Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 3 Mark's Black History

Chapter 3 Mark's Black History

The full name is the Federal Bureau of Investigation!

It can be said that the FBI grew up with disasters.

American citizens initially feared that the federal government would have a strong police force capable of using internal force.

However, in the 100s, more than 19 years after the founding of the United States, when crimes were rampant and even seriously affected the economy and people's livelihood, the Bureau of Investigation was officially established in 80 with the approval of Congress!

Namely the FBI!

The current FBI has become the "big mac" in the world's police force.

The first is scale. The professional police of the FBI are usually called special agents. There are 5000 people in total. Last year's budget alone was as high as 83 billion US dollars.

Once again, it is a regional hegemony. The FBI not only has its own branches in node cities across the United States, but also has [-] offices in some overseas countries.

you can say it this way!
No matter where there is a problem in the world, they are there!

The FBI building in New York, located in front of Mark, was established when the FBI was founded.

The FBI in New York was originally responsible for federal crimes in the economic field such as antitrust, and its development was relatively flat.

The pervasive espionage in the two world wars caused great damage to the military operations and economic life of the United States, and New York, the largest metropolis in the United States, was the hardest hit.

The United States passed the anti-espionage law in 1917, and the FBI in New York became the top priority of anti-espionage work in the United States.

At the same time, domestic terrorism also became rampant, especially the Morgan Building mail bombing on Wall Street in [-], which killed dozens of people and injured more than [-] others.

The times make heroes, the country is in trouble and the country is in trouble, and the New York FBI has ushered in a golden period of development. No matter in terms of functions and powers, or the equipment of police officers, they have all expanded in a breakthrough way!

Up to now!

The FBI in New York has five branches, including investigation experts, legal experts, computer experts, psychologists, negotiators, EOD experts, and crisis response experts. There are also non-specialized language experts, economic experts, and information experts. Experts, a gathering of talents...

It can hack into the flying civil aviation aircraft in the sky and change the flight status of the aircraft, but the pilots don't know it.

The Underwater Search and Evidence Response Team is a world-renowned diving team specializing in underwater crime scene investigation and evidence gathering.


After a series of lively welcome ceremonies, Mark and the current director of the New York FBI walked side by side into the office that had been cleaned not long ago!
"Sit—" Mark smiled slightly, and said to Byron, who was 37 years old and was also a special agent in charge of the same level as himself.

In the Federal National Academy, what Mark highlights is his specialization in field work!

On the desk of the Attorney General's Office, which oversees the FBI, the report assessing Mark had come out three days earlier.

When it comes to handling cases, Mark is a sharp knife and a master!
But when it comes to management...

The current Attorney General said that if Mark's talent hadn't been taken into consideration, it would have been handed over to the Internal Affairs Department.

After Mark and Byron sat on the sofa, they poured a glass of fine wine for Byron and themselves respectively.

Only then did Mark ask Byron, who was sitting next to him, with gray hair and glasses, and said, "How are Lisa and the children?"

Byron smiled slightly and said, "Charlie is in the seventh grade."

"Really?" Mark took a sip of bourbon and asked in surprise, "I remember the last time we met..."

"That was five years ago, Mark!"

Mark nodded and sighed, "Time flies so fast."

Byron nodded sympathetically, waved his hand towards Mark and said, "Look at you, when I met you, you were still a senior agent, but now..."

Involuntarily, Byron couldn't help sighing that there are indeed people in the court who are easy to handle.

Mark also smiled slightly!
In the past few years, Mark has been able to rise to the top all the way, in addition to leading the successful cracking of several major cases.

A more important reason is that Mark joined a fraternity when he was a student at Yale!

The addition of the strengths of the two means that at the age of 30, Mark sits on the position of the head of the FBI's New York agent!

Without one of these two conditions, Mark would never be promoted so quickly!
However, who let the current Attorney General also be a member of the Yale Fraternity.

Half an hour later!
After exchanging pleasantries, Byron left Mark's office with a sigh, lamenting why he didn't work hard at that time!

After Byron left, Mark also finished his glass of wine, opened his backpack, and prepared to decorate his office with the things he brought over!
After all, having reached his current position, Mark felt that he had reached the ceiling.

With no age bonus, if you want to continue to be promoted, you probably have to wait.


Fortunately, Mark never thought of taking the step into politics from the very beginning, the FBI New York agent in charge!

This position, before the big wave came, was enough for him for the time being.

After a while, after sorting out the few things that were originally there, Mark sat on the office chair and browsed the internal information.

The FBI's database is almost the most complete department besides the CIA.

After opening it, Mark groped his chin and searched for Andrew, Matt, Steve in the national database...

"You haven't given up yet?" Jiumei's voice sounded from Mark's mind.

Mark raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Of course!"

What a joke!
This is the Marvel Universe, a terrifying world where black technology and superpowers coexist.

The odds that an ordinary person, especially a resident of New York City, will grow old safely in the coming wave have been calculated by Mark.

Not more than ten percent.

Not to mention, the earth in the future will be split in half, even if it is not.

It will also be snapped by a terrifying existence.

Do you want to bet on the 50.00% chance?

Jiumei jumped directly to a daffodil potted plant on the desk with white light flickering on it and said, "With me here, you will live until the day you die of old age."

The right hand holding the mouse paused involuntarily, Mark took a deep breath, glanced at the orb and said, "I have come to this world, and what I pursue is eternal immortality."

"...Then you can let your vampire girlfriend take a bite." Jiumei asked a little strangely: "Why don't you want to."

Mark's eyelids twitched, and he said, "I don't want to be like Edward, as pale as if I had leukemia."

"You should know, if I didn't cover you, Edward could kill you with a slap."

"...Thank you for reminding me!" Mark's eyelids twitched!
"And when you were besieged by vampires and werewolves, if it weren't for me, you would have been beaten to death by them..."

"Again, thank you for reminding me!" The corners of Mark's mouth began to twitch.

The history in Fox Town is his dark history.

It is also because of this that Mark has not been back for more than ten years since he left home.

no way!
When they left, the family of the vampire girlfriend and the family of the werewolf girlfriend put down cruel words to themselves.

Mark would never go home without gaining the ability to fight back.

Jiumei can only guarantee his basic personal safety, but there is no way to provide him with the ability to attack.

Use the flesh to fight against vampires and werewolves.

Mark is afraid that he will lose his mind and go crazy!
at this time!


 The new book sets sail, begging for collection and recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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