants already exist, maybe vampires and werewolves exist."

"So, you are a occult supporter?"

"No!" Mark shook his head, "I'm a pragmatic pragmatist."

Back then, at the age of 12, Mark dared to hook up with Alice who repeatedly warned himself that he was a vampire.

Mark was dismissive.

Do you really think that a town called Fox has Twilight?


In the end it was clear that Mark paid the most precious thing for his ignorance.


After that, Alice's desire to control obviously exceeded Mark's imagination!
God knows, Mark was just a 12-year-old kid at the time.

In the colorful world, Mark doesn't want to decide his future partner at the age of 12!

and so……

In the end, the truth came out and Mark was evicted.

If it weren't for Mark's physical attributes beyond the imagination of the two families.

Maybe now, Mark was either bitten by a bat, or joined the wolf clan...


After about half an hour, Kate put away the sketch pen and pointed the drawing board at Mark!
On the drawing board, accompanied by laser rainbows and glaciers, two Q versions of a man and a woman cuddle together.

The Q version of Mark has messy blond hair, showing a slight smile, and a pointed canine tooth on both sides of his mouth.

As for the Q version of Kate, she has brown hair, pulling on the shoulder of the Q version of Mark, and smiling sweetly.

If you ignore the looming tail behind the Q version of Kate...

Mark said with a bright smile: "What is this, fox?"

"No!" Kate looked at Mark with flickering eyes and said, "I'm a big bad wolf, the kind that only eats vampires!"

Looking at Kate with a sweet smile, Mark tried hard to hold back what he wanted to say.

In fact, speaking from Mark's own experience.

Alice still has the upper hand. To some extent, the vampire side has a better chance of winning.

After all, Fox's group of Cullens, who were smart enough to switch from eating meat to vegetarians, were full of speed experts.

Isn't there a saying that is called martial arts in the world, the only thing that can't be broken is fast?
Unless the wolves are mobilized, the Karen family can easily escape even if there are more than [-] werewolves...

When passing by a roadside supermarket.

Kate, who followed Mark, looked at what the former put into the shopping cart.

Finally, I couldn't help but said curiously: "You still decide not to tell me, where is our tourist destination?"

After throwing a coil of rope long enough and two fluorescent sticks into it, Mark turned his head and smiled mysteriously, and said, "Have you heard of the book "Journey to the Center of the Earth"?"

Kate blinked, and said with some amusement: "Do you believe what is written in Verne's book?"

"Journey to the Center of the Earth"

It was created by Jules Verne, a French novelist in the nineteenth century.

Verne created a large number of excellent literary works in his life.

Representative as the trilogy "Captain Grant's Children", "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", "Mysterious Island", "Five Weeks in a Balloon", "Journey to the Center of the Earth"...

Along with Herbert George Wells, he is called the "Father of Science Fiction".

In this "Journey to the Center of the Earth"!
Legend has it that there is a road hidden under a certain volcanic crater in Iceland. This road not only leads directly to the core of the earth, but also leads to a strange world in the center of the earth...

As soon as the book was published, Iceland, which is located on the farthest edge of Europe, attracted the first wave of tourism...

But with the passage of time, except for some people who still firmly believe in the existence of the inner earth world.

More people completely attribute this book to nonsense science fiction.

"So, you are a Verneist?" After walking out of the shopping mall, Kate looked at the two big backpacks on the back of the pickup.

"What is a Verneist?" After restarting the pickup, Mark asked curiously!
Kate put away the drawing board, rested one hand on her chin, looked at Mark who was concentrating on driving, and said, "Don't you know?

Some people still firmly believe that the novels written by Verne are based on facts.

They regard Verne as a prophet, thinking that Verne is guiding them.

If the end comes one day, the inner earth world may be the only refuge for surviving humans..."

Mark laughed, turned his head to look at the smiling Kate curiously and said, "I always thought you didn't read these novels."

Kate smiled slightly and said, "My sister is a staunch Verneist..."

Mark shook his head even more, and said with some amusement: "Then she also became a psychologist!"

Kate shrugged her shoulders for a while and said, "Sometimes, I wonder if she knows about this disease, so I plan to teach myself how to treat it..."

"Lucky!" Mark glanced at the Sniffel Mountains, which had gradually become clear, and said with a slight smile: "As I just said, I am a practicalist."

Ever since he knew that this Marvel world was not just a Marvel world, Mark had been paying attention to the Hollywood blockbusters he had watched.

But unfortunately!

When the earth originated, Mark watched relatively few movies.

After all, who would foolishly watch a movie alone with a beautiful woman in front of the computer!

and so……

Until Chao Neng got out of control, it was a talkative little beauty who was new to the company at the time, chatting and discussing in the office.

As for Journey to the Center of the Earth.

It was also a newspaper that Mark saw five years ago.

It says that in order to prove the existence of the inner earth world, a professor of a university went to Iceland alone and then disappeared...

 Please recommend, please collect, woo woo woo...


(End of this chapter)

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