Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 299 The Giant Who Demolished the House (Part 1)

Chapter 299 The Giant Who Demolished the House (Part [-])
In Ted's view.

Even if the best result is to escape from the back escape route, they can't guarantee that they can all leave safely.

Do you really think that a mutant can hang and beat ordinary people casually?
This is Langley.

At the CIA headquarters, there is a huge amount of firearms and ammunition stored.

Even if they break out, they won't be able to escape here until the CIA reacts.

But going through the front door is different.

Grab the culprit that caused the current situation, and they will have capital and white buildings to have an equal dialogue.

Even, it is not impossible to obtain a judicial immunity order for them...

Mark, who was struggling to climb the stairs from the main entrance, looked numb.

After Ted and others entered the urn, Peter, the director of the second office, ordered to cut off the power supply of the conference building directly...

Just when Mark took Jack and three secret service members to the [-]th floor.

Debbie's words came suddenly from the headset.

"...Wait a minute, boss, the thermal imaging has changed."

"...What changes."

Debbie, who was in charge of the equipment signal outside, frowned and watched a red dot suddenly magnified three times in the monitor, and said falteringly: "...Well, I'm not sure, but it seems that someone suddenly became bigger. "

"...What?" Mark stretched out his right hand, signaling the people behind him to stop.

Suddenly getting bigger?

What is this?
next second!

Just when Mark was about to ask Debbie to explain in detail, there was a sudden loud vibration above his head...

boom -

Mark's rear side was as fast as lightning, and while retreating, he also pulled Jack's back, and pulled out Jack who had been following him.

For an instant.

The stairs leading up were cracked.

As far as Mark could see, there suddenly appeared a golden, big and thick thing like an elephant's leg... Dongdong.


Mark yelled directly at the circled Jack and the three secret service members, pointing to the space behind them.

After being absent-minded for a second, the three secret service members obeyed the orders and ran towards the escape route on the floor without looking back.


Mark looked down at the tortoise cracks that appeared on the ground, and secretly called out his powerful weapon in the middle of the bean curd project.


A sound like a dragon chant came out instantly, and the dragon-shaped flying knife hovered above Mark's palm tremblingly.

The same is true for flying knives in normal form.



Mark thought of that when he looked at the three-meter-tall little giant who appeared in his sight.

"Mark Louis!" Ted, who was following Violet, poked his head out and looked at Mark in a deep voice, his eyes were burning with anger.


When he received a call from Alisa from the second office, Ted was in a daze.

Sauter is one of them, how could he just let him go.

After rejecting Alisa's request, Ted found detailed information about Mark through the internal database... and then laughed it off.

who knows……

The next day, Mark flipped the table directly.

After many years of deep-dive planning, if there were no accidents, Ted might be able to retire from the position of director of the CIA and live a comfortable life with an American salary.

Ted couldn't figure it out, he didn't offend Mark at all, and even asked Alisa to pass on the words, saying that Sauter had already returned to his post as a planning officer...

How did things get to this point?

It's too late to think about this now, it's all been exposed.

If you want to escape here, you can only grab Mark and negotiate with the United States to obtain a pardon.

Thinking about it, Ted said in a deep voice to the giant Violet: "That's him, grab him."

Violet nodded, and the moment the gigantic and condensed head, which looked like gold, nodded, it intensified the cracks on the floor.

next second.

"Roar—" Violet let out a battle roar, and rushed towards Mark with cracks on his legs as thick as an elephant.




A dozen or so throwing knives shot at Violet's golden body and immediately burst apart.

After all, there is only one dragon-shaped flying knife that is irreplaceable.


Belongs to consumable property!
Seeing the giant rushing over in an instant, Mark used a flash of lightning, and immediately retreated quickly and shouted at Jack who had already run to the escape stairs: "Go down and bring me the X-gene suppressor."

Jack nodded and quickly went down the stairway.

As for asking Mark if he has any questions?
Stop it!
After following Mark for many years, I have seen all kinds of incredible scenes.

now this?

Just a small scene.

At the exit of the escape passage, the special service members who had rushed here from the back entrance pointed their guns at the huge Violet while Mark retreated!

Instant fire.

Da da!

Da da!

A metal storm composed of densely packed bullets instantly enveloped Violet's body.

It's just... don't break the defense.

Violet's equally gigantic head showed a ferocious smile at the special service team members at the entrance of the passage, and directly broke a pillar beside him, making a whistling sound and smashing towards the escape passage in a circle.

The pillar roared and pierced through the air, like a bad wind blowing.

Mark blasted out with a force of thought, and instantly blasted the pillar aside, making it out of its original trajectory.

boom -

Outside the conference building.

Debbie looked at the pillars blasted directly from the [-]th floor wall, and the secret service members who were guarding all around quickly retreated towards the back.

The huge pillar hit the concrete floor directly, collapsing into countless small stones and shooting all around...

"Go up and catch people." Mark said coldly to the Secret Service team behind him.


Looking at Violet who moved his arms and made the sound of metal clashing.

A burst of thought power blasted out, Violet took two steps back, and then looked at Mark in a daze.

"...Are you a mutant too?" Violet said in a low voice.

Mark smiled slightly and said, "Guess?"

Then Mark once again yelled at the three secret service members who were whimpering at the exit of the escape channel: "Damn it, go up and arrest people."


"Go up, this is an order!"


If it weren't for the presence of outsiders, Mark would have ended the battle in a second, and he would have to wait until now...

After being yelled at by Mark, the three team members could only charge directly towards the upper floor with their assault rifles.

Mark is in a better mood now!
But when he turns back.

Immediately, I saw Violet who directly removed the two load-bearing columns supporting the balance of the conference building and threw it outside...


Seeing this, Mark directly split into two strands of thought force to shatter the heavy column that had already broken the window.


"You got Fooled."



(End of this chapter)

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