Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 297 What is Zhang Zou (Part 1)

Chapter 297 What Is Rhythm (Part [-])
At this moment.

As Attorney General, Justin is very tired.

Originally, I wanted to invite Mr. Vice President and Mr. Secretary of State to watch how his most capable subordinates handled the case.

Who would have thought...

A well-endowed drama belonging to the FBI actually deviated from the track of the script and moved in an unpredictable direction under the leadership of Mark.

What does it mean to kill and kill?
What does it mean to be an agent of the CIA anyway?
The sentence itself is... true.

But you should at least watch the occasion...


Justin gave Vice President Cheney a smile and then directly yelled at Mark: "Damn it, get your ass off the chair and start working..."

Mark, who was at the scene in Langley, was taken aback when he heard the voice coming from the headset, then turned his eyes and pretended to be very helpless and said: "...This is a tactic, my most respected Mr. Minister."

"I don't care if it's a tactic or not. Mr. Vice President and Mr. Secretary of State are watching from the combat command center, showing them the skills of the director of the FBI branch." Justin said angrily directly.

If he believed Mark's nonsense, he would have been taken into the ditch by Mark as early as when Mark was promoted to a senior agent...

Since that time when Mark was promoted to a senior detective and went to Washington to report on his duties, he was directly fooled into a famous nightclub...

Justin dared to swear that if Mark was not from the same fraternity, he would have directly transferred Mark to an overseas prison in Cuba for the elderly.


Mark, who was stunned by Justin, sighed helplessly again, turned on the walkie-talkie again under the gaze of everyone and said, "Well, Ted, you must not hurt the hostages, otherwise I can't guarantee that your wife and you The safety of your daughter's life, oh yes, the wife and daughter I'm talking about here refers to one of them, not just you."

Ted: "..."

No way, the boss of his own family threatened himself, and Mark said that he could only pass on the risk.


Being threatened by Mark, only the rustling sound of electricity passing through the walkie-talkie is heard, nothing else...

quite a while.

Just when Mark really thought that he was going to fight a protracted war, that Ted and the others were really going to starve to death, and was going to ask Alisa to help prepare the lunch box.

The intercom that had been silent for a long time came again.

Ted and the others, who were tricked into the meeting building, were also looking at each other at this moment.

Rao Ted, who has been diving for so long that he thought he was an American, was also very tired. Why did he meet such a guy who didn't play cards according to common sense.

Shouldn't the normal rhythm be that he makes a request, Mark agrees, and then stalls for time to prepare for the attack?
What do you mean by threatening our whole family with the hostage threat just now?
Mark heard a deep breath from the walkie-talkie and smiled lightly, before waiting for Ted to speak, he said directly: "Stop making impossible demands, there are only two ways in front of you now, or surrender , or starve to death inside, there is no other way..."

As for taking hostages to blackmail Mark?

Mark sprayed him with nosebleeds!

Look around.

Either a CIA agent or a federal agent.

No reporters!
Since there are no reporters who are afraid of chaos, Mark is really not afraid that Ted will kill the hostages inside...

If it was outside, no matter how tough Mark was, he would probably have to close the door and let Justin Billen, the king of talkativeness, walk around the field to make a formality...

quite a while!

"I choose the third way."

"Oh, what way?"

"I killed all the hostages and let them be buried with me."

Mark sneered coldly when he heard the threat from inside again, and said directly to Jack, who was intimidated by Mark's aura: "According to the list, arrest all the family members of all the personnel here, and directly hand them over to the federal court for treason. .”

"you dare!"

"Do you think I dare to threaten me? I personally shot and killed a Musad agent in [-], and I am still alive and well."

Mark directly grabbed the walkie-talkie and said coldly to Ted inside: "As long as I hear a sound from inside, congratulations, your wife and daughter will be imprisoned in a Cuban prison for treason."

Suddenly, there was a sound of sucking air from the intercom.

Another moment.

With the rustle of electricity, Ted's voice came from the intercom saying: "Give us complete immunity, this is our bottom line."



"What are you doing?"


The crowd listened to the voice from Mark's hand, and looked at it one after another, and suddenly saw the fragments of the walkie-talkie left from the gap in Mark's palm...

It's all shattered!

Mark's chin was slightly too high, and he said to Debbie, "Debbie, I have a pistol!"


Mark took Debbie's own Korok [-], unloaded the magazine, looked at it, and then said to Debbie: "Pay attention to report their location."

This is obviously a rhythm that cannot be negotiated.

If it drags on, the only way is to starve them to death.

And Mark has the patience to wait here.

The three bosses far away in the combat command center also don't have the patience.

What's more, just now his boss Justin once again asked Mark to act immediately, and if he dragged on, Mark felt that Justin's face was swept away, and his life might not be so comfortable...


Mark decided to play himself.

Mark has not been active since he was discharged from the hospital.

Now is a good time.

Standing up and moving his body, Mark looked down at his suit today.

Fortunately, I am wearing a bulletproof suit made in England today.

The right hand repeats between.

A throwing knife in ordinary form appeared in the palm of Mark You as if by magic, and then disappeared...

"Debbie stay here, Jack, you come up with me, four groups, you attack from the escape passage behind."

"Understood..." The voices of the four groups of special service members in the special zone office sounded in the headset next to Mark's ear.

Justin, who was far away in the combat command center, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this.

If Mark is allowed to mess around again.

Justin thought.

His own political career would be in jeopardy.

Although Vice President Cheney is the most loyal friend of the President's family.


The Secretary of State next to him is not.

Since Mark rejected the Secretary of State's intercession to replace Stryker last time, the Secretary of State has been quite critical of Mark...

Although the Secretary of State has no control over the FBI, he was selected by the President himself after all.

And this morning!
Secretary of State Luthor asked Mark to report to the white building together. Maybe it was the Secretary of State who wanted the CIA to know who made the mess...

 Dear friends, please be considerate, Lao Mi is also celebrating the New Year, and he is usually in a hospital outside the city. This is the first time he has returned home in three years. Please understand, Lao Mi will definitely explode after returning to Guangzhou on the 14th, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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